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Prikkasnappaz – Migratory Carniverous Weeds

Descriptor: These brightly coloured knee high (to a human) weeds are coarse and unplesant to the touch, eminating a caustic residue with toxic properties. They bonehued petals curl over to form an almost jawlike crest that when provoked by nearby heat ensnare small birds and livestock or leave a nasty gash on larger prey. A […]

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Raknoks Rancarous Gitz

KEY CHARACTERS Raknok Poisontoof – Leader, Tolltaker DESCRIPTOR: Hobgrots, Mercenaries, Sellswords and Scum. The realms are full of those unworthy souls raised out of the filth by the hand of a god, those corrupt enough to accept power in return for the sale of their very soul. The Rancarous Gitz are neither, every fibre of […]

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Raknok Poisontoof, Tolltaker

Faction: Malevolent Sellswords (Raknoks Rancarous Gitz)
Species: Hobgrot
Rank: Tolltaker (Paymaster)
Leader of the Rancarous Gitz

Even for a Hobgrot there is little to like about the bloated leathered flesh of Raknok, he has delighted in engorging his appetites for years and takes great delight in having snotling attendants oil his bloated stomach to attend the grandeur of his wealth. In other societies he would be repugnant, greedy, foul and loathed, but amongst hobgrots such vain self importance and greed is a celebrated trait, truly a paymaster with the time and cunning for such opulence is a success indeed.

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