The Templars of Our Burning Saviour
Nature and structure
The Templars of Our Burning Saviour are different from common Tzaangor. While any Tzaangor are created far more intelligent than other beastmen, and their thirst for knowledge has left them more sophisticated than their cousins, they are arguably still fairly savage in their usual form.
The Templars, however, are far less feral than wild Tzaangors in behaviour, operating in disciplined ranks and complicated manouvers, which they see as pleasing to their God. Some scholars suspect the City of Golden Flames, Aith’erant, may have had some influence on the Templars’ changed nature, as the city had been founded in the Age of Myth by a circle of exiled Hyshian mages of great power. The Templars themselves do not undertake such musings, simply seeing their ways as pleasing to their God.
It is immediately apparent even from sight, though, that these are no regular Tzaangor. While Sariant warriors, initiates that have not yet earned the mantle of Templar, are hard to differentiate from “wild” Tzaangor – it is usual for Templar forces to recruit local Tzaangor tribes to fight as Sariants, especially on campaign – true Templars not only tower over their lesser comrades, but also go to war clad from beak to claw in ornate golden plate armour, wielding heavy weapons and runeshields. Templar cavalry makes use of armoured half-reptilian steeds. The fighting Priesthood prefers being heavily armoured as well.
The Templars differentiate between different kinds of Tzaangor:
Trueborn Tzaangor – Those being born as Tzaangor, either from Tzaangor parents or parents of other species; these Tzaangor make up the majority of the Templar leadership.
Honourborn Tzaangor – Those who have been given the reward of ascension to Tzaangorhood for merit and service to the Templar cause.
Warborn Tzaangor – Those being Changed in battle, either in the form of worthy foes or simply as cannon fodder; these Tzaangor aren’t considered true Tzaangor before they prove themselves to their betters. If proven, though, some see this origin as a badge of honour.
Their hosts and the Priesthood are meticulously organized, with a complex system of ranks and responsibilities.
Officially, the Council of High Templars is at the head of said system, however, there are rumours about a circle of ascended Templars even above those in the hierarchy.
Forces of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour
Sariant Warriors
The ranks of Sariant Warriors are mostly made up of freshly recruited, “feral” Tzaangor, they are not yet considered true Templars. Often they are lead by young Tzaangor squires, who are keen to prove themselves in command before their initiation.
Templar Warriors
The backbone of Templar forces, these heavily armoured and disciplined warriors have earned their position as true members of the Templar Order.
Templar Chosen
Honoured Veterans of many battles, these Tzaangor form the Elite of Templar infantry. They are capable of command, but more often join together in units for special duties or operations.
Templar Enlightened and Skyfires
Amongst the Templars, those attuned to sacred discs of Tzeentch join the ranks of the Skyfires and Enlightened. Clad in advanced yet lightweight plate armour, their role in Templar armies is that of a highly disciplined light “cavalry”, skirmishing and scouting.
Heavy Templar Cavalry
Heavily armoured Templar Knights upon equally heavily armoured reptilian steeds, many battles of the order have been decided by a determined charge of this heavy cavalry. They bear golden wings on their saddles, which are engulfed in Holy Flames once a charge begins, usually to a devastating effect on their opponents’ morale.
Public Agenda
There are always signs and portents, and it is the task of His Priesthood, magically gifted Tzaangor usually closer in nature to Chaos Sorcerer Lords than to Shamans, to interpret them and the will of Our Burning Saviour.
As Tzaangors are “naturally” closely bound to the strands of fate, it comes more naturally to them than to other mortals. This has led the Templars of Our Burning Saviour to sometimes make strange alliances, at least for a time. Contrary to the Changer of Way’s reputation, it is not a given that these “allies” are betrayed when they have fulfilled their use, on the contrary, most often they are not. In the past, Templars have certainly used their achieved status as glorious Saviours to subtly plant seeds of corruption in the form of Cults to Tzeentch in the civilizations of their “allies”. Especially cities far from the harsh doctrine of Sigmar usually do not deny those who saved them from certain annihilation the right to build a small chapel or shrine to Our Burning Saviour in their city.
In general though, the Templars of Our Burning Saviour have the reputation of a steadfast, honourable force. A very useful reputation, to be sure.
“Honour is met, Honour is shed.”
– Axiomatic Scriptures of the Tzaangor philosopher Lady Artazaustri
As the Templars go on crusade regularly, there are a changing number of outposts all over the mortal realms, outside the Empire of Golden Flames.
Notably, a host under the command of High Templar Veshirnath the Vigilant has recently established a foothold in the Interstice, the Citadel of Resplendence, after allying with the local Khornate forces and successfully defending their city of Scarra against a Stormcast incursion.
Another notable expansion is the crusader state centered around the Citadel of Coalescence in northern Thondia, which was established during the events of the Hellscorn war by the Paladin of Fate Vardeshir the Solemn.
“His Burning Wings Embrace All. The Worthy He Inflames, the Unworthy He burns away.”
– Prayers IX, Scriptures of Saint Ekhurvash
The Templars worship Tzeentch as Our Burning Saviour, although other names, such as Architect of Fate, are also in use. To the Templars, Fire is the Holy Element of Our Burning Saviour, as a symbol of Change. Thus, ritual burnings, of worthy captives but also of crippled Tzaangor unfit for fighting – especially right before a battle – is part of their way of worship. It is considered a high honour to be offered to Our Burning Saviour in such a Holy Ritual. Fire is also an important ritualistic aspect of the Chaos sorcery practiced by His Priesthood, such as inspecting the strands of Fate through Holy Flames. Many Templars also show their dedication by branding their skin with white-hot irons.
“Feel the Holy Flame, let it Burn you from within and without. Know that Our Saviour demands your Sacrifice, and only the Unflinching please Him.”
– Templar Captain Spiramaneh the Unrelenting, during the initiation of new squires
On the whole, the Templars worship Tzeentch in an unusually martial manner, with a pronounced aspect as a god of strategic planning; among Templars, Our Burning Saviour is also known as “the Great Strategist”. Feints, ambushes, elaborate plans of battle and complex maneuvers well executed on the battlefield please Our Burning Saviour. Thus, unflinching discipline is highly valued in His followers, for only through discipline His schemes find success.
Worship of Our Burning Saviour is not limited to Tzaangor; the human and Aelven population of Aith’erant and other controlled cities and territories are also (necessarily) fervent believers. It is the highest honour for these non-Tzaangor races to be accepted at the Academy of the Arcane Arts of Aith’erant, where they serve Our Burning Saviour by studying magic to wield in His name. While true arcane mastership is usually considered to be only achievable by the Tzaangor Priesthood, these golden-masked Acolytes are still a valued and respected force which regularly accompanies the Tzaangor Templars on their crusades. Amongst all followers of Our Burning Saviour, magic is considered to be a Divine Blessing, no matter if wielded by the Tzaangor priesthood or studied at the Academy of the Arcane Arts by other races.
Regarding other religions, worship of Khorne and Slaanesh is accepted. The Templars of Our Burning Saviour regularly work in concert with adherents of both gods, and while each High Templar may have their preferences, the Priesthood considers them to be equal in worth.
Nurgle is Our Burning Saviour’s sworn enemy, a fact that is of great importance to the Faith. Among the Faithful, Nurgle’s garden is only known as “The place Furthest from the Flame”.
Nurglites are to be exterminated, their corrupted lands burned.
Followers of Chaos Undivided are not considered true faithful, but those who merely pay lip service and are weaker for it.
The great horned rat is considered a fledgling god stuck between Nurgle and Our Burning Saviour, and the Templars seek to aid those factions amongst the Skaven who would bring the god closer to a Tzeentchian alignment.
The gods of order are not considered “true” gods, but ascended mortals, with all the personal failings mortals possess.
It is Tzeentch whom they all follow zealously. The Templars know they are part of the Great Strategist’s great plan, and happily serve his vision.
Recent Campaigns:
– High Templar Aethador the Absolved led a Crusade into the Bleeding Wilds, where the Templars together with allies of the Nashwan Cabal over the course of many grand battles succeeded to assist the Sphiranx Lady Nashwar in her Ascension to Divinity (Animosity IV)
– In the Interstice, the forces of High Templar Veshirnath the Vigilant alongside Khornate allies successfully defended the city of Scarra against a Stormcast incursion, shattering the enemy forces and driving them back. (A Bloody Cicatrix)
– a small (token?) force of Templars was present when the ancient city of Amasya fell, joining Qarang Sarn, the Basalt Lord, in the ill-fated defense of the city. (Animosity Weekender 2022)
– In Rondhol, Archprophetess Sytarith the Intricate, around a Core of Templar troops, successfully formed an army of Chaos Undivided under her leadership – the Procession of Blood – to bring down the threat of the Fae alongside a group of diverse (mostly Orruk) allies. (Revenge of Rondhol)
– In frozen Frorholm, High Templar Aethador the Absolved aided Lissea, the Carrion Queen in her bid for the Fated Blade. The expedition ended in disaster when not only did another claim the Fated Blade, but the gigantic ancient Orruk warlord Mogrek Longblade was freed from his icy prison to wreak havoc across the realms. (Animosity V)
– in Thondia, the Paladin of Fate Vardeshir the Solemn led a Crusade of Templars into the Hellscorn war to aid the Beleaguered Tzeentchian Scorntide against a Khornate incursion of the Desraki Dominion. The war ended with the Shattering of both alliances and the founding of a large Templar Crusader State in Thondia. (The Hellscorn War)
– On Ghyran, a Templar expeditionary force under the command of Templar Champion Escarosht the Adamant aided the Preservers in defending the Slidecrown Isle against a Nurglite incursion. Over a long series of skirmishes and battles, the Nurglites were cleansed by Fire and Steel, their plan of corrupting the isle with Nurglite rot thwarted. Still, the Island’s holy artifact, the crown, was destroyed in the fighting, and with it all hope of healing Escarosht of his Nurglite-inflicted disease. (The Slidecrown Sundering)
– In the Ashfall Delta, Templar forces under High Templar Aethador the Absolved joined the Redhands in a delaying action against the Waagh of Colossaboss Mogrek Longblade. Casualties were high, but although the High Templar lost his life in battle, the Redhands eventually proved victorious, as enough time was gained to prepare defenses in the war for the Prime Dominion. (Animosity Weekender 2024)