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Raknok Poisontoof, Tolltaker

Faction: Malevolent Sellswords (Raknoks Rancarous Gitz)
Species: Hobgrot
Rank: Tolltaker (Paymaster)
Leader of the Rancarous Gitz

Even for a Hobgrot there is little to like about the bloated leathered flesh of Raknok, he has delighted in engorging his appetites for years and takes great delight in having snotling attendants oil his bloated stomach to attend the grandeur of his wealth. In other societies he would be repugnant, greedy, foul and loathed, but amongst hobgrots such vain self importance and greed is a celebrated trait, truly a paymaster with the time and cunning for such opulence is a success indeed.

Raknok Poisontoof

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Raknok can feature in stories, but is a repugnant and foul creature, never trust his loyalties.

Raknoks poisoned tongue has secured him much wealth amongst the mercenary legions of the Sellswords, those who march bearing his flag hold his rank ego and excess as ideals of the Hobgrot condition, one willing to take all that is on offer and give nothing in return. His keen intellect has kept him alive even after warlord after warlord he serves falls to a more ambitious Hobgrots blade, always ready with a weighted chest and promise of wealth to new masters that he survives the culling that follows and prospers in the wake of those he once called ally. 

His role as Paymaster of the Host has long since been cemented, few amongst his kind can challenge his wealth now and those that seek to must contend with his Rancarous Gitz, fanatical devotees who believe Raknok to be the first of their kind to be chosen by a Dark God as champion. In truth he was not chosen… there is little a Hobgrot can offer, their souls a tattered and unworthy state of affairs, to a god of chaos that could not be better served by a more prestigious or atleast less repugnant species. However from the fields of the death his every searching gaze spied a writhing symbol carved in gold and eminating an palpable aura of power, though even as he reached for it the object seemed repulsed by his touch, its metallic form seeking to burrow into the dirt to find a more worthy master. Raknok did not ascend to Tollmaster by allowing gold to slip through his fingers, plucking his unwilling prize and securing it to his belt as symbol of office that all Hobgrots could revere him as chosen of a God.

Raknok is a cold, cruel and unusually intellegent Hobgrot, the lash of his Tolltakers Whip spurring his lessers onwards as he watches on with an ever present look of disgust and ambition. Atop his Sloggoth howdah Ragnok Poisontoof now leads the Rancarous Gitz onwards, a ragtag ensemble of the foulest Hobgrots, Mercenaries and Sellswords in search of greater fortunes and more potent artefacts, if he can secure enough the gods cannot deny his worthiness, even if the daemons locked within recoil from his presence.

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.