[A story of Annan Lyre and his Death-Quest, for the Slidecrown Sundering quest, Traverse the Forest.] In respect for the champion who had saved their home, the Viridian King’s crown was left untouched. Lingering energies from the powerful incantation imbued it with arcane might, and over the passing centuries, a significant reservoir of Aqua Ghyranis […]

Illustration of Kroqstone gate by the incredible Munkao. Overview An excerpt is adapted from Saga Bugmansbur‘s travelogue, The Angankoria Expedition, published in Barak-Hirn: The umgi call it the Angankorian Kingdom, but in old Khazalid “Ang Ankor” also means the Iron Domain. The connection is clearer upon realising the city of Kroqstone rests nestled amongst ruins […]
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