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“Confused? Good, you should be!”

A Khaine worshiping vampire from Hysh? Yeah, that’s a thing!

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The last scuffle between the Hydra and Gorka Morka ended with the last spiked head of the Hydra landing in the lake below. For centuries the large spikes provided shelter to the population, and from there a system of canals connected the various spikes. The lake...

Infiltrate the The Thousand-Mind Symposium

Sitting in Fort Clawpoint, Valithek Scorntalon has called upon a meeting of Tzeentch Mages from all over the Realms. To discuss matters both esoteric and military. The Binding must infiltrate this Ceremony and navigate the ever shifting politics of Tzeentch worshippers. One must know the players of this game before striking

Infiltrate the Redcloak Initiation Ceremony

Set in the Gorecrag Citadel. This is a Desraki Ceremony meant to find the next generation of warriors to continue their bloody conquest. The Binding must infiltrate this ceremony to find who the true masterminds of the war are. One must know their enemy before fighting them