The map before the Council of Khardir sprawls out over an area that require a child to run across the tables to move piece after piece in response the various ideas floating around the group.
Targug, the ogor pirate sailing through the Biting sea, as well as the movements of Da Choppas dominate the paper.
“So they’re still moving south?”
“That seems rather clear at this point, yes”
“Sigmar help us…” someone muttered.
“They’ve successfully dominated the Gaping Portal, and that’s after pushing through Heartgulper and moving the ogors from there. Now we’re seeing their influence on the gargants held up in the Mountains of Maraz – ”
“I thought we had heard from Gondryndassnir?” someone else interrupted, “He claimed that the gargants were descending on that temple structure after an explosion was seen?”
“Admittedly, yes, we’ve also heard that. We’re not sure if either of the gargant reports are accurate, or maybe they both are, and we’re seeing some groups splinter off.”
“And what of Carminnio’s forces?”
A member of the family replied. “He is well. Bonesplitters have been wreaking havoc throughout the Svlind, but of course we will win”
“You mean you will win..” someone else muttered from up in the benches. Someone else coughed.
“And Brinnock?”
“They’re focused on Targug. The Overlords there continue to do work throughout Lynx’s Crescent – “
“As they should!” growled a duardin nearby.
“Regardless, “ the speaker said, pressing on “it’s not as if they have the capacity to help anyone else, they can really only focus on a single field of battle, they simply don’t have the ability to split their forces.”
“Are they just ignoring the gargants that are making their way around the coast then?”
“Current reports suggest they’ll move south, not towards the Dawnbringers.”
“Well they better pray to Sigmar that nothing else has their eyes set on them then, because that’s simply absurd – “
“Yes, yes, we’ve gone through this.” The speaker sighed. “Regardless, it seems most still make their way south. Towards Everquake.”
Murmurs ran throughout the room.
“Meanwhile, we’re stuck here? Are we really going to put our own petty disputes ahead of Everquake?”
“They are only petty in your eyes,” a speaker for the Family replied angrily, “because you are not the one being threatened!”
Navra ven Alcassar stood at this. “No one is threatening you! You are the ones that damned this city in the first place!”
“Oh please, I thought it was the work of Navigators Guild?”
“You know full-well what we mean!”
“Then present the evidence, councillor! I say we put aside this insane obsession with Furyoth Dell, and focus on returning to Everquake.”
“Agreed,” someone from the Guild replied, “I’m sure if we were to pull together, for the sake of Everquake of course, I’m sure we can work out what has occurred, fix it, and get moving south to help.”
Navra blanched at the nerve. “Oh, that seems awfully convenient – ”
“Grugni’s breath!” someone interrupted “yes, we’ve heard this a hundred times before… we get it Navra, you believe that the Dell holds what we need. Sit down already, you’re going to burn through that table you’re leaning on…”
“I will not sit counsellor, not this time,” she retorted, “for I have something else to say.”
A groan ripples through half of the room. And then the primary doors flew open. Two marching lines of Saurus trailed a single Skink – one that had a bouquet of crystalline matter that burst from across the back of his shoulders, framing a golden headdress that reflected the light that cascaded into the Council’s chambers.
“This is Maz’tam-teqtori, “ Navra continued, standing taller, throwing her voice throughout the room, “swimmer of stars, the first remembrance of Ku’zal-kutoc… and prime engineer of the Xarlanth.”