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Hashrakul the Interfector


Hashrakul the Interfector

Commander of the 444th Goroan Reclaimers

Interfector of the Heresiarch’s Synod

Hashrakul the Interfector commands one of the many Goroan warbands sent to reinforce those Chaos forces stranded in the Realm of Beasts after Archaon’s catastrophic abandonment of his Ghurish campaign. His assignment was to attempt to subtly reel in one such heretical idolator, Andal the Heresiarch, and assess his loyalty to the Everchosen.

Hashrakul’s brash command and the martial might of the Goroan 444th has proven invaluable in stabilizing Andal’s grip over his holdings in the Sundered Lands, and the Goroan has been quick to take advantage of this to ingratiate himself among the warriors of Andal’s Many-Colored Band. There he has found a deliciously unstable equilibrium of preening, rival champions and sorcerers barely kept in check by Andal’s guarded mix of ambition and extreme caution. It is a self-serving, almost ideologically committed fence-sitting that has driven Andal to carve out a domain in Ghur in order to wait out the impending conflict between the Everchosen and the First Prince.

Hashrakul has mockingly referred to Andal as the Prevaricator, an epithet that has stuck among senior warriors of the Many-Colored Band. Rather than directly quashing the Goroan’s impudence, Andal has instead given him the title of Interfector, and the dubious honor of leading a gaggle of glory-seeking cultists, thieves, murderers and raiders on an expedition to the Slidecrown Isles of Ghyran. As a veteran of the fighting pits of the Eightpoints, Hashrakul has little but contempt for many of the aspiring cultists under his command, describing them as pretenders and amateurs. Nevertheless, the Interfector seems to relish the challenge of whipping the Heresiarch’s Synod into shape, and is looking forward to returning to Ghur with as much treasure as the expedition can loot from the Slidecrown Isles.



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