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Xiao Hannu

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Xiao Hannu

Xiao grew up rich and spoiled. Un-used to work and having to be diplomatic to get what she wants, she rather enjoys ordering others around, and isquite used to being the person taken care of by servants. Even has she grew up in Hysh she enjoyed power. SHe certainly felt she deserve it, and sees the power bestowed on her as her birthright. 

Chafed, and chafes under the rules of the university. Only persisted because the flow of magic is oh so… Powerful and fun, it makes her special after all. She is far more interested in practical applications than theory.
Her reason for being Soulbound  is currently unknown, but there does seem to be something hidden there in her past, many think that she’s being punished for something, but wouldn’t dream of asking her. Others think that she’s using the Soulbound to persue stronger, more unique abilities. Or a method to pursue more, unique abilities. Either that, or it’s just a  way to escape Ayzerhyme, with its laws and peace to be somewhere more… Fun

Personal Diary

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4 years ago

Xaio Hannu’s notes: Entry 241

Research progress
– Still working to decipher the old woman’s runes.
While the theory is fascinating, the defensive possibilities are fantastic. Surprising that the she-elf was not at all interested, is she really happy to utterly rely on her animals?
– May have identified a way to combine the foci of The Glare and the sheer delicious power of Fireball.

It will require the manufacture of a focusing device. Yes, this is unpleasant and undesirable, but the mind is not yet capable.
Field tests
Fun to cast, but results are underwhelming.
-The Glare
Consistent damage, need to increase channeling capacity to really see its power
-Mystic Shield
Was forced to learn this in university, but it proved useful to save the beardless? The un-empowered seem to expect such support from magicians.
-unknown(new spell !!! )
Somehow increased the damage of the argonauts, their volleys were utterly devastating. …however this is not the desired result. The stated goal of field testing is that it should consist of direct harm from a spell. Need to test if this can increase the power of succeeding spells.

4 years ago

Entry 246
“Aqshy is represented by the Key of Secrets, which symbolizes the unlocking of power through knowledge.”
“The more keys a wizard carries, the greater their power”
“Pyromantic Thaumaturgy is the least subtle of all the Lores of Magic in its effects. It involves the manipulation of heat and fire in every form.”

– by reexamining the fundamentals of Aqshyian magic, have discovered a method of controlling existing fire and heat. To either extinguish or intensify it. There is little utility in removing a source of power, so that purpose will remain unused. Need to test this upon the dwarven volcano.


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