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– The Redeemed – 

Xlauax, is a slightly unhinged Chameleon Skink. Now fused to an amulet containing a skink Starpriest named Qul’toq, he’s become significantly more stable in nature. Qul’toq’s consciousness currently lives on in him, providing him with access to the winds of magic, not to mention a focusing voice previously unheard of in the Skinks crazy mind.

Xlauax leaps into battle with his dual-wielding swords, Pain and Justice, and fires on his foes from afar with his repeater crossbow Vengeance.

It all started that fateful day…

“Scout master Xlauax! We have spotted Dark Elves marching into our borders!”

“Very well soldier, call the Chameleons, we will deal with them.” We mustered our forces and headed out after the threat, we wouldn’t let these monsters get away with this. We arrived at their camp the next day. Bolts flew through the air and Chameleons fired back. The Dark Elf commander paced back and forth shouting orders to his men. Our rear forces converged upon unsuspecting Dark Elves and made short work of them. I issued the order to charge, I had grown too arrogant from my military successes. That’s exactly what they had wanted. Dark Elven bolt throwers were uncovered from tents. I had been one of the first to charge.

However, I was fast and made it inside the camp where I faced down the Dark Elven commander with hatred in my eyes. We fought for what seemed like hours, neither one of us gaining the advantage. Until suddenly I caught a gap in his defence. I swung my sword and gouged out an eye. I moved in for the killing blow when a massive bolt from a bolt thrower struck me, I should have died. Somehow it missed vital organs but I lay there impaled and dying. The commander got up and walked over to me. He said, “Ha! Your forces are routing, the battle is lost for you. I should kill you but I have a different idea in mind.” Those words sat like daggers in my heart.




Those are the words I heard within my cell for thirty long years. Every day I was tortured. The first thing to go was my eye, the commander laughed as the red hot metal made its way there. I screamed and screamed but to no avail. My brethren thought me dead.




Days turned to weeks of torture. There was no hope.




I held on praying that someone would find me. It had been 3 long years and I was still resisting.




Pain… sorrow… that was all I had to live for. A constant reminder of my failure. They liked to find new ways of torture just for me. I got used to the stretcher quickly, so they moved to water torture.




What was the point, I could end all the pain, all the sorrow, with one quick blow to my spine.




No, that is what they want……..They will never break me!




The years passed so fast. I was weak, I was weary, they would pay!




But….they finally made a fatal mistake. Tear. Smash. Scream.

They forgot to lock me into the stretcher. I lunged from it in a tornado of hatred. The elf was horrified. I bite out his throat and clawed, and clawed till his body was strewn across the ground like a frayed rope. I grabbed his sword, oh what pain it had caused. A cruel reminder of my torture. I focused on what small strand of sanity still remained within me. I had one goal, one purpose in life. To get revenge. I spent hours navigating those accursed tunnels. Killing Druchii upon sight, they didn’t even make a sound. Bells were ringing, they had found the bodies. I needed to escape. I finally found an exit and snuck to the Commanders tent. It was midnight. Opening the entrance he gasped, I lunged at him like a mad man. But perhaps I was a mad man. I hacked at him and struck many solid blows. He fired back at me with his repeating crossbow. After ten long, hard minutes I hurled him to the ground after cutting his Achilles heel. I heard a voice behind me gasp, “Father!” I turned to face him with hatred in my eyes. He tried to fight back but I made short work of him and pinned him to the ground. I glared at the man who had imprisoned me, tortured me, destroyed my purpose in life, and said “You have tortured me for thirty years, the guards never let me forget that. You have robbed me of my eye, my life. I have already claimed your eye but I shall not claim your life. That is too good a punishment for you. But justice demands a life in return”. I turned to face his son and yanked him up in front of the commander. “This life I will take in payment, this life I will take for justice.” I then decapitated his son. And hurled the head at the commander. “NOOOO! WHY!!!!!!!!” He cried but to no avail, I had taken his crossbow, and his sword, and left.




Those were the sounds I heard no more. I had been robbed of purpose but a new one appeared. The inflict vengeance tenfold upon the Druchii. My brethren abandoned me, I was forgotten, but I would make sure the Dark Elves never forgot me.




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Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.