“Confused? Good, you should be!”
A Khaine worshiping vampire from Hysh? Yeah, that’s a thing!

To Cross the Realms
Borgut, Zotikos, Errrrr, and Banoffee were exhausted. They had spent weeks and weeks at Lake Bykaal serving under The Expedition, and just as they thought that they may well have a little down-time, another summons had appeared.And so the team had set off, first to...
The Heroes Fight, Again.
The great battles of Lake Bykaal were coming to a head, and The Expedition was attempting to solidify their influence over the area. But a summons from Hammerhal was recently made to two of the bindings currently embroiled in the fighting. And so, with enemies...
Revenge is Best Served in Multitude
Kharadron Admiral Ordo Bjornssen stood before Team Sparkles, an overwhelmed leader in the midst of panic and chaos. Around him the many voices of the leader of The Expedition called for a multitude of responses to the various tragedies that had befallen the coalition....