This bay has been unable to be held by any naval power in Thondia. Though whoever can get a foothold here has a clear advantage in the Hellscorn War. One of the reasons it’s been so hard to hold is that there is a defunct Realmgate deep in the bottom of the Sea that lets out bursts of magic from the various Realms. This makes submerging very dangerous, even if the seafloor is full of Artifacts
Mistress of Pain
Aengellania sat in her study, the first time in quite a while since she's been absent from...
Four armies of all Chaos Gods, a Khornate force under General Værmundr the Obsidian-Blooded, a Nurglite force under Preacher Tybalt of the Pox Triumphant, a Slaaneshi force under the Lord of Hubris Leandros di Avi’aor and a Tzeentchian force unter the Paladin of Fate Vardeshir the Solemn contest this part of Vensoth Bay, and a great battle is inevitable. This will be known as the Battle of the Pantheon.
(Results of the campaign upcoming)
With an intricate ritual, Slaaneshi and Tzeentchian forces managed to peruse the bursts of power from the defunct realmgate to rain death and terror upon the united Khornate and Nurglite army, allowing the Templars and Leandros’ Slaaneshi to slaughter all opposition.
Scorntide Victory
Templar signal horns sound over Vensoth bay, indicating movement of troops.
The beginnings of a fortification on the coast are visible from afar.
A misguided Desraki counterattack on Vensoth Bay is beaten back. The Templars continue fortifying their base and continue their research.
(Templar warcry Victory)
As a grand Desraki fleet closes in on the Citadel of Coalescence, the Templars feverishly work on the completion of their ritual to control the pure arcane might of the defunct realmgate off the shore of Vensoth Bay.
Finally, pure essence of Ulgu can be conjured, swallowing the Desraki fleet whole.