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Hellscorn War

Welcome to the Hellscorn War, a monumental conflict set in the treacherous landscapes Northern Thonda. The fate of these regions hangs in the balance as forces of Khorne and Tzeentch clash in an epic showdown. This campaign is intricately woven with our Western Marches system, allowing you to immerse yourself in the setting using Soulbound. As brave heroes, you will rally to aid civilians caught in the midst of the conflict, engaging in fierce battles against the warring factions, and embarking on daring infiltrations to undermine both sides. Additionally, Warcry and Age of Sigmar players can also participate, with their games shaping the narrative and directly influencing the strength of the forces of Khorne or Tzeentch.

As you immerse yourself in this thrilling campaign, your actions will leave an indelible mark on its history. Rally your allies, make strategic choices, and plunge headfirst into the epic clash between Chaos powers. The fate of these regions lies in your hands; let your name be remembered as a hero of the Hellscorn War.

Rage Reborn

Khaelokon Hellhammer waited in the Brass Citadel, reforming back to full strength so to exact vengeance on the Binding. However after an accidental summoning by the Khornate Empire, the Desraki Dominion the Greater Demon found another avenue. He learned that the Tzeentchian Lands in Northern Thondia were in disarray after the Battle of Yleth. For Khaelokon this was an opportunity to honor Khorne by crushing the lands of the cowardly Sorcerer God.

For the Desraki this was an auspicious omen, a sign to start a Brass Crusade into Ghur. A massive force was assembled, different pillars of Desraki Society came together to create an effective fighting force that ripped into the Tzeenchian lands. The Desraki have no qualms subjugating Ghurish Natives to fight for their cause, and reward those who would assist in the subjugating. The Khornate forces are a machine of slaughter, though on closer look they might be at each other throats before they can secure victory

A Patchwork of Hatred

The Scorntide was a Tzeentchian Kingdom controlled by Razistek Spireclaw that controlled much of Thondia north to the Thunderscorn Peaks. However after the defeat of Razistek Spireclaw, whose essence was shattered and it will take decades if not centuries to regenerate, has resulted in a dire situation for the Scorntide. Several Warlords have turned onto each other, the most powerful being Valithek whose kingdom stands the strongest amongst the anarchy.

With the Invasion of the Desraki these disparate rivals banded together, alongside Tzeentch worshiping factions arriving from other parts of Ghur and other Realms

Event Timeline

We’re just getting everything set up now, with locations, characters and Quests getting set up daily. Be sure to come back later for more information – or, better yet, create your own as you get ready for the War!

Steps For Participating!

Make sure to check ou the Lore & Locations of the Event. It will help orient you and your army to the overall conflict of the Hellscorn War

Learning the Locations will also show you where to anchor your Army and help determine why they are in this part of Ghur 

Make sure to go over the Phases of the War

Phase One is where the forces of Khorne & Tzeentch are dominant as they clash with each other. The non-Khorne & Tzeentch alignaed armies will be in the peripheries of the War, staking a claim in the areas outside of the Drench. During this period actions armies will take will inadvertently assist either Khorne or Tzeentch. Make sure to link your Army to either Khorne or Tzeentch so we can tally who is getting the most wins & losses

There “Peripheries” will be represented by various Quest-Locations. These Quest-Locations have different threats & opportunities that have to be overcome. These are quite large and can be done by various different groups

You can either post your Write-Up as a Comment in the Quest-Location Page, or as a link to a page that outlines your story

This will be a great time to showcase the creativity of your army as they brave the dangers of Ghur and various denizens that lurk there. Make sure to outline your army, its commanders, and how they overcome the various locations & quests presented to them. The more Write-Ups, the better position your army will be in for Phase 2

In Phase Two, with both Khorne & Tzeentch being weakened your armies will be able to enter the Drench. Here you no longer inadvetently assist one of the two Dark Powers, instead you attempt to seize power for yourself. Conquer Cities & Battlefields. Not only do you outline your armies & commanders. But also these regions you control and how your Army might govern them for decades to come

The Binding’s Goals

As this event is primarily a Soulbound event, it is noteworthy to focus on what the Bindings will be wanting to do.

The Binding has their work cut out for them. They hope to preserve the lives of innocents in theregion, but they face overwhelming forces that put a great strain everywhere.

Military Goals

Both Khornates & Tzeentchians command vast & powerful armies. Military forces that would be too much for legions of Order, Death or Destruction let alone a Binding. The Commanders all over Ghur are also concerned that these forces may join together if attacked by a large military.

Or one side may become ascendant if their rival gets too weak. It is up to the Binding to make tactical & surgical strikes in the conflict so to hurt both sides in equal measure. The Binding’s goal is to

  • Ensure that the Conflict stays to Northern Thondia not to Threaten Excelsis or other major settlements
  • To Assassinate significant Chaos Targets
  • Make sure both sides are weakened
  • Make sure that after the conflict is over, there isn’t a new ascendant Chaos Faction to take the reigns of power

Humanitarian Goals

The Binding must protect the lives of innocents, lives that are threatened by the evils of the Dark Gods, whether they be scheming Businessmen, to ravaging Blood Raiders, to tyrannical kings. The lives outside the conflict are at risk.

  • Evacuate regions of the Drench
  • Protect Civilian Water & Food Sources from poisoning
  • Free areas from Dhar Controlled Regions

Intrigue Goals

The War has pulled in many different groups from many Realms. Different groups scheme and plot to dominant and profit from the Conflict

  • Uncover the Plots of the Desraki & Tzeentchians
  • Exploit the internal stressors within each Faction
  • Prevent any chance of unity between the Warring Chaos Groups
Hellscorn War Quests
Quests are adventures that you, usually through a Hero, or army can undertake. Most people will play through these within an Age of Sigmar or Warcry game, as part of a Soulbound adventure, or within a Path to Glory campaign. We’re inviting you to play within the Hellscorn Campaign, and you can report back to how it went through the Quests that are available.
Current Quests

The Battle of Flaming Skies

High above the Crusader State of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour in Thondia Nurglite attackers clash with Templar defenders and their Kharadron allies.

The attackers must be repelled to secure the future of the Crusader State.

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Defense Against The Beastmen

With the lessening of Khornate & Tzeentchian power, the Beastmen rage. All types of frays go ranging across the new cities and power bases. These hordes hope to rip the rising threads of civilization apart. They need to be fought off!

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Defense Against Rot

Defense Against The NurglingsAs new powers settle in the Drench, they will have to fend off waves of Nurglings who want to tear down these rising civilizations. Worshippers of the Plague God will throw Pestigors, Pox Walkers, Blightkings and even allied Plague Monks...

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The Eastern Indigo Theatre

As Ephilim rose in power and destroyed many of the rival Tzeentchian Factions, such as the Indigo Permanent Assurance, this has left a power vacuum for other powers can exploit. However one should always be careful around a nest of Tzeentchians (Can’t be done if doing the Desraki Theatre) 

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Expected Questions
Is this mostly a Soulbound Campaign
It is, primarily, made to work within our Marches system, yes. That said, the campaign is meant to allow for some cross-over with Age of Sigmar and Warcry - so it is possible to play in those systems.
How do Quests even work?
Quests are the primary mechanic whereby your actions impact and change the world. They're used to give players goals, options for accomplishing those goals, and often the rewards that are given. Additionally, mechanically; TGW Quests = Souldbound Rumours/Fears/Threats TGW Quests = Warcry Quests TGW Quests = Path to Glory Quests
If I play Warcry or AoS, does it matter which army I play against?
Not at all. In fact, your opponent doesn't even need to be playing in the campaign for it to "count" towards what's happening. Very similar to how Path to Glory works.
What Game Systems are Accepted?
Right now, we're expecting games to be played in Soulbound, but are actively working to create Quests that allow for Warcry and Age of Sigmar play as well.
Can I play as an existing Hero?
Yes, of course!
What's the best way to get started in this Campaign?
Definitely by getting in touch in either the One-Shots, or The Great Weave, Discord servers.
Dramatis Personae

As a Soulbound event, we do have a significant amount of NPCs and other important characters. That said, below you’ll find those that are *most* important to know about.

Tzan the Stargazer

A merciless Ogroid Thaumaturge cult leader. He is master of a whole empire built to his exact whims in Ymetrica’s Saratrai Chasm.

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Aemlann Tidefury

Arch-Cleric Aemlann Tidefury was there when his Ancient Idoneth City fell, barely escaping with his life. He was vital for establishing the signature Fleshwarping Magic, and sent powerful Chaos Warriors to hunt for beings known as Twin-Forms to help fuel his experimentation on this field of magic. He sees Fleshwarping as a mirror to his dual faith in Tzeentch & Nurgle.

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Aurelio Thornmark

A Redcloak of immense prestige, Elder Aurelio Thornmark is the second son of the immortal Dio Thornmarker and the current oldest Thornmark.

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Valithek Scorntalon

Valithek Scorntalon, is a Curseling general who claims to be the direct son of Razistek Spireclaw. On his path of entitled cruelty across the plains of Gallet, he has summoned and wed one of Tzeentch’s beloved Pink Horrors, known as Azz’a’thinn’ithrax.

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Khaelokon Hellhammer

His preferred manifestation, when unable to fully take form, is to possess the corpse of a friendly but badly damaged warrior (preferably riddled with as many arrows as possible). 

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The Drench and the Surrounding Lands
The Drench is a series of cold marshlands where Hysh’s light seldom falls, but cloying mists moving in strange patterns are ever-present. The wetlands are punctuated by oddly shaped stony knolls that rise from the muck at random and the echoing cries of swamp creatures bounce about the hills in bizarre ways. All sound is distorted in the Drench, save the droning, maddening nonsense songs of the Jabberslythes who thrive there. Lethal amphibian predators abound, as do several breeds of Troggoths and voracious Sludgeraker Beasts. The dark-hearted Kruleboyz love the Drench, as much as they can love anything. ‘Oh, downright nasty, that ‘un. Keeps ya sharp, it surely does,’ being the general approving consensus amidst their tribes.


The First Head of the Slain Hydra. The Teeth were repositioned as Castles that surrounded the perimeter of the City, making this one of the most secure Cities in the region. Mighty Garrisons staff these Castles overlooking the vast & dangerous wilds of Ghur.



The last scuffle between the Hydra and Gorka Morka ended with the last spiked head of the Hydra landing in the lake below. For centuries the large spikes provided shelter to the population, and from there a system of canals connected the various spikes.


Scorn's Heart

The amount of resources dedicated to maintaining this city has led to disputes by some who believe it would be best spent on the frontlines.


Welquay (or Deuvo Edessa)

Around the hills and swamps of Welquay there had been a collection of tribes loyal to the Changer of Ways. This group was mostly nomadic, believing that investing in large scale institutions is against the God of Change, as it promotes stagnation.

The Drench
The War takes place chiefly in the Drench. The Northern Part is Desert, the Southern Part is Swamps. Most of this region is populated by Beastmen and horrifying Jabberslythes. Many of these Beastmen have been broken to the service of either Khorne or Tzeentch
Desraki Dominion
A powerful, yet fractured Khornate Empire in Aqshy. Using Khaelokon’s Summoning as an impetus for invading Ghur their vast legions march across Northern Thondia crushing any resistance. A cruel society that views all others with contempt, they have worked diligently to break the will of the natives. Though rumors claim that some still resist, however don’t repeat any of these rumors to a Desraki Warrior
Valithek’s Scorntide
Valithek Scorntalon stays in Fort Clawpoint attempting to marshal legions against the oncoming Desraki armies. While taking many losses from the initial Tzeentch infighting and the first surprise attacks from the Desraki, Valithek hopes to consolidate his position and strike back

History of the Tusk Cities

In the early Days of Myth, Gorkamorka encountered the massive Tusk Hydra flying miles over the skies of Ghur. Every year he would leap into the air, beheading the Tusk Hydra; over the course of six years, each of the heads would fall to the ground. These heads provided shelter for roving bands of Humans seeking reprieve from the great predators of Ghur. These societies grew into mighty warbands that warred & traded with each other.

As Chaos began to descend upon the Realms, these warbands pledged themselves to Sigmar. However, as the war progressed, some of the Great Clans turned on their comrades and pledged themselves to the Dark Gods. For their betrayal, the First Families received Insidious Boons and Demonic Allies, which helped them enslave their people. The Cities coalesced into a mighty Empire, called the Ivory Empire. Affairs were hardly peaceful during the time of the Ivory Empire, as strife & Civil War was common as dynasties sought to undermine & replace each other.

As the Age of Sigmar began, the Stormhost Thunder’s Fury arrived to lay low these Slave Kings. From their ashes arose nascent republics. Over decades, these republics began to rebuild their infrastructure, eschewing the old ways of slave trade. However, being located in Thondia during the Era of The Beast led to a great strain on these republics, one that opportunistic invaders were sure to exploit.

As the Desraki Armies entered Ghur, they made deals with the descendants of the ruling families of the Ivory Empire. These families ceased the anarchy in light of the rise of Kragnos and the invading Desraki to take control. After they took command of the cities, they swore fealty to the Desraki in exchange for resources and stability. All they had to do was to give tribute in the form of manpower, something they are glad to do.

Your Creations

We’re inviting players to contribute to the story even before the event starts. If you head over to the standard submissions page of the Weave, you’ll be able to submit your very own Heroes, armies, creatures, locations, or even fully-fledged stories that tell of your exploits within the area. When you do so, they’ll appear both in our Ghur Realm page, as well as on this page for all to see!

The Pioneers of the Storm

Originally formed by Jerin Glimmerbeard, the Pioneers of the Storm used to be a rogue skyfleet, preying on other skyfleets. After Jerin’s death, however, his son Hengtund Jerinsson has decided to go straight, seeking a safer way to make his fortune.

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Hammerscorn Bastion

Close to the city of Old Kleah, the mercenary company of the Kharadron Captain Brarkeja Hammersworn and Grumnock Rawscorn of the Greyfyrd lodge have been allowed to built barracks and an attached skyport as a reward for their service to the Templar cause during the...

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Brassgorge Hold, the Everburning Necropolis

The city once known as Brassgorge Hold, was the site of a desperate battle against total annihilation, between a powerful circle of necromancers and their Khornate and Nurglite allies against Templar invasion during the Hellscorn war.Scars of the ensuing grand magical...

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The forward operating base of Clan Iron Klaw. Above ground is a barely upkept fortress in poor shape that dominates a valley crossing. Under ground is a sprawling tunnel system along with barrack burrows and breeding chambers to keep the Iron  Klaw war machine going....

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Gnawwater Nexus

Is a trading hub controlled by Clan Iron Klaw. Established after destroying a Khorne outpost with a surprise attack with Doom wheels and warp lightning cannons, Clan Iron Klaw built a joint operation with dragon ogre allies and Burning Templar Advisors. Now its a den...

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Reth’hymnon, City of Brazen Forges

More an assortment of forges, workshops and factories with housing for the workers and walls, watchtowers and barracks so said workers are kept inside, Reth'hymnon is the industrial heart of the Crusader state, and indeed, is used to support other Crusades of the...

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The Academy of the Arcane Arts of Old Kleah

The seat of the Thondian branch of the Academy of the Arcane Arts of Aith'erant, located in Old Kleah, the capital of the crusader state of the Templars of Our Burning Saviour.Here, students of many peoples - many of them former Desraki slaves - are instructed in the...

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The Citadel of Distortion

A fortress erected by the Templars of Our Burning Saviour to protect the east of the Crusader State.Built upon the remnants of a glass fortress destroyed by the Desraki, the Citadel has an otherworldly, crystalline appearance in its high walls and jagged...

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Blue Lion Fortress of Redemption

The Headquarters of the Blue Lions who chose to follow the Templar Vardeshir the Solemn in the conquest of Desraki controlled territory. For their service in the Templars' war and their redemption, the Blue Lions were allowed to build a fortress in the Crusader State,...

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In-Person Event: Chiang mai Thailand

August/สิงหาคม 26th

In conjunction with the creators of the Hellscorn War, we are also running an in-person event located in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

More information will be coming soon, but here are the current known details:


  • We’ll be running a single-day, Warcry Narrative event.
  • It will be late August, most likely the 26th.
  • Each player is expected to bring a pre-created Warband of 1000 points.
  • It is likely to be free, unless we organise shared food.
  • Each Player will use the Narrative Campaign system. When “Creating a Warband Roster”, on Step 3 (page 100 of the Core Rule book), you will choose from a Quest found below.
  • Players should have this roster made before the event starts.

 On the day, each Player (not Warband) will dedicate themselves to either Tzeentch or Khorne. By dedicating your efforts to one of the gods, every Warband will either be furthering the goals of the Desraki Dominion or Valithek’s Scorntide – either intentionally or not. This applies to Death, Order, and Destruction Warbands as well.

For Example: A Kharadron Overlords warband isn’t likely to allign itself to either of these gods intentionally. But by defeating a Warband who’s Player is alligned with Khorne, they’re helping the Scorntide forces. Or, by attacking a trade-line or important location in a Scorntide-held location they’d be helping the Desraki Dominion.

ร่วมกับผู้สร้าง Hellscorn War เรายังจัดกิจกรรมแบบเจรจาอยู่ในสถานที่จริง ณ เชียงใหม่ ประเทศไทย

ข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมจะมาเร็ว ๆ นี้ แต่นี่คือรายละเอียดที่รู้ในขณะนี้:


  • เราจะจัดกิจกรรม Warcry Narrative ในวันเดียว
  • กำหนดให้เป็นช่วงปลายเดือนสิงหาคม อาจจะเป็นวันที่ 26
  • คาดว่าแต่ละผู้เล่นจะต้องนำ Warband ที่สร้างไว้มาในปริมาณ 1000 พ้อยต์
  • มีโอกาสที่จะเป็นฟรี ยกเว้นกรณีที่เราจัดอาหารร่วมกัน
  • ทุกผู้เล่นจะใช้ระบบ Narrative Campaign ในการเล่น เมื่อ “สร้างรายชื่อกองทัพสงคราม”, ในขั้นตอนที่ 3 (หน้า 100 ของหนังสือกฎระเบียบหลัก) คุณจะเลือกเควสจากที่อยู่ด้านล่าง
  • ผู้เล่นควรมีรายชื่อกองทัพที่ถูกสร้างขึ้นก่อนเริ่มงาน 

ในวันกิจกรรม แต่ละผู้เล่น (ไม่ใช่ Warband) จะบุญตัวเองให้กับ Tzeentch หรือ Khorne โดยการที่จะให้ความพยายามของคุณกับหนึ่งในเทพเจ้าเหล่านี้ ทุก Warband จะไปในทิศทางของ Desraki Dominion หรือ Valithek’s Scorntide – ไม่ว่าจะเป็นไปตามคำตั้งใจหรือไม่ก็ตาม ส่วนนี้ใช้กับ Death, Order, และ Destruction Warbands ด้วย

ตัวอย่างเช่น: Warband ของ Kharadron Overlords ไม่น่าจะตั้งใจจะประสานตัวเองกับเทพเจ้าเหล่านี้เลย แต่โดยการชนะ Warband ที่ผู้เล่นประสานตัวกับ Khorne เขาก็กำลังช่วยกำเนิดกำลังของ Scorntide หรือหากโจมตีเส้นทางการค้าหรือสถานที่สำคัญในพื้นที่ที่ Scorntide ครอบครอง ก็หมายความว่าเขากำลังช่วย Desraki Dominion ด้วย

CNX Hellscorn Quests

Defense Against The Beastmen

With the lessening of Khornate & Tzeentchian power, the Beastmen rage. All types of frays go ranging across the new cities and power bases. These hordes hope to rip the rising threads of civilization apart. They need to be fought off!

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Defense Against Rot

Defense Against The NurglingsAs new powers settle in the Drench, they will have to fend off waves of Nurglings who want to tear down these rising civilizations. Worshippers of the Plague God will throw Pestigors, Pox Walkers, Blightkings and even allied Plague Monks...

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If you’re new to the Great Weave There are many ways to get involved!

Explore the story so far

Much has happened before you, feel free to explore the various narratives that are currently being tracked within The Great Weave

Join us!

Do you have an enemy you’d like to see within The Weave? How about a Creature, or a custom city or location? You can add the to The Weave, submit below, and we’ll get you set right up!

Arise Hero!

Sign up now and have your character join in on the unfolding narrative of The Great Weave. Beware though, the Mortal Realms are a dangerous place, and many enemies abound!