Although the awakening of Rondhol is being celebrated throughout the continent by grot, orruk, troggoth and other like-minded creatures, the cause of it is something that hasn’t gone unnoticed by the leaders and “thinkas”. The Fae have not released Rondhol from its slumber in order to free it and allow it to go on this rampage – they’ve done it to exert their control over the continents beasts. Something that cannot go unanswered.
Although Da Choppas have been moving south towards Lendu, and though they have encouraged all manner of other creatures to do the same, still, many are left right here in Rondhol. It is these followers of Gorka Morka that now feel a primal pull towards this new apex predator. Rondhol’s re-awoken heart now beats within the minds of the orruks, grots, ogors, and troggoths of the land – whipping them up in a frenzied desire to move, to krump, and to destroy. The simple fact that the area now has a new big boss to take down only provides focus for what may have normally been a discordant effort at everyday plunder and destruction. The predator has shown its fangs – it’s now time to remove them.
Someting’s Off : The Great Weave
Razgor beastbreaka gets excited at the news of beasts rampaging across Rondhol, but as he starts slaying them, Sylvaneth working for the Fae stop him.
(Played a game against Sylvaneth but lost, played Breakthrough, but Razgor didn’t manage to break through 🙁 )