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World of the Weave

The Latest in the "World of the Weave" Weaving

Brawen The Bloody Queen

Brawen was born in on the dagger tooth coast to war queen Kugaa beast bane and chief Skriryl Black paw on the 6th day of the hunt  night wolf it was finally killed after the queen give birth to her first child the tribe had lost many good lives in take down including the chief.

Minaqtur The Messenger of Rot

Minaqtur was a mere mortal when he started to worship the great Uncle Nurgle. But through victories he got almost dying but surviving, he got gifted  by Nurgle for his resilience with a power he...

Viridian-Earl Angharonlach Battlemoss

Viridian-Earl Angharonlach Battlemoss
Wise Sentinel of the Eternal Gathering

Swarm-Commander Vreek Spitefur

The primary lieutenant of Craven Klaw and commander of the Slidecrown invasion swarm Vreek is a surprisingly cunning and ruthless commander willing to sacrifice has many skaven to get the job has it takes. 

The Sylvaneth of Concendia

Our three explorers won’t have it all their own way. Whether they were trapped behind the shroud, or have been waiting for it to recede, the Sylvaneth have a substantial presence on the Isle of Concendia and have their own goals. They’ve already been encountered by...

Thelan Razorbolt

Thelan Razorbolt is the Knight-Vexillor in charge of securing the Hungering Steppe by the order of Dracothion.

The Excremental Herd

The Excremental Herd have been wandering the realms for many years, following Beastlord Grolghur Festerhorn as he seeks to lead them home to Nurgle’s Garden. Yet their quest has not met with much success and so Grolghur has decided that his herd is not yet ready to reach the sacred land of the grandfather and so seeks to create an event of epic befoulment to prove to Papa Nurgle that they are worthy to come home. 

The herd has come to the Lost Isle of Concendia, to see if the apparently unspoilt paradise is the place where such an act could be perpetrated.

This is one of three explorers seeking to discovery the mystery that lies at the heart of the Concendia as part of Narrative Labs’ interactive Age of Sigmar narrative campaign “Path to Glory Discovery” and you can support them through your own submissions and by joining their inner circle of advisors and spies. If you want to join their Inner Circle, head over to Narrative Labs’ Discord channel, and post your intent in the Path to Glory Discovery “Join-an-inner-circle” Channel.

To find out more details about this exciting Campaign visit the campaign section of our website.

Flesh-Eater Explorer

Flesh-Eater Explorer

The golden hosts have come to Concendia, seeking its restoration and salvation. Kings, princes, knights, lords and ladies, all have come to bring stability and peace to the lost island. Commanded by King Alfonso Delfonte Ribiero, these noble warriors have been forced out of their own land as they become barren and lifeless due a mysterious blight non can understand. The apparently unspoilt lost Isle of Concendia looks like it might be the perfect new home for them, if they can unlock its mysteries.

This is one of three explorers seeking to discovery the mystery that lies at the heart of the Concendia as part of Narrative Labs’ interactive Age of Sigmar narrative campaign “Path to Glory Discovery” and you can support them through your own submissions and by joining their inner circle of advisors and spies. If you want to join their Inner Circle, head over to Narrative Labs’ Discord channel, and post your intent in the Path to Glory Discovery “Join-an-inner-circle” Channel.

To find out more details about this exciting Campaign visit the campaign section of our website

The Court of the Bloodied Knights

The mounted hosts of the Soulblight Gravelords come to Concendia to seek the souls that should have been brought to the underworlds of Shyish, but were lost. Commanded by Lord Cesar Delarosa, they ride across the island stopping at nothing to achieve their goal, and enhancing the prestige of the master. Will they uncover the mystery and claim these souls for Nagash?

This is one of three explorers seeking to discovery the mystery that lies at the heart of the Concendia as part of Narrative Labs’ interactive Age of Sigmar narrative campaign “Path to Glory Discovery” and you can support them through your own submissions and by joining their inner circle of advisors and spies. If you want to join their Inner Circle, head over to Narrative Labs’ Discord channel, and post your intent in the Path to Glory Discovery “Join-an-inner-circle” Channel.

To find out more details about this exciting Campaign visit the campaign section of our website.

Dr. Ulcerott Mouldspawn

Dr. Ulcerrot Mouldspawn, High Pestimancer of the Mournful Choir, Surgeon (disbarred) & Equerry to Lord Glotteus of Weeping Tor.

The Dr. leads the Mournful Choir of the Order of the Tolling Bell and is an enthusiastic Nurglite faithful. Author of The Hyshian Diaries, his journals describe (excuse) his actions in the service of the Lord of Flies.

Xavian Ebonheart

Vampire Lord in command of The Hunt Eternal, a coven of vampires and a host of summoned Nighthaunt, given over to the savage influence of Ghur.

Scions of the Ur-Phoenix

As the Flamespyre Phoenix is born anew in the fires of the Ur-Phoenix, as the Stormcast is reforged in Sigmar’s lightning, so too may the Mortal Realms be born anew. Prophecy is lifeblood in the Mortal Realms. A thousand thousand schemes whirl within each other,...

Raedheil Shorehaunter’s True Aelf Phantasms

The aelven mariner-swordmaster known as Raedheil was born near Excelsis, two or three centuries hence, of mixed Wanderer and Scourge heritage. Ever torn between and called upon by different clans, he ended up offering his ever unofficial services to the Shadowblades...

Thorn’s Troggmob

For a long time, the Troggboss called Thorn da Ogorshield (called such because he once used an ogor as a shield during a fight) resided in the caverns of the Lustrare Valley. Alas, that state could not last forever. Nobody really knows the reason, but at some point...

Slakka Crookmoon

Slakka Crookmoon

Self-proclaimed ‘Baron’ of the Spikepeak Mountains. A sneaky grot boss who lures trolls and squigs to the enemy with promises of mushrooms and skrap. He keeps an entourage of magic wielders in his force but never lets them forget their place, else his skrap would be run by shroomed up lunatics again.


Bristlewhakka, a shaman-prophet that worships both Puncha and Sitta has been travelling between the warclans for some time now. He claims to have foreseen the arrival of the great worm (he called it a snake, but you know, things are crazy in that head of his), and had...

Vorgur Boarfrenzy

Vorgur was a tribal leader for one of the few nomadic, Chaos-worshipping, tribes that call Nasson and Neolotl home. Rising to prominence through brute force, he rode a great bear into battle, preferring to cleave his enemy's skulls in from above, rather than join them...

Drekazra the Unbowed

Drekazra the Unbowed has lived alone for as long as he can remember. After killing his family, and hundreds of others, in what would become known in Nassollotyl as "The Green Furnace" he fled the city surrounded by his first retinue of undead. Pulled from the graves...

Beliana Fauncrest

Beliana is the current leader of Nassollotyl. Although an aristocrat, she does live in a Realm that is constantly trying to eat you, and has managed to lead her city through a number of recent trials. A such, she's as ruthless as the come, both on the battlefield, and...

The Skittering Horde

Grey Seer Veskit Foulfang, maniacal genius of the Skittering Horde is scheming to expand his domain and bring forth a true terror to the Interstice Pocket Realm.


An angry man on an angry streak, Durbin-Baeldrag is perhaps the most cross Fyreslayer of the Wandering Mountains. A permanent frown wrankles his face, his ash grey beard and mohawk seemingly accenting this grim fellow. His vicious temper and skill at arms have served him well in tearing apart Chaos in his home,now he’s ready to search the realms and rip and tear until it is done.

Melkhior the Lord Executioner

Melkhior was a great hero, a saviour some would say. He was proclaimed protector of his town and defeated many a war tribe chieftain who’d thought their land easy pickings... However as his fame grew so did his ego which knew no bounds. A golden statue was placed in...

Lady Katalina Valencourt

The monsterous Vengorian Lord known as Lady Katalina Valencourt has been sent to the Interstice to claim it for the Kastelai Dynasty.

Zod-El Plainstrider

Born Elitham Plainstrider to a lowborn family of horse breeders in the lower tiers of the Helon Heights, Zod-El was always one to look up to where he wanted to be. Of course as a member of Aelven society of Helon, class is everything and the son of a horse breeder...

Hounds of the Umberspire Inquisition

Stalking the leylines in search of captives and arcane secrets, these hunters travel from Realm to Realm leaving little evidence of their passage… More will be revealed in time.

Lucgul Scourgeborne

Swore allegiance to Archaon when he and his witnessed the destruction of a Skaven warhost lead by a Verminlord. Lead a campaign across the Aqshyan wastes to attempt to claim a mythological artefact. Unfortunately the local branch of Nagash’s Legion found an ARCHIMEDES...

Iriel – Blade of Avelorn

A flash of green moves in the periphery of your vision, so sudden is this shifting of color that your mind barely registers its presence. Yet those precious seconds wasted trying to identify its origin are already up, as suddenly the green blur coalesces seemingly...

The Keep of Prospects

The Keep of Prospects may look like a run down skyport on account of all the corroded and rusted metals, but it hides the true wealth behind the skyport. Known to be extremely focused on profits for the skyport, the Council of Prospectors will not take any deal unless...


Situated in Ghyran, the city of Avelorn lies underneath the branches of the enormous Tree of Ages. Blessed by the Goddess of life, Alarielle, its mystical boughs seemingly climb to the heavens such is its splendor. Great towers and homes are built into and around the...

Eridor – Avelorn’s Eternal Guardian

Many see Avelorn’s alliance with the Sylvaneth as primarily amongst the winter-hued bark of its Kurnoth Hunters; and although this is true in most regards...it is not the full truth. Indeed, Whilst the Kurnothi are the Great Protectors of the Tree of Ages, and loyal...

The City of New Ulthuan

For many Generations of the Aelves of Azyr, A legend and belief grow in a once holy land of Aelf kind call Ulthuan. The stories told that Ulthuan was a asafe haven and paradise for that of all Aelves long long ago before time could be remembered. So powerful that this...

Aldywen Grumbleheart

Aldywen Grumbleheart is the man behind many of the deals, providing information to help the skyport prosper as well as possible. His ability to read the storms allow the skyvessels to manoeuvre to places where many armies would struggle to go without severe casualties...

Nebulok Darkbomb

Nebulok Darkbomb is considered by many to be an aether-khemist of prodigious levels. Known for his technology which aided the speed enhancement of the sky fleet, he has also got a few tricks up his sleeve and is not afraid of battle.

Endrinmaster Carvek Heisen

Endrinmaster Carvek Heisen is the right hand of Admiral Stoutstokk. Often seen on the front lines with the troops, he is a leader of great renown and seen by many as Stoutstokk’s eventual successor of the skyport.

Endrinmaster Garak Boldfrey

Endrinmaster Garak Boldfrey is the left hand of Admiral Stoutstokk. He is responsible for maintaining the sky fleet and even built ‘Ustenak II’, a frigate which is even faster than the older variant.

Admiral Njondt Stoutstokk

Admiral Njondt Stoutstokk has led the Council of Prospectors for decades, a grizzled veteran of many successful and unsuccessful raids. He was formerly captain of ‘Ustenak’, a frigate which was destroyed by a Troggoth Boss called Moggloff. The destruction of ‘Ustenak’...

Calinor – The Last Forest Dragon

Calinor is an ancient beast, having lived longer than even the oldest of Avelorn’s Aelves. This Forest Dragon is from a time long forgotten; one of great freedom and unity, when all Alarielle’s children were woven together in harmony. His emerald eyes remember the Age...

Sepsos Ironmaw

 Bloated lord of the Bile Forge, his keep hollowed out beneath the rusting peaks they call home, Sepsos demands the same homage all Daemon Prince’s do.

 As much a father to his followers as their warlord, the Ironmaw is a monstrous creature who’s daemonforged armour fails to contain his plague-harbouring flesh. Reapers scythe in hand, the Ironmaw descends on the inhabitants of the Interstice with little provocation, and with little motivation beyond his own entertainment 

Gorfang Da Immortal

The leader of Da Bloodbreaka Clan is its talisman through the greatest of fights and toughest of foes.  He has earned his nickname “Da Immortal” too many times for an orruk to count, surviving grievous deathblows only to return stronger than before. For an orruk, Gorfang is a surprisingly competent tactician, and has made decisive orders like sending Gore Gruntas into an enemy’s “flank” because they’re squishier there. Most surprising of all is Gorfang’s penchant for what some call “honor.” He prefers to beat his enemies fairly, but a giant boot to the jibblies doesn’t count if no one sees it.     

To show the other Ironjawz who Da Best Boss is, Gorfang adorns his armour with the heads of his fallen foes. Each one tells the story of Gorfang’s trials as an Ironjaw. The Chaos Duardin taskmaster, Rhagrakki Burnfist, who oversaw Gorfang’s enslavement. Rhagrakki’s head sits next to the treacherous ogor Turokk the Hairy, who tried to backstab Da Bloodbreaka Clan. Adjoining him is the mischievous Skaven Warlord Scrak Goldclaw, who Gorfang hunted for ages after he stole his pet squig. The scalp of the Khorne champion who put Gorfang in chains, Deathbringer Kalrak Bloodmarked, hangs from the orruk’s belt. As for the monstorous skull of Gorzog that sits on Megaboss’ right shoulder? No one knows except for him. 

With the realms breaking and their lands shattered by The Jhokulapse, the drums of war sound once more from Mount Kraktoof. Da Bloodbreaka Clan marches with Gorfang at the head of his WAAAGH! 

Azoth Realmgorger

An ogor of considerable bulk and dark, blackened skin. Unlike most ogors though, his gut is consumed in an ever burning flame contained by metal plates welded onto his body. As time has gone on more plates have been necessary to maintain his form, slowly encasing himself in a layer of heated metal. His eyes glow like hot coals within his helmeted head. Azoth leads the Steamwrought Legion, a collection of Aqshian refugees on a quest to create great engines of destruction and attain true power.

The Lady Malfleur

The Lady Malfleur appears to be a tall and surpassingly fair golden-headed aelven noblewoman, draped in a simple but rich velvet and fur mantle and cowl, beneath which she conceals a costume whose ostentatious finery is more characteristic of a human duchess or merchant prince’s consort. Her air is amiable and inviting, her large, bright blue eyes confiding and mischievous, her smile hard to forget. She resides in Iscarion as a trade envoy acting for the Hyshian Aelves called the Bryshareth.

Borzgrubb Fleshstink

Borzgrubb Fleshstink is an Ogor Butcher who courts chaos corruption. He walks the thin line between exalting the Gulping God above all, and catering to the favour of darker gods.

Peranothra Wave-Eater

The being currently known as Peranothra is but a figment of her former self, a withered being of primordial essence that craves nothing more than the taste of sentient flesh and the destruction of civilization. She instinctually commands the lesser minds of monsters and beasts alike, having a particular affinity to the creatures found in the watery depths of all the realms, leading these creatures out onto dry land with the power of her fell magicks. They have one goal: to Feast.

Vogg’s Troggflow

Native to the Bright Mountains of Aqshy, the trogghorde known as Vogg's Troggflow is a serious threat to travellers and prospectors in the region. Vogg, the eponymous troggoth king, makes his lair in the conquered magmahold of the Vastanari Fyreslayers, an offshoot of...

Kazgrim Bloodspawn – High Priest of Slaughter, the Unyielding

Kazgrim has spilled blood by the tide full and he has bathed in no less. So blessed by his blood god is he that his very soul defies the beck and call of Nagash. So long as there is sufficient blood sacrificed on the battlefield, Kazgrim’s rigored body draws it in, revels in it and revitalizes his body anew as if pulled fresh from a bloody womb of Khorne. His mastery of blood allows him to also bring some of his followers back from the brink of death, allowing them the chance to spill blood once more for their unquenchable patron. 

His vision is to bring the wrath of Khorne to every corner of the mortal realms. To accomplish this, he seeks to summon up the incarnations of Khorne to consume everything the eye can see. While he follows the path of Aichmos, he owes him no allegiance aside from acknowledging that Khorne has given him recognition. As such, there is no loyalty and he often disregards the calls of Aichmos, knowing full well that the mighty lord would not dare to strike against the high priest of slaughter.


Kron Goretooth – The Priest of the Arena, Master of the Crucible

Kron saw his rise to Khorne’s favour in the tribal arenas of his homelands in Ghur. There, 8 massive tribes of Bloodbound offered up their greatest champions to be anointed through combat with the title of slaughterpriest and lead the combined masses of their 8 armies in a glorious path of carnage. Kron bested the strongest of these champions and upon receiving the ferverously malicious blade Goretooth for his achievement, awakened the gaze of Khorne upon his deeds. 

In the Interstice, he has taken a claim to the Crucible, a caldera in the mountain ranges between the patina plains and the pyrelands. Here he has created a grand arena in honour of Khorne, sending hundreds of slaves to do mortal combat daily until only the strongest survive and can be given a place among the Bloodtide. Those who fail to meet the martial prowess required to be initiated soon find their skulls collected by the Khorgoraths that Kron keeps penned. 

When Kron is not personally overseeing the arena games and anointing the new followers, he is seeking out new slaves by the thousands by following any of the marauding campaigns of the Bloodtide. He believes that through these arena games, he will find great champions that will aspire to greater and glorious deeds in the path to glory.

Xandur Ventamillio The Skullkeeper – Opener of Rifts, the Bearer of Chaos

Once one of nine high scholars of the Ventemente Mageocracy in Hysh. He spent most of his life researching into the symbols and meanings of ancient runes from the age of chaos. His main focus was upon the many skulls found in sacrificial pits and temples, etchings on foreheads that were thought to have higher meaning that were lost to time. His findings told of great portents but he was mocked and ridiculed for his strange obsessions with such occult matters.

When a tide of chaos raiders attacked the city, he was denounced as a cursed scholar and having brought doom to their esteemed city. His fellow scholars betrayed him, hoping to oust him from the council and exile him from the city. Their screams echoed the halls of the citadel chambers as he used ancient blood rituals to tear their skulls from their writhing bodies. He had mastered the skull runes and with this, he could control a rift into the chaos realm by the skulls he bore. His journey eventually led him into the ranks of Lord Aichmos, bearing the banner of the blood secrator and bringing the swirling madness of the chaos realm wherever his fetish skulls followed.


Lash the Stampede – Caller of the Brass Meteor

The creature known only as Lash the stampede is a strange one. He did not find his way into the ranks of the Bloodtide by martial prowess, but by his ability to inspire. A once slave arena master, he was cruel as he was ugly. A bestial fanged maw bellowed out orders while the traumatic crack of his whips sent hordes of slaves into a bloodthirsty frenzy. As if whipped into a trance by his suicidal commands and the dolorous sting of his barbed whips. He turned hundreds maybe thousands of otherwise craven slaves into an frenzied stampede of flesh and blades.

Seeing his potential, Kron Goretooth enlisted his help into the army of the Bloodtide, now using his whips to send already savage warriors into relentless killing machines. They rush the enemy with reckless abandon, his cracking whips singing in the distance urging them on to ever more bloodshed.


Gorechain the Undying – The Bloodstorm

Gorechain the Undying – The Bloodstorm

Unknown where he came from or his purpose, this being lives only for slaughter. He has massacred armies by the thousands, rending through flesh and bone as if a farmer’s scythe through a field of grass. He speaks no words and is seen as a menace by many that would call him ally. The only sounds that he makes are guttural noises and malicious laughter when he is deepest in the enemy lines and surrounded by screaming bodies.

Verzes Mezaros – The Smoldering Smith

He appeared at the Spire one day unannounced, only the scraping sound of his anvil giving him free passage. A skullgrinder is an honoured person to have in a warband, but his place here is as mysterious as his appearance. He is soft spoken and asks little of others, only for any unique weapons and items from enemies to be gathered for him to use as materials for his next projects. What he is after, he will not say. What his goal is, only one can guess. Even to Lord Aichmos or the Slaughterpriests, he remains an enigma, but one thing is certain: his purpose is clear in his mind and he will accomplish the task he has set to do regardless of the cost.


Lord Aichmos – The Barbed King

Aichmos was a mighty chaos lord serving under the banner of khorne long before he ended up in the interstice. His Bloodtide warband roved the plains of Aqshy, conquering any bastion of civilization he would come across, claiming skulls and spilling blood for his glorious patron. But this was ground to a halt when the Stormcast began to appear.

The Watcher Terraces

Shimmering lines etch the air as the sunsets. At first, all anyone can see is the ziggurat’s faint outline, but gradually the stepped levels become clear, then the steep stairways, then the Saurus guards standing like gargoyles around the perimeter.  Only...

The Shade

Wraith spends the week searching high and low for a respectable place to do "business". He fails. He does find an old, empty, ale-house that has been emptied for some reason. Locals' eyes avoid the place at all cost it seems. The best guess is that it has something to...


Vandalheim is a small town in the Ember Isles and resides somewhere in the South-Western parts of the main island. A relatively poor town it is nonetheless home for a mixture of men, duardin, and self alike. Vandalheim does not have any particular noteworthy aspects to it, but a recent new… establishment, The Shade… has started to get rumours going. 

Mazrok-taktak: Boggle-eyed Astromancer of Dreamless Sleep

Mazrok-taktak is a coalesced skink starmaster, a student of the Slann Mazol-oktotl. He is a master of realmgates, and can often be found near any that are displaying any strange effects, or abnormal behaviour. Primarily, he is probably one of the most well-educated beings in the Realms when it comes to the history, location, and effects of the gates. 

The Vale of Efengie

Nestled deep in the heart of Ghyran, sheltered between the massive Mount Koula and the North and South ranges of the Painted Spires, lies the Vale of Efengie.  Because of its mountainous borders and the territorial nature of a colossal red dragon that once made...

Cassilda, the Queen in Yellow, Daemon Princess of Blind Ambition

Cassilda is the Queen of Carcosa. Once mortal, she ascended to Daemonhood by the power of the Glistering Goddess - however, she sacrificed her sister and her entire army to achieve this power, and Czumneth struck her blind during her ascension, heightening her other...

Naotalba, Executor of the Queen

Naotalba is the Queen's foremost general and most proficient military commander. He is her advisor and often speaks for her at occasions when her daemonic nature must remain secret - such as dealings with the mortals of other realms who may not yet know of the...

Navarra Kulenov, Sybarite Stewardess and Court Sorceress

Navarra Kulenov is a bizarre member of the Court, a magician capable of great magical feats. She has never shown an inch of her flesh, clad eternally in hooded dark robes with gloved talons and bearing always a porcelain mask. Her nature is a mystery, but her magical...

Cordelia, Carcosan Emissary

Clad in an armored raiment of gold and silk, Cordelia is the face of Carcosa to the outside world. As much an overwrought explorer as she is ambassador, Cordelia's ambition to the throne of Carcosa was dashed by Cassilda's ascension to Daemonhood. Now, the Ambassador...

Aleya – Watch Captain of Avelorn

Spellweavers are rare even by the standards of other Aelves. To wield such potent life magic takes hundreds of years of training and dedication, most may go their whole lives only managing the faintest hint of any arcane abilities. Not so with the Spellweavers. These Aelves are naturally gifted, and many whisper that they are blessed by the Great Tree itself. Wherever their power comes from; none can deny its miraculous effects.

The Roaming of Ghuryan

Laying between the realms of Ghur and Ghyran is the vast, mountainous steppes of Ghuryan. Woven of the meeting points between a thousand thousand hidden paths and places between the realms of Beast and Life, Ghuryan is a land of harsh contrasts, a blue-green sky...

The Corpse Castle

It is unknown how long this historical castle was in place prior to being known as Corpse Castle. So much so that none can remember it’s name prior to the darkness surrounding it.

The Dawnland

The Dawnland is one of the Thirteen Dominions of Ulgu, an obscure region in a Realm already known for a significant amount of obscurity.

Mathale, the Soul Slayer

Mathale was a Knight of great repute and was greatly sort after to slay beasts and warriors alike. Though willing to aid those in need, it would come at a price. If payment was not made, then their life was forfeit, whether they knew this was another matter. He came and went they say, gallant and prideful.

Endrinmaster Kazulk Somberbeard

Endrinmaster Kazulk Somberbeard serves aboard Admiral Calik’s flagship. Although younger than most Endrinmaster’s he has proven his worth 10 times over. Keeping to himself for the most part, Kazulk has developed quite the reputation for being able to resolve any problems that arise, be it patch working on vessels mid battle or dealing a mighty blow to enemies venturing to close.

Carcosan Gateway

The Carcosan Gateway is a Realmgate that connects the Realm of Chaos and the Interstice. The question remains, who knows of it though?

Dread Hallow

Dread Hallow, once stronghold and bastion, now fallen and held by the Hedonites of Slaanesh within the Pyrelands of the Interstice.

Brocken “Bulldog” Steambeard

Resident master Cogsmith and Head Engineer in Slivers . The mastermind behind local advancements in the weapons used by the local soldiery. His cog muskets and thumpers are quiet effective but also prone to misfires and breach explosions, resulting in many soldiers resentfully sporting mechanical hands and arms, also improved on by Brocken.

 Brocken has also improved on basic Steam Tank designs, creating various cog walkers used within the Slivers  army.   Seen by many as a local hero he is under contract by most of the major houses of Slivers  and is rather protective of his favored employment status.


Lord Celestant Reynolds

Lord Celestant Reynolds has the honour of leading the charge of the Knights Excelsior’s Warrior Chamber into The Interstice’s .  A Noble warrior who is highly respected by his troops and peers.  While his calm demeanour may imply a more placid view that his fellow Knights Excelsior, when it comes to the battlefield he is force to be reckoned with. 


The Beacons

There are tales from deep within the Ironchaff Plain of monstrous walking constructs. Water drivers, caravanners, Kharadron traders, and half mad zealots speak of sand and rust covered automatons that rise up out of the dunes and emptiness to aimlessly walk the deep...

Gremlins in the Machine

Known throughout the Ironchaff Plain region simply as Gremlins, these legend refers to small humanoid creatures that vary in height from knee high to waist high in regards to a regular human. Known to wear tattered and mix-matched clothes, these creatures have a...

Czumneth Ereshkigal

Many creatures pay homage to Slaanesh within the Realm of Chaos, and many more without it. None of them is quite identical to Czumneth Ereshkigal, however. She began as the Exalted Keeper of Secrets in command of one of Slaanesh’s Legions – a Courante Legion, specifically. But with Slaanesh’s disappearance, Czumneth ran riot throughout the Mortal Realms. In the Dawnlands of Uglu, whilst the Godbeast Nehnaxiir warred with others, she began building her own realm of pleasure and excess.

Angelorian the Vengeful – Immortal Exemplar of the Fallen Brotherhood

Angelorian the Vengeful – Immortal Exemplar of the Fallen Brotherhood

Angelorian is the soul survivor of a Knights Exemplar Paladin Squad who where sent to purge a squad of Ogors.

However it would seem the Mawtribe led them into a trap and the Paladin squad, while taking down a great number of Ogors, where severely outnumbered. 

Through a shear force of will, Angelorian would not tire, he did not give ground, and bolstered by some supernatural force he managed to kill the rest of the Ogor ambush and swore an oath of Vengeance against all Ogors.

Ironchaff Plain

An area in the Realm of Chamon. Located closer towards the core than the other edges, things appear fairly normal with plants/rocks/animals/etc. Having mostly normal characteristics. However, the magic of the Realm of Metal seeps into things on the Ironchaff...

Prosecutor Arys Firewing

A fresh-forged, hotblooded and idealistic Stormcast of the Celestial Vindicators serving under Prosecutor-Prime Sorrus Skyhammer, Arys has a habit of speaking her mind--whether or not it’s called for or desired. This has on occasion earned her the annoyance of her...

Arven Stonewalker

An experienced Lord-Castellant, and veteran of the last days of the Realmgate Wars. As the de facto commanding officer of the Stonewalkers Chamber of the Celestial Vindicators Stormhost, he prefers a more aggressive methodology than would be suggested by his usually defensively-oriented station–though one perfectly in keeping with the mindset of his fellow warriors.

Torgillius the Chamberlain

“I believe I am on the verge of a breakthrough. Bring me more subjects. And no more half-starved weaklings – the last batch didn’t even last the night.”

Gorslav the Gravekeeper

“When ye hear the scrape, scrape, scraping of Old Gorslav on his walk,
The only sound he ever makes, for he ain’t one for talk,
Flee then, fool, and hide away, and hope he don’t come take,
And bind your arms and drag ye off to bury ye awake.’

Radukar the Wolf

“In life I would have cut down all of you in the span of a single breath, and picked my teeth clean with your bones. Can you imagine what I will do with you know?”


Ulfenkarn, or Wolf’s Feast, is an ancient city in the Realm of Shyish, ruled over by a Tyranical leader by the name of Radukar the Wolf

Mara – Oracle of Avelorn

Spellweavers are rare even by the standards of other Aelves. To wield such potent life magic takes hundreds of years of training and dedication, most may go their whole lives only managing the faintest hint of any arcane abilities. Not so with the Spellweavers. These Aelves are naturally gifted, and many whisper that they are blessed by the Great Tree itself. Wherever their power comes from; none can deny its miraculous effects.

Feinour – Avelorn’s Sorrow

Feinour is unique among Avelorn’s Nomad Princes, for he is a peaceful soul at heart, lacking the fires of battle lust that stoke the hearts of many Aelves in Avelorn’s pastime. For him, war is but a tragic necessity, a conflict unavoidable.

Mortane the Lich Emperor of the Kra’mor Empire

Mortane the Lich Emperor of the Kra’mor Empire

‘What can I tell you about the dark one… the saviour, supreme necromancer, the indomitable spirit and unassailable warrior? Hmm. the old man scratches his wiry grey beard. ‘Mortane, the Lich Emperor is ruler over the Kra’mor Empire, situated within the Amethyst Peninsula.

Telari Mistbloom

“Every new bloom is a hope given life, even the darkest places deserve them… Especially the darkest places.”

Lazul Anchorport

Lazul Anchorport

Aether-Khemist Lazul Anchorport serves aboard Admiral Calik’s flagship. Lazul is leading the way on harvesting and assessing airborne resources, determining what brought them into the Interstice pocket realm and how they’d be able to return. When not in battle, Lazul seeks out 3rd parties to understand the landscape at ground level, within the air and most recently under the savage seas.

Valka, the Warmonger

Within the Interstice, Valka, the Warmonger was a bloodthirsty warlord from the Beastland Wastes. Throughout his life he sought a challenger who could best his capabilities however none could. For decades he laid low Orruk bosses, Chaos tribe chieftains and all manner...


Fannarthus Blightbane Stormcast Eternal Knight Questor of the Hallowed Knights. Main focus is strength, agility and fortitude while both specialising in fighting multiple medium enemies and the largest of the large single enemies. Fights with shield and sword and...

Skitaknaw Gnawclaw

Skitaknaw Gnawclaw, callous kin-eater of the concealed under-city

Kip Halbar

The Gold Scion

Kip Halbar is a veteran gold wizard who is a member of the Arcanum Venatores, joining with five other veteran mages to track down the rogue archmage Vallash Kall. He is often cold, like the steel of his lore, his gold mask concealing most emotions. But behind the mask is a man of passion, one with the soul of an artist. He prefers to deal plainly, but is never unaware of the tricks people try to pull. It is hard to fool Halbar, especially when you see your own face reflected in his mask.

Malathir Weavesong

Malathir WeavesongWithin the age of Myth Malathir was sprung within the realm of Gyhran, with peace and serenity weaving within the song from Alarielle. It was a time of great wisdom and council. Malathir however was unusual amongst his kin, the seasons seem to ebb...

Baron Hamlet

For a time, the Ventoleon Trading Fleet artillery led by Grandmaster Baron Hamlet sent torrents of cascading energy across the castle approach, nearly scouring it clean, until a shadow dragon of the Mallibaude Dynasty came screaming down upon them in a cataclysm of flame. The arcano-tech war machines exploded into a multicoloured fireball, though not before the Grandmaster turned their last shot on the dragon itself, devouring both in mutual destruction. – From Animosity 3, during the final turn.

Drusilla, The Tormentor of the Silk Kingdom

Drusilla The Tormentor of the Silk KingdomLeading a life of debauchery, Drusilla eventually came to fame within the high courts of Keldon, Kingdom of Silk. Her reputation was formidable and rumours spread like wildfire of the King having visitations. Ashamed of this...

Yormund Fyreslayer lodge

The Yormund Fyreslayer lodge, loacted in the Prenumbral Lowlands within the Interstice.

Calik Shadowhull

Mistrustful Bounty Hunter of the Concealed Riddles. A young Duardin cadet looked across the deck of the Frigate and was in awe. “Pick up that jaw before I weld it shut!” yelled the Company Captain. Turning to see what the young Duardin was gazing at. “Ah, I see.” The...

Barret Grund

Endrinmaster Barret Grund is very skilled and adept at maintaining the fleet of Admiral Calik. Since their Skyport Barak-Brumzok and their Fleet The Oathsigned Prospectors were pulled into The Interstice he’s certainly had his work cut out. In battle Barret has yet to...

The Cavalcade of Loss

Meet the Cavalcade of Loss, a mysterious mounted Nighthaunt procession whose goals remain shrouded in legend and hearsay You can see them in action on our live shows at narrative labs but also use them yourselves as they can appear...


Shrug Shrug is a massive savage orc wardoc, but weirdly chill for a waagh spellcaster. Really sees no reason for being expending energy because his connection with waagh energy only makes him energetic when he is really passionate.

Arras Danathan

Arras Danathan

Coming from the great nation of Syar in Hysh, Arras is the heir of the noble house of Danathan. He is the charismatic and brave leader of the 7th Legion of Syar, and considered to be a military genius by his peers. While a genius on the battlefield, his political and diplomatic abilities are below average, and he has found himself betrayed more often than he had liked to. To remedy these shortcomings Arras often seeks the advise of his trusted second in command, the Scinari Cathallar Felosial or his father Lord Efferil Danathan.

Har Kuron (Anvilgard)

The city of Har-Kuron is a frontier port in Aqshy, the Realm of Fire, nestled between a thick expanse of sweltering jungle and the Charrwind Coast. ‘Through the mist lies a city unlike any other in the Mortal Realms, where even the shadows have claws. The God-King...

Shivith Silverdaze

A Black Ark Corsair sidelining as a member of the Pestilence Purgers, Shivith Silverdaze is staking her claim on the untold secrets of Uhl-Ghysh in order to secure a stable and peaceful future for herself and her loved ones.

Blood in the Streets

Well, that didn't take long. It had been a mere moment since Azyr had announced its plan to see Blood Bowl become the new best thing in the free cities of the Mortal Realms (you can read more about the announcement here) before cities the Realms-over descended into...