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Trade has come back to the Mortal Realms, even if only partially, and with great risk. But with trade come rumours and opportunities to make a name for yourself. Beware though, tales shift on the winds of the Mortal Realms, and it is not uncommon for rumours to be found unfounded or changed beyond recognition

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Ghur Stories

Shattered Earth

Shattered Earth

Rondhol drowns in battle. Civilia’s Ruin has sunken below the waves of the Bitingsea, while Khardihr, an already fallen city, is destroyed – their leaders first picked off by agents of Chaos, and then the entirety of the populace is displaced as the now sedentary city is overrun by the denizens of the forest. Meanwhile the Bitingsea is awash with blood, the likes of Targug, Khrovar, and Carminnio have been plundering and killing the refugees that attempt to escape the chaos via the ocean. But the true battle for the land has certainly been the attack on the Fae’s monstrous Voidfang – an unlikely host indeed taking on the megafauna while attempting to thwart the Fae’s plans within the land.

Da Voidfang Skrap

Da Voidfang Skrap Urgoth laughed as Bonecracka chomped down on one of the knight’s steeds. Chunks of the warboss’s armor had fallen off. He was covered in scrapes and cuts and had at least one humie blade sticking out of him. Bonecracka also had a few spears stuck in...

Fate, undeterred

Fate, undeterred

A glorious Battle raged in the Furyoth Dell. A battle of a size and ferocity not seen here since the Age of Chaos. Dozens of trumpets, war horns and drums sounded over the battlefield in a cacophonous hymn praising the Dark Gods. The forces of the Procession moved to...

People, Armies, and Monsters From Ghur

Privateer Admiral Klaus Haft

Privateer Admiral Klaus Haft is the current leader of “Haft-Eye Services” a well known mercenary company based out of Tempest Eye that  is composed of a number of humans who operate on the ground, and Duardin who patrol the sky’s above. Haft is ambitious and eager to be noticed by the council, which he hopes to sit on one day.

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Ratcyst Gall

Ratcyst Gall is the mysterious benefactor of the White Hand Tribe and acts as their Hellspeaker. It is through his whispered counsel that Airk Thrall-Maker and his warband now make for the hardy flesh to be found in Civilia’s Ruin.

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Urgoth Skullsmasha

Urgoth and his warband the Spookbustas wander the realms looking for loot and fights. While their strange leader and his shiny hat act oddly at times, he shows a sharp instinct in battle and ability to krump his enemies. Having recently arrived in Rondhol, Urgoth and his Orruks have been caught up semi-willingly in the local Waaagh of Da Choppas.

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Sorrah Nikos

Sorrah Nikos is the mastermind behind the chaos and conquest of Civilia’s Ruin. Once disguised as a kind and cordial doctor, trapped alongside Civilia’s citizenry in an unexpected cataclysm, she has since emerged as a Magister of Tzeentch, claiming the town as a personal testing ground for numerous foul experiments.

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Renegade Beast Master of Nautilar, Leader of the Fangs of the Deep, Unseen Scourge of the Daggertooth Coast

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Locations in Ghur