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Revenge of Rondhol Heroes

The Latest in the "Revenge of Rondhol Heroes" Weaving

Maiden Athea

Beacon to the drowned and accursed guide to the damned First Fleet of Tira Gnok


Captain of the Benediction’s Lament, seeking to reforge the old order of the realms in blood and shadow.

Thorburn McIlvain

TBA but primarily a Dwarf merchant captain who has traded the standard kit for a boarding axe and a harpoon gun. 

Necromancer Edgar Ulm

Edgar Ulm is an agent of Mannfred. The competent one.


Captain of the Benediction’s Lament, seeking to reforge the old order of the realms in blood and shadow.

Thorburn McIlvain

TBA but primarily a Dwarf merchant captain who has traded the standard kit for a boarding axe and a harpoon gun. 

Templar Captain Areshtur the Ardent

A Tzaangor Enlightened serving as the Captain of the Templar vessel “Pyresoul”, it has been Areshtur’s mission to bring the Archprophetess Sytarith the Intricate to Furyoth Dell, to follow her visions in the name of Our Burning Savior.

With the Pyresoul anchored in the harbour of Civilia, he and his Tzaangor Corsairs have taken to undertake expeditions as well, to maintain the supremacy of Chaos forces in the area.

Mercurio Bild

Mercurio Bild. Journalist. Spy. Vampire. Complete failure.

Hazhtur the Stonewalker

Once, Dhaozy-Khaozul Hazhtur was the foremost Daemonologist in the Lamastian Empire and held a seat upon the Council, until the Curse of Stone began to take hold. Now, Hazhtur the Stonewalker treads the path of exile and damnation as the first Ghrask-Khaozul, in an attempt to avoid a fate worse than death and take revenge upon those that wronged him.

Krawk Splinebreaka

Leader of Da Swamp Plunderaz or Plunderaz has they call themselves. Kill boss on a Gnashtooth named Roxanne. The his Stikka “Giant kills” he terrorizes Rondhol and surrounding area.

Grolov, Dadwar of the Nashwan Covenant

Originally an aelvish merchant from the Lahar wastes, Grolov rose above his simply life when he witnessed first hand the ascension of Nashwar Rua. Blinded but given the gift of prophecy, Grolov has taken the role of Dadwar—High judge and executioner— and travels about the land proclaiming an end to come.

Chatla-Raktoa, The Coalesced Flame

Defender of the Claws of Huanchi constellation in Aqshy. Leader of the Blazing Starfall. Agent of the Slann Starmaster Lord Huatlakoa.

Lady Maemori

Lady of the court of Tira Gnok, blood soaked aristocrat and manipulator of men.

The Sunken Saint

Ancient deity of the fathomless places, dark patron of Tira Gnok

Craven Klaw

After the events of the bleed and Clan Iron Klaw lucrative dealings with Company forces the ruling council in Rat-Golem capital Borrow located in Chamon has dispatched Craven and his swarm legion to investigate the turmoil happening in the Rondhol area.

Mighty Lord of Khorne Varon Skullhunter

Co-Leader of the Iron Bloods, Mighty Lord of Khorne Varon is fighting to save his soul from Khorne’s damnation. Bound to the Brazen Anvil of Skullgrinder Irox, Varon and his Iron Bloods warband must help the weaponsmith forge a terrible weapon of power for the Blood God’s forces. Lord Varon settles his matters upfront with a battle axe and has no patience for all manner of chicanery.

Skullgrinder Irox Bloodforged, Chosen Weaponsmith of Khorne

Marked by the Bloodforged iconography of Khorne, Irox is one of the Blood God’s chosen weaponsmith. Using the Iron Bloods, they scour the realms for resources to forge weapons of terrible power that rivaled the Eight Lamentations. With them, the Blood God’s forces would drown the realms in blood once more. 

The Briarbrood Branchwych

Matriarch of the Brashbriar Brood. Only the scythe she carries sets her apart from her sisters. Without it, she is just one more bestial, insane dryad.

Tana Twicesworn

Once a Freeguild Captain in the Free City of Illusadel, the woman now known as Tana Twicesworn has suffered a long, cruel fall to Chaos and yet still marches forward day after day. She now serves the Ulguan city of Forgelight, leading its emissaries on expeditions beyond the night-shrouded forests from whence they hail.


Tidecaster of the Fangs of the Deep, Envoy to Khardihr

Lord-Celestant Tcimmera Skybrow

“Cower behind your walls and close your gates if you must. Beyond them, tens of thousands suffer, and I will not turn a blind eye to them.”

– Lord-Celestant Tcimmera Skybrow

Gondrysdassnir, The Brightlord

One black dragon saw through the guise of tyranny and seeks the bring down the regime of darkness that tries to call over his forever longing life, as the curse used to birth him burns him from the inside out.

Once that dragon burned away it’s life, Gondrysdassnir was birthed in that dragon’s stead. The dragons scales are a midnight green as custom for the black dragons, but what differs is his drakeblood curse given to him by the dark magic of Order Serpentis his breath started to leak through his scales specifically around his chest. He sets his sights in the lands of Ghur to take it’s savagery.

The Lighthouse Keeper of Tira Gnok

Temperament The Keeper is a mysterious figure, his face shrouded by hood and shadows.. None know of his life before taking up the mantle, or where he disappears to for long stretches of time.Despite this secrecy, the keeper is a remarkably outspoken individual. He is...

Elanor Fordreth

First daughter and warden of the drowned city of Tira Gnok. Burdend with the soulblight curse she leads her people, living and dead, to defend what remains of their home.

Sergeant Tapper, Chronicler of Grey Company

Sergeant Tapper (not his real name - like many members of the Guard Companies of the City of Khardihr, he goes by a nickname given to him by other members of the Companies) recently became the Chronicler of Grey Company after the death of Lieutenant "Happy" Hollistan...

Privateer Admiral Klaus Haft

Privateer Admiral Klaus Haft is the current leader of “Haft-Eye Services” a well known mercenary company based out of Tempest Eye that  is composed of a number of humans who operate on the ground, and Duardin who patrol the sky’s above. Haft is ambitious and eager to be noticed by the council, which he hopes to sit on one day.

Ratcyst Gall

Ratcyst Gall is the mysterious benefactor of the White Hand Tribe and acts as their Hellspeaker. It is through his whispered counsel that Airk Thrall-Maker and his warband now make for the hardy flesh to be found in Civilia’s Ruin.

Urgoth Skullsmasha

Urgoth and his warband the Spookbustas wander the realms looking for loot and fights. While their strange leader and his shiny hat act oddly at times, he shows a sharp instinct in battle and ability to krump his enemies. Having recently arrived in Rondhol, Urgoth and his Orruks have been caught up semi-willingly in the local Waaagh of Da Choppas.

Sorrah Nikos

Sorrah Nikos is the mastermind behind the chaos and conquest of Civilia’s Ruin. Once disguised as a kind and cordial doctor, trapped alongside Civilia’s citizenry in an unexpected cataclysm, she has since emerged as a Magister of Tzeentch, claiming the town as a personal testing ground for numerous foul experiments.


Renegade Beast Master of Nautilar, Leader of the Fangs of the Deep, Unseen Scourge of the Daggertooth Coast

Khrovar Blackmaw

The infamous Captain of the Bloodsunderer, with teeth stained black like the dark of a Bloodletter’s blade. They say his words are just as fiery as the forges of The Brass Citadel. He has some features akin to a Flesh Hound, including dark frills around his neck (these give him the local nickname “Darkfrills”) and a keen nose for treachery.

Lord Haddrik Carminnio

Acting as the Prime-Navigator for the Dread Myriad, Lord Haddrik Carminnio believes himself to be uniquely possessed of the skill to perform the task of guiding the Myriad’s fleet back to its ancestral waters in Rondhol to finally claim the trade routes of The Svlind for their lineage.