Blood Bowl has come to the Mortal Realms by grace of the ever-powerful Lord Sigmar!
The Great Weave
The Latest in the "The Great Weave" Weaving
The Meeting for the North
Tl'uk stood, arrayed around the meeting structure in the High Temple of Chotec. His army had made camp outside the city and intended to stay a day or two before marching back to Xlakana and his home. “Tl'uk,” Itzli-Citlalli implored him from across the room, “you must...
Germs of Perfection
"Hello! Problem. Problem. Hello. Problem. Problemproblem! Problem." Ortus was accustomed to mountain spirits in Ymetrica. They tended to think in geologic time, and he appreciated their measured, thorough responses in conversation. River spirits like this one tried...
Da Grot an da Aelf
A frown graced the normally neutral face of Lar'yan the Scrivener as he stalked up the hill towards a clearing in the forest to the Southeast of Tlacopan. Storyteller, scribe, writer, historian, all of these words served to describe Lar'yan. He was something of an...
The River Runs Foul
Tl’uk, Old-blood and leader of the army of Xlakana, had led the combined forces of the Xlakana and Chotec down the Blade Tooth Mountains. The army moved swiftly, but he knew that they were not fast enough.
News of Tlacopan! #2
News from Tlacopan! #2 A saddened look came upon the Star Seers face for a moment as Jyrruds words made their way through the air, “Indeed” he quietly said before slowly walking towards away briefly before turning around and motioning for a skink that was standing...
Bark and Salt, Fire and Ice, and a Silvery Reveal
Scylassa Brinebane and those that followed her were in trouble. They had entered the Argetoria Valley for the same reason most Deepkin found themselves on-land, namely, in search of souls. Unfortunately, their force had been met with failure after failure, as they had met only Deamons on this sea-forsaken land.
A Scout in the Woods
The air was humid and heavy as it entered through Meveha’s nostrils and into her lungs, the air here was different. This wasn’t her first time into the valley, in fact she made regular patrols in the southern plains and eastern region of hills, highlands and...
Plans, Rivers, and Rats
“You still haven’t told me where we’re going.” Claney Beamard, Unwavering Guardian of the Forge Eternal and first Knight-Defensor of Sigmar, turned his face from the clear sky and looked down at his companion. The Skink Starpriest’s eyes were closed, his slim,...
The Grot and the Starseer
Even with his ability to call on the great green hand of Gork to speed things up, it took Jyrrud the better part of two hours to reach the nearest Seraphon settlement in the valley. That turned out to be the great walled city of Tlacopan. Someone approaching the city...
News out of Tlacopan! #1
*News from Tlacopan! Highlights all the major happenings in Tlacopan, specifically in regards to Itzli-Citlalli and Tak’to. As the leaders of the strongest power in the valley their decrees and actions can affect all in the valley, from a single Grot to a whole...
Star Priest Tak’to
The strongest and wisest of the Star Priests and lone pupil of Itzli-Citlalli, Tak’to wields and understands life magic like Saurus knows weaponry and warfare. Although Itzli was the first to unlock the magic seeping out of the Lustrum node with the help of the High...
Star Seer Itzli-Citlalli
Leader of the Lustrated Temple host and ancient even compared to many other beings, even the Gods. An original survivor of the World-that-Was Itzli has seen a world crumble, and those visions fuel his determination to stop Chaos from succeeding again. With the Power...
The River Watcher
It was a good day for fishing, all things considered. Sure, another report came out today to be watching for weird creatures round the banks, but today was an "off" day for Hedrig. He sat on his canoe in the middle of the river as his fishing line rested against the...
Enter da Wizzgit
Lazy and languid, the waters of the Lustrare river slipped through the forest, leaving their mark on the entire valley in some way. Beneath the trees, for example, the waters and the humid, yet cooler air that hovered over the river's surface allowed for the growth of...
Outmanoeuvred by the Insane
The rumours had been growing over the past few weeks. Xlakana’s Priests had been told of the missing humans, and the missing Seraphon, obviously, but so far they had done nothing. Those that called the Lustrare Valley home sometimes got lost, even skinks. It was a...
The Rise of Lazarra
Since the Necroquake, or what the Kharadron call the Garaktormun (the Great Gale of Death), rumours of ancient storm vaults being found has sent adventurers, or whole armies, in search of them. Now, one of these has been found in the lands of Argetoria. The invading...
Snow, Aetherpowder Blast, and Blood
The sound of aetherblast sounded over the Argetorian landscape as the Free* Company of Barak-Nar sought to stake out their claim. Led by Admiral Aethermusk the Free Company approached what appeared to be the ruins of a former settlement. On the horizon was a Beastclaw...
Hanging Cupcakes
Vladan Lehr was not someone to be trifled with. The team had found themselves before the Mikronox, and knew in their bones that this was a quest that could not be unanswered, even if it was... peculiar. And so the team had traveled the Realms again, with the help of...
Argetoria Burns Again
Argetoria, yet again, burned under the flames of war. The armies that tread upon her dusty deserts, her spiralled mountain tops, and her glittering forests marched into battle to slay each other. Whether for noble goals or not, they slaughtered each other out there on...
To Cross the Realms
Borgut, Zotikos, Errrrr, and Banoffee were exhausted. They had spent weeks and weeks at Lake Bykaal serving under The Expedition, and just as they thought that they may well have a little down-time, another summons had appeared.And so the team had set off, first to...
The Heroes Fight, Again.
The great battles of Lake Bykaal were coming to a head, and The Expedition was attempting to solidify their influence over the area. But a summons from Hammerhal was recently made to two of the bindings currently embroiled in the fighting. And so, with enemies...
Engines, Magma, and Blood
"It''s time to take out that wretched Aelf" Kharadron Admiral Ordo Bjornssen stood glaring at the four party members, his eyes aflame with revenge and hate. "She needs to die for this... this... crime! We all know not to trust Aelves, but this, this is worse than we...
Revenge is Best Served in Multitude
Kharadron Admiral Ordo Bjornssen stood before Team Sparkles, an overwhelmed leader in the midst of panic and chaos. Around him the many voices of the leader of The Expedition called for a multitude of responses to the various tragedies that had befallen the coalition....
Into Bellecks Trench
"Thank you for joining us. We have had great success with the Soulbound in this war, we hope that you too can help us."Anruil Brighteyes himself stood before the Binding. They had made their way to the Expedition's camp, and had made themselves available to the...
Borgut Entry #2: Tinkle Toes
Ahhh. The sounds of killin. Borgut love Shyish, Borgut love Lak Bykill. Never Borgut seen so much krumpin. Borgut da best krumpa in da hole war. Dis what make Brighteyes such a smart human. He understands Borgut da best of da best der is. He send Borgut and soulbound...
Da Big Bash at Poznyy
Below is excerpts from the Turn 3 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. Perhaps the most titanic of the clashes yet in the war would come to be known among the Soulmuncherz as “Da Big Bash”. Word of a good scrap gets around fast, and...
Near Butcher’s Bay
Below is excerpts from the Turn 3 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. Dyrnawen Silverfish regarded the dead Dracoth with disgust, his burned palm trembling where he’d made the mistake of touching its mangled corpse. How many years had he...
Tsatraya and Nyuranka
It hadn’t been Anruil Brighteyes’ best day, but he was satisfied all the same. How could he not be? The Expedition had succeeded on every front. Tsatraya was secure from the living and the dead, a new base of operations for the war on Bykaal. Han Shizhong had been...
Assault on Tsatraya
Below is excerpts from the Turn 3 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. Breaking camp, the Expedition’s armada made all speed for Tsatraya, anchoring in the shadow of Uyar Point and reconnecting with the western end of Sobolev’s Road where...
The Thawing
Below is excerpts from the Turn 3 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. The search for the missing Lord-Celestant Han Shinzong was confusing at its best, and narrowly avoided catastrophe at its worst. Fearsome squalls racked the Thawing...
Through the Ghyrplunge
"Welcome to Lake Bykaal Soulbound! We're honoured to have such heroic individuals aiding our cause, thank you, from the depths of our hearts, we couldn't do this next mission without you brave souls!" The Dreamseed was in a tent with a number of other leaders of The...
Out of the Storm and onto the Rock
Borgut regretted his decision. It had been made in a moment of weakness, but it could be made right. Zotikos, Errrrr, and Banoffee had joined him at the markets, and together they now led the laden mule through the streets of Brightspear, towards the portal that had...
The Battles of The Ghyrplunge Realmgate and Old Dyunsk
Below is excerpts from the Turn 2 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. Ghyrplunge Realmgate General Gustav Johan Schmidt cursed as they made good their retreat. It had been a valiant effort- they’d given as good as they’d gotten, in his...
Getting through to Lake Bykaal
'Welcome, binding, to Hammerhal Ghya' the Stormcast says, welcoming Raith, Verbric, and Xiao as they pass through the massive Stormrift gate in the middle of Hammerhal, the legendary Twin-tailed city. The three of them find themselves, newly bound, in a city none of...
Changing with a Storm
They had decided to start the day with a little light shopping, but Team Sparkles soon found it more... advantageous to visit their old friend Proudshard at his house. Proudshard, now back to his usual mage-y self after the ordeal with the Tzeentch spellcasters, was...
South of Old Dyunsk
Below is an excerpt from the Turn 0 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. Anruil Brighteyes rubbed his temples between his thumb and index fingers. This war had hardly begun and already it felt like everything was spinning out of his...
To Save a Life
As in all things in Cerlana’s life things never go quite as planned. All she wanted to do was save a life, but today the unthinkable happened... Got light armor for Striker today! She has been so vulnerable in battle lately and I've been worried for her safety. She...
Borgut Entry #1: Sushi anyone?
Dis kina weird. Dat bloody aelf Cerlana is makin it real hard to hate her. She been teachin me ta read and write. I was finkin to write about all the great fings Borgut does, and some fings my new git friends do too. But Borgut is always da best, so I tell it...
A New Beginning
As the binding walked through the Realm Gate, they were greeted by the site of Hammerhal Aqsha
A Friend
Borgut’s ship, the Dakkajet, rose up through the clouds, and into Da Big Blue. It was time to get his friend back. He had his fancy hat, …
Only One Thing Missing
‘Ah…’ Borgut sighed, ‘This is the life ain’t it boyz??’ All six of the orruks lay about the floor, bloodied, panting, and sweaty.
Suitable Headgear
They met the first group of refugees a day out of the city. Boy, what they said was awesome!
Rise of Mikronox, Prince of the Ever-shadow
The air rumbled. Vladan could hear the crash of snow from the world outside, an avalanche in the distance. The floor shifted.
Dreadhall Awaits
Death hung in the air, and the only life Vladan could see was the carrion birds that swung about the huge corpse.
Mork Would be Proud
Borgut practically giggled to himself. Mork would be proud.
The Key of the Sacrosanct
Mannfred limped slowly, and then walked, towards Vladan, death in his eyes.
Dem Foul Rats!
‘Master-master, this… awkward-awkward… please don’t kill Snekch-snekch, just messenger see… but uh… we found-found more greenies…’
A Glimmer in Sand and Sky
Bright lights swam in Vladan’s vision. They filled his field of view, shifting, swirling, moving around his mind, they pulled at his memory
Salt and Destiny
Borgut gasped, his eyes flying open as his fingers were suddenly overwhelmed by a cold that entered his very bones.
A White Death
Vladan could not believe what he was seeing. It had seemed like such a sure thing. Those damned blue orruks had looked so goofy!
Into Madness
Borgut took in the battle around him as he parried the thousandth ethereal thrust, and banished the damned back to where it belong. Wherever
The City of Joy
Vladan’s forces had been climbing for close to a week, making their way further and further into the Yhorn mountain range, higher and higher
An Honourable Goal
With the Key of Night in hand and the Desert Lords mustered around him, Vladan lead his new forces north. They were on their way to the Y…
Defend the Gates!
They had their hull, but that was all. And the needed more power.
The Key of Night
He had it. His forces had been weak, and he had stared death in the face. But he had it. The Key of Night.
Grimnir’s Head
Into Grimnir’s Head, Vladan goes searching
From Golden Domes
Following his ordeal with the blue magister Vladan finds himself in Galhalla, city of the Golden Domes.
Shadow Meeting
Skeinhast awoke with a start, a hand over his mouth muffling a startle as a face leered above him, silhouetted by a crimson moon.
The Markets
The Crab-claw Market sprawled as far as the eye could see, and everywhere that Borgut looked, he saw chaos.
The Way Forward
‘Stop!’ The Tzeentchian wizard screamed. Vladan had him pinned down, sword at his throat.
To Arms! And Tiny Little Knives!
Gorgut is on the move. He has a plan, he knows exactly what to do next.
The Black Pull
Vladan Lehr groaned as life sparked in his too-slowly beating heart.
Survival of the… Fattest?
Snikrit has bought himself another day of not dying…
Bright Eyes in the Dark
‘Kneel, you snivelling runt…’ Every fibre of his body that had just so recently been still and tight was suddenly released, and Snikrit…
Green Lightening on a Red Horizon
Borgut had failed. For now.
Sand and Silliness
Borgut’s eyes flickered open. The sun blazing into his eyes, he turned his face away from the searing light, and groaned. ‘This one’s wak…
Sweets and Warpstone: The Story so Far
Snikrikt Brownfang was ready for power. He always knew he was ready for power, it was just a matter of biding his time. Waiting. Ready to…
The Black Flight
The Ever-shadow was broken. The Black Onyx had stood for a millennium, and throughout it all he had stood watch. His shadow towering over…
A Dreamer: The Story so Far
Blink. Fire flashes across the sky as rivers of blood run through melting snow upon a windswept battlefield. His life drains away from hi…
Da Big Blue: The Story so Far
Into the Kollassaio. There was nothing quite like it. Da roar of the crowds, da chanting, da fists, da stomping. It was glorious. And nuf…
Black Onyx: The Story So Far
On the continent of Penultima, within the Prime Innerlands, lies a city of inky beauty. Carved out of pure onyx, spires reach for the mag…
The Weaving: The lands of Ayadah
The Spiral Crux, situated in Chamon, the Realm of Metal, is a place of change and mutation, where rival armies battle across the moving l…