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Report to the Heresiarch: The Pintados

Nov 21, 2023



The Darkoath offshoot known as the Pintados, as ever, continue to be among the mightiest and most reliable irregulars and auxiliary forces in your newly forged Ang-Angkor dominion. The tale of every oath fulfilled is tattoed on their skin, and their muscled forms are glorious epics indeed. Their manner is a little dour for my tastes, and their sense of humor almost non-existent, but there is something refreshing about the honesty of their transactional relationship with the Dark Powers. For every oath fulfilled, a gift is given. And for every vow broken? Well, I’ve yet to see one of the Pintados live past breaking one of those.

One such oath has earned us a great windfall in realmstone. Though most of Not-A-Rat’s notes were destroyed by the rampaging Fimir, it appears that Eekrek managed to save a few precious scraps. One such prophecy from the Maw spoke of falling star, a fragment of The World That Was. The Datu of the Pintados immediately swore an oath before the gathered Synod, declaring that he would claim the star as an offering to the dark gods, and their servant, Andal the Heresiarch. Cunning opportunist. I had been considering deploying some other band of aspirants, but I appreciate the initiative. Some of the other warleaders were not as impressed. I told them that if they wished to undertake the task, then they would have to make the Datu forswear his oath. Every one of the cults assembled in your Synod is aware of the reputation of the Darkoath Pintados, and that ended the discussion.

For all that Eekrek is most definitely not a Skaven of questionable hygiene, he is a competent sorcerer, and his deciphered notes spoke true. The Pintados approached the prophesied site with the blazing comet bearing down. There is, I admit, a part of me that was wondering whether this falling chunk of star-metal would kill them all on impact, which would have been unfortunate, but also quite amusing.

It appeared however that we were not the only force there to claim the star-metal. Sigmarite scouts had come, seeking to secure the same prize. [Addendum to report sent to New Progexia: first encounter, unexpected force cf. “FLOYDE’S OF AQSHY“] Battle was immediately joined, with the wilderness scounts unleashing a brace of hounds at the Datu’s chosen warriors. The Datu himself led the assault, and though wounded by the hounds, the Pintados leader was adamant that the oath would be fulfilled.

The rangers of Floyde’s of Aqshy possessed a dominating view of the battle, but Pintados flankers, ever hungry for glory, managed to engage and tie down the shooters and the Sigmarite houndmaster. This opened up an opportunity for the Datu and his battle-Proven to claim the center of the ruins where the comet had struck the ground. Stubborn defense and the strength of arms prevailed, and though the Datu was seriously injured during the engagement, the Sigmarite rangers, like their pet hounds, were sent running with their tails between their legs.

The Pintados have returned triumphant, and their God-Speaker is busy tattoing new annals of glory upon the skin of their warriors. The last few weeks have been rewarding, with much treasure gathered from the bounteous riches of the Slidecrown Isle’s forests. Our path winds deeper into the heart of the Isle, and I suspect that the Synod will need to change tactics to exploit new opportunities that the land’s riches present to us.

In Service to the Everchosen,
Hashrakul the Interfector
444th Goroan Reclaimers & Heresiarch’s Synod

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