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The Drowned Citadel

Civilia’s Ruin is now solidly in the hands of Sorrah and her allies. Those that sought to defend the city have either been killed by those they thought to be friends, are missing, or have turned to the Dell in search of a new way forward. To make matters more complicated, the Seraphon from the Xarlanth continue their incursions with their broken ship clearly in mind.

Game Master Notes

These notes exist to help you run through the Quest. They are put here by the creator and should give you some direction as to what they had in mind when they created the Quest

This Quest acts as a sort of “side quest” during the second act of the Revenge of Rondhol event – as most of the action is currently found within Furyoth Dell. That said, The Great Weave continues to evolve over time, and even though others might have their eyes on the Dell, that doesn’t mean everything suddenly stops here in Civilia’s Ruin. If you would like to continue your own stories here in the Ruins, you can use this Quest to do so. Civilia’s Ruins are solidly in the hands of Nikos and her allies, that is unlikely to change completely anytime soon. That said, the seraphon that make camp outside the ruins continue making headway into the ruins in search of their artefacts, while other warbands still fight skirmishes within the drowned city. Fighting for (or defending) the ruins while searching for treasure and artefacts would be the most obvious goal for most groups or Heroes. Be sure to check out the Civilia’s Ruin location for suggestions for bespoke rules for playing here!

- The Weaver -

Civilia’s Ruin looks increasingly less “ruinous” by the month. With a force-field of sorts around a massive section of the ruins, a Silver Tower floating ominously above, while it’s new ruler, Sorrah Nikos continues her “experiments” on its helpless citizens – the harbors are now frequently seen busy as ships owing allegiance to the chaos gods move in and out of the domain. Although Nikos clearly has her own goals for the resources of Furyoth Dell, sending her own warriors into the area, her primary seat of power is still found here but she is not without conflict while her minions do her work further north.

The old masters of the Xarlanth still attempt to make headway into the city, though ironically it is their own technologies that increasingly stall their attempts – only small incursions seem possible at this time if nothing else changes. Information is clearer now, it seems that the seraphon seek the specific artefact that currently holds Sorrah’s shield together. This piece of technology is what shielded the Xarlanth while it traveled the Void, and will be needed in the future if the seraphon ever desire to return there.


Sometimes a Quest creator will tell you what you get for completing the Quest, depending of the outcome of course. If there is nothing, you can obviously create your own rewards, ahhh… imagine the possibilities…

Be sure to include what system you played, what your goal was, and what the outcome of the game was, so rewards can be created specifically for your situation!

Have you played through this Quest or Rumour?

If you’ve played through or resolved this in any way, be sure to tell us right here on the Quest page, we’d love to know what happened!

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Burning Templar
2 years ago

A dark ship with blood red sails bearing the emblem of Our Burning Saviour arrived at one of Civilia’s harbours.

Golden-clad Tzaangor Templars entered the city, lead by Archprophetess Sytarith the Intricate marched through the mostly ruined city towards Furyoth Dell.

On their way, they were ambushed by a group of Aelven wanderers in league with the Seraphon of Xarlanth, but the attack could be repulsed with many Aelven warriors slain and few casualties. (Played a warcry game)
Those slain would no longer do the Seraphon’s bidding, and Sorrah Nikos’ grip on the city was strengthened, at least a tiny bit.

Lon Vagabond
2 years ago

Elanor Fordreth unleashes her ritual of undeath upon the ruins of Civilia, though it comes at a cost.


Burning Templar
2 years ago

Noticing the sudden surge in undead activity in the ruins of Civilia, Templar Captain Areshtur the Ardent leads mobile units of Tzaangor Sariant Warriors in defense of Sorrah Nikos’ hold over the city, motivated especially by the harbour’s importance for Templar operations in the area.

Undead numbers are systematically reduced by Templar Corsairs and misdirected towards other targets.

(Warcry Templar Victory against undead hordes)

Last edited 2 years ago by Burning Templar
2 years ago

Necromancer Edgar Ulm infiltrated the Drowned Citadel trying to steal whatever artefact he can. While exploring, he clashed with Tzaangor watchmen guarding the entrance to one of the buildings. His warband managed to slay them and enter the ruined structure…
(Played a custom warcry scenario. Finally won a game.)

Burning Templar
2 years ago

The Templars are hit by the closing of the jaw….


Last edited 2 years ago by Burning Templar