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Trade has come back to the Mortal Realms, even if only partially, and with great risk. But with trade come rumours and opportunities to make a name for yourself. Beware though, tales shift on the winds of the Mortal Realms, and it is not uncommon for rumours to be found unfounded or changed beyond recognition

Realm Quests

Path of the Warlord

Path of the Warlord

No matter the might of the enemy, a warrior that walks the path of the warlord must bring death and ruination against their enemies.

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Aqshian Stories

The Battle of Infurnata – A Flame snuffed out

The Battle of Infurnata – A Flame snuffed out

In the Ashfall Delta, disparate forces have assembled under the banner of the Redhands in a desperate defence to delay the Waagh of Colossaboss Mogrek Longblade's arrival in the Aelven Prime Dominion, so defenses can be prepared. On one of the Delta's islands,...

Ambush near Fuegorn Drift

The Deepkin noble was searching the ruins along with his retinue of eel riding guards, with a shark floating over head keeping look out. They had no idea they were being watched. "This is almost to easy." whispered Kwark to second"Ya boss man, I'm surprised they took...

With Holy Flames, Blood boiled away

With Holy Flames, Blood boiled away

From out the desert winds, a flaming arrow stuck in the Ashwalker chieftain's head, leading to the sudden collapse of the musclebound man. Alarmed, the Khornates huddled together, quickly, and instinctively, forming a shieldwall formation. From multiple directions...

People, Armies, and Monsters From Aqshy

The Scale Breakers

The Scale Breakers are a nomadic tribe of mercenary Ogors, primarily Maneaters, serving under the leadership of one Franz Dragonbreaker, a wandering Tyrant who ascended to head of the burgeoning warband after appearing from seemingly nowhere and wresting control from a previous chieftain while the tribe was on an expedition to the Gnarlwood.

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House of Keldenor

A long lost settlement of Sigmar abandoned and forgot since the age of chaos House of Keldenor has returned to exact vengeance for the betrayal and abandonment of sigmar and the living. Followers of the fallen god of Death Lauchon the Soulseeker. They look to gather his shattered fragments and remake him to help their cause against Sigmar and and release them from Nagash’s grip.

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The Exiled Blades of the Cinder Chain

The Exiled Blades are a group of wandering Aqshian warriors, bodyguards, and sellswords fighting under the command of the noble-born woman Kido Takara, heir to the deposed warlord Kido Takeo of the Dawnsgift Isles. They fight to restore their honor and reclaim their lost home island.
(Credit to Fiona Gardiner for the concept of the Dawnsgift Isles. She can be reached on Discord as “fibutt”.)

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“Salt to purify, nullstone to ground. Faith to gird, brass to slay.”
– Eighth Lesson of Banishment.

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Locations in Aqshy