There are representatives from Shennek-Sharr Realmstone Repository & Loan going to each of the coalitions making offers of loans of realmstone, coinage, and other goods to assist in the monumental task of bringing war to the Bleeding wilds. This is a reputable...
World of the Weave
The Latest in the "World of the Weave" Weaving
The Dog-marrow Pack-Friends of Lake Bykaal
The Dog-marrow Friends of Bykaal are the groups, settlements, and nomads living around the Shyishian Underworld of Lake Bykaal who are unaffiliated with any of the so-called "Grand Alliances" of the great warring peoples of the realms. Unaffiliated but not...
Glelch Flyborn
Mortal champion of Nurgle tasked with spreading the Emerald Blight, a disease that causes boils that explode into pools of vibrant green sludge. Septicux the Alchemist, A Great Unclean One is the patron and plaguebrewer for Glelch's plaguehost
Harbingers of the Emerald Blight
Eternal King Ptolemy
A true believer in Nagash, Ptolemy's armies clatter across the Mortal Realms, giving the choice to all they encounter: Kneel before death, or join him in it. (Detailed lore to come)
Loon-Boss Snozrot Grabbit
A spiritual leader for the grots of Ulgu, Snozrot first came to Nyxia to study the movements of the Bad Moon. A surprisingly capable astrologer, Snozrot has spent over a decade watching the night sky trying to anticipate what the great and terrible Moon will do next....
Ulfnir, Voice of Dragons
Once a proud member of the Hammers of Sigmar, Ulfnir has since left the service of Sigmar to bind himself to a master he deems more worthy of his service. Now a champion of the god-beast Dracothion, Ulfnir and his draconic disciples have cloistered themselves on the...
Hag-Prophet Kazi the Crone
A member of the College Celestia in the City of Portent, Kazi was once a member of Morathi’s cult The Daughters of Khaine. But, when she uncovered forbidden texts of the Aelven god of prophecy Morai-Heg, she was cast out of her order and hunted to the edges of Ulgu....
The Gorewrought
The average Free City inhabitant’s image of the Blades of Khorne is that of brutish, musclebound warriors, possessed of fearsome bloodlust and a blind disregard for personal safety that sees them hurtling into the enemy with an axe in each hand. Berserkers and...
Varrag Da Wall
The story of Warboss Varrag leader of Da Skullkrushas, as told by his lieutenant Barrok One Leg.
The Pyric Legion
Parrah. Exiles, outcasts, and failures. The burden of this word presses on every construct that makes up the disfavored Pyric Legion, but weighs heaviest on the shoulders of Dyros the Excoriated. Given the dubious honor of command of this degenerating legion, Dyros...
Comm. Shmidlapp
Commodore Shmidlapp's career had always been a minor one… that was - until he and his crew started to receive visions of vast treasure within the Furyoth dell.Deciding to take up the opportunity, he and his crew set off for Ghur. But just as they had reached the...
Scions of the Flame
Red dust rose and wirled from stomping bare feet, weaving around a smoldering bronze brazier. The stars shone unobscured by either the polluting light or smog of civilization, and -at this altitude- with a piercing blue that could almost be felt. The glow of the...
Warmaster Duma
Acting as the highest military authority of The Cult of The Fell Dragon within the forgotten Shyishian underworld of Drakengrad, Warmaster Duma is an uncompromising man, as unyielding as the will of the dragon gods he serves.Prior to his service as Warmaster of The...
Propheter Anankos
Acting as the spiritual leader of The Cult of The Fell Dragon within the forgotten Shyishian underworld of Drakengrad, the person known only as Propheter Anankos is shrouded in mysteries as great as the power they wield.Little is known of the Propheter's origins, save...
Kerasys Calanzar, The Feral Tide
Queen Kerasys, the Feral Tide, of the Exiled House of Calanzar, was once vassal of Veinir the Drowned Emperor. She studied necromancy under his guidance whilst caring for her family. Kerasys believed that necromancy was the key to keeping her namarti children safe...
The Hungering Warherd
Cursed by the legions of death cult worshippers, their lands became overwhelmed with a drought that brought famine and despair. Driven from their lands, they sought out food and sustenance but found that they only hungered for the flesh of men, elves, and dwarves. Now hungering for blood, they find themselves at the realm of Drakengard.
Pearlshorn House Calanzar
The Host of the Windswept Summit
The origins of the Windswept Summits.Before the spirefall, the Windswept Summit was a mountain, slowly floating along a path on the edge of the Ten Paradises. The mountain itself however was rich in aetherquartz and the lumineth that owned it greedily extracted it,...
Khone’s Honorable
A vanguard tribe of blood warriors and reavers following the command of Vanna the Lord Hunter, and the gospel of Drecha, Glory-Chanter. They focus on the honorable warrior creeds often lost in other hordes to the Blood God. They currently reside in Dead-End, a small village they co-inhabit with the Mended-Horde (a nurglite brigade) they have joined with for having saved them from destruction in the past, and their mutual deep hatred for the undead.
Vanna the Lord Hunter
Mighty Lord of Khorne leading Khorne’s Honorable.
Nira drakescar Backstory
my soul bound character nira drakescar
The Talons
In the realm of Carcosa, chaos reigns. Mortal champions are thrown into arenas to fight to the death for the entertainment of demons, and other mortals. It is a land of chaos, a city of despair, a place of darkness. In these arenas, every day hundreds, if not...
Konn Vashvul Dune
All paths of destruction are pathed with good intentions…on the surface of greenskins.
Just Business
A story of the Sons of Bugman AEC, the third tale of the Path to Glory host of the Hidden Reserve. Normally, Okbryn would never do this. After all, he still considered himself a duardin of scruples despite his blackened reputation, marred by grudge and half-true...
Raknoks Rancarous Gitz
KEY CHARACTERSRaknok Poisontoof - Leader, TolltakerDESCRIPTOR:Hobgrots, Mercenaries, Sellswords and Scum.The realms are full of those unworthy souls raised out of the filth by the hand of a god, those corrupt enough to accept power in return for the sale of their very...
Raknok Poisontoof, Tolltaker
Faction: Malevolent Sellswords (Raknoks Rancarous Gitz)
Species: Hobgrot
Rank: Tolltaker (Paymaster)
Leader of the Rancarous Gitz
Even for a Hobgrot there is little to like about the bloated leathered flesh of Raknok, he has delighted in engorging his appetites for years and takes great delight in having snotling attendants oil his bloated stomach to attend the grandeur of his wealth. In other societies he would be repugnant, greedy, foul and loathed, but amongst hobgrots such vain self importance and greed is a celebrated trait, truly a paymaster with the time and cunning for such opulence is a success indeed.
Razgor Beastbreaka
Razgor Beastbreaka is the leader of Da Realmhuntaz, a kruleboyz warclan and a hunter extraordinaire. He has dedicated his life to hunting the largest beasts possible and uses his high intelligence, strategic mind and the numbers of his warclan to complete this goal. He’s above average height for an orruk and is quite strong thanks to his prostethic arm. He wields a chain with a hook at the end as his main weapon and always wears a bronze mask of Kharadron design. He’s mounted atop a Sludgeraker beast, known as Grotgobbla and often accompanied by a mirebrute troggoth called Big ‘un. Razgor isn’t interested in murder, raiding or the usual cruelty other kruleboyz often display and is more focussed on the hunt. He has a very distinct accent, even for an orruk. He’s very well composed compared to others of his kin and even though he’s stern and sometimes even sombre, he can open up to those considers friends.
Da Realmhuntaz
Da Realmhuntaz are a nomadic warclan of Kruleboyz, led by Razgor Beastbreaka. These Kruleboyz originally hailed from the deserts of Ghur, having adapted to life in the desert and dealing with beasts that roamed them. They even build their society around hunting, with...
The Harazgor-Thrung
The Harazgor-Thrung are a clan of Dispossessed duardin from the Nassollotyl region in the Realm of Ghur. Following the devastation of Neolotl, many Harazgor duardin have found employ in the Hungering Steppe region in an outpost of the Sons of Bugman AEC.HistoryIn the...
Vengri’s Volunteers
Vengri’s VolunteersHailing from Barak Nufkhazid, the Vengri’s Volunteers, or just Volunteers for short, are a crew of Kharadron Overlord pirates. The Volunteers are the highest grossing, most decorated crew in Barak Nufkhazid, which is quite a feat considering the...
The Wrathful
The Wrathful are khornate slaves to darkness warband from lions hall in Aqshy once they where a proud free guild regiment named The 7th steel Griffons of Jila lead by Agronā the blade sworn until a tzeentch cult called the Red Psalm overthrow the city of Jila and will...
City of the Jeweled Dragon – Barak-Izrildrakkaz
Barak-Izrildrakkaz is a Kharadron Overlord skyport populated with inventors, explorers, and relic hunters. These duardin travel the realms searching for artifacts and mapping the lands. Artifacts are often traded or reclaimed for historical display, but...
Megaboss Stovepipe
They are more machine than orruk now. Great leader of the Industrial Waaagh! and self-proclaimed ruler of all advancements in technology.
Gnawgem Steal-Shadow
Long ago, before the Age of Sigmar, in the world of old, there was a young up and coming Skaven assassin called Gnawgem. He was sighted for his talents of murder and quickly hiding into the shadows. He was revered by many...but also feared by his masters, as he could...
Améline the Anvil
Améline is a physically powerful Stormcast standing taller than Ogors, her might bolstered by centuries of experience fighting the worst enemies of Order and the divine storm barely contained in her body even at the best of times. Death holds no terror for her, and she is eternally willing to lay down her life for even the most meagre of causes, even after experiencing the consequences of Reforging first-hand. If she holds any dread of having her humanity stripped away from her, she has yet to show it to the world.
Sitra Achra: The Night Side of Paradise
SECTION I: ANTICIPATION Even as Bel’akor ravaged Chamon and Morathi sought her Godhood, even as the Lumineth made themselves known and Hyshian light spilled across the Mortal Realms, Carcosa was silent. All the while, beginning an eternity ago yet also in the present,...
Happiness Abounds: A Slice of Life in Carcosa
Section 1: Normalcy Durloque shoved his right hand harder into the pocket of the lead-lined overcoat that weighed heavily upon his broad shoulders. He ran his eyes over the paper - the real paper - in his left hand, struggling to decipher the arcane symbols scrawled...
Twin Suns Rise: The Creation of Carcosa and the Ruin of the Dawnlands
Section I: The Triumphant Exultation It was exquisite. That was the first thought that thundered through the Exalted Keeper of Secret’s mind as she began her magical administration. The Godbeast was ruined, even slain, its brain ravaged and punctured by the others...
Axiom of the Demimonde
It had been two standard years since her brother ran away. She’d followed him as far as she dared - further from her city than she had ever been. Straps and buckles jangled about her - the remnants of her travel packs that she had discarded and traded along her...
Lookout Hill
Lookout Hill is the tallest hill on a flat plain punctuated by groups of low hills to the North and South. Located on the crossroads of the main trade routes between Dinorwig, Fort Ignis, Karak Kuzitsak, the Mines of Volature and Vorsprangs Bridge, its significance is...
Ravager Mines
The Ravager Mines are a seam of Varanite that has been revealed inland from Grunta Bay. The influence of Chaos, leaking into the region through the Penterage Rift has caused the land to shift and morph, revealing this important resource in an area controlled by the...
Treweryn Mountains
The Treweryn Mountains are an ancient range of volcanic mountains to the west of Fort Ignis. During the Age of Myth, the Lumineth Realm Lords established a commune in the high peaks of the region, seeking the solitude of the mountains for quiet contemplation. With...
Vollature Wood
Vollature Wood has long been known as a place for debauchery and drunken revelry. Located to the North of Arganite Bay and lies between the River Witten and Fort Ignis. According to local legend the wood once covered the region, from Grunta Bay in the East linking to...
Mines of Vollature
The mines of Vollature were originally open cast mines created by scraping away the soil to reveal iron ore which was shipped to the cities for smelting to make iron for the Ironweld. The initial deposits quickly ran out so the miners employed Duardin to dig deep...
The Plains of Desolation
The Plains of Desolation are an area to the North of the River Ignis and the South of the River Orweed. Despite being fertile, nothing grows in this vast area other than grass, which covers the entire region. The grass has limited nutritional value and animals that...
The Magma Forge Karak Kuzitsak
The Magma forge of Karak Kuzitsak was founded by the wandering Duardin led by Runelord Kuzitsak Hammerfist, who left Dinorwig after the gold mines dried up. The Duardin found a volcanic vent, hot enough to smelt the Gromril Iron ore that they found under the nearby...
The Mirror Mountain is an anomaly amongst the extinct volcanoes of the mountain range behind Lake Ogwin. The mountain is the only one in the range that is snow-capped (possible due to its size), and by reflecting the sky, has led to it being referred to by locals as...
The Maklatan Desert
The Maklatan Desert is a desolate region, even by the standards of the Brimstein heartlands. Huge sand dunes that have formed along the coast to the east of the desert prevent clouds coming in from the Mordacious Sound, so no rain has fallen on the Maklatan for...
The Temple of Arch-Kavalos Vortakos
The Temple of Arch Kavalos Vortakos dates back to the beginnings of the Age of Myth when a local tribal leader, Golitzin, lead his small tribe into the region to the East of the Dark Wood. A fearsome warrior, he cleared the area of beasts and monsters, allowing his...
Witenford was established on a bend in the river Witen during the age of myth by the Parsifal tribe. As the river slowed around the bend it formed a wide shallow stretch, idea for crossing the normally fast flowing river. The villagers grew their own food and traded...
Vorsprangs Bridge
The original name for Vorsprangs Bridge is lost in the mists of time. Originally it was set up by the wandering families of the Direbrand tribe when they found an area of Duardinia that could support a few crops. Building simple shelters they started to set down roots...
Brimstown – Fort Ignis
Brimstown stood on the river Ignis at the highest point upriver that sea-going vessels could reach. Wharves and then a dock sprang up to save vessels unloading on the bank and then reloading smaller river going craft. Houses sprang up for the dockworkers and the town...
Mayor Ulf Cywin
Ulf Cywin grew up as an orphan in the poor quarter of Vorsprangs Bridge, the area known as Cherico. In his early years after his brother was sent to a penal battalion for an alleged crime, Ulf took over his former street gang.
Olrog Iron’ead
Olrog was a mercenary who was surprisingly cunning and intelligent for an Orruck. He earned the title Iron’ead by his tendency to head butt rivals into submission. During his early years he recruited his lieutenant Bolg to his cause. Bolg has remained with Olrog throughout his many campaigns, serving him faithfully and acting on his behalf when needed.
Olrog became the Prophet of the Waaagh by sacrificing an Aelf Mage following the Realm Hoppers crisis. But Olrog knew he was destined for more power.
Chartrek Beastamer
Chartrek Beastamer was a little known Khorne warlord who had a habit of taming beast to gather skulls for the skull throne. His favourite pet is his Slaughterbrute, that he named Rackzie and keeps close to him at all times.
Lord Dracothfoote
Lord Dracothfoote’s origins are shrouded in mystery. Some say that he is the classic rags to riches story, others that he is the son of a rich and powerful merchant banker that has been exiled from the family for some heinous crime. Those that question Dracothfoote about it are met with a stoney silence and soon find that lady luck turns against them and their fortunes wain
Manut Octenheimer’s first recorded appearance was in Excelsis. He started off as a minor noble, although his family’s past was shrouded in mystery. He gradually worked his way up through the ranks of the city’s government, eventually spending several months as personal aide to High Arbiter, Ortam Vermyre. He was generally considered a sound political activist who specialised in solving internal rivalries amongst the noble families of Excelsis. No matter the complexity, or history involved, Octenheimer had an uncanny knack for being able to bring people round to his point of view.
Captain Morros Plaguewind
It was in the late years of the age of Chaos, when Sigmar’s pantheon was spoken as but a fading tale, that a humble deckhand aboard a privateering vessel in Aqshy was going about his day-to-day tasks with no real qualms about his lot in life. The hot winds were...
The Mousetrap
The Mousetrap was first created by a group of Soulbound made up of Valencia, Ellendorus, Mr Legal and Dirgeroot. They had acquired the tavern as a base of operations, across the chasm to Lavafall, between Cinderfall and the Black Dust Alleys. Currently, the Templars...
Any Port in a Storm
A story of the Sons of Bugman AEC, the second tale of the Path to Glory host of the Hidden Reserve. [image source]Bor Goadfist was perhaps the first living creature Esme had labelled as “wholly, utterly inedible” since the haffen signed on as their Ghurish...
Lady Anastasia de’Vries
Hot-tempered, manipulative and ambitious almost to a fault – this young (if you could call it that) Kastelai Vampire Lady is reknowned for her unnatural cunning and the fact that she always has a plan. „Born“ of the de’Vries, a minor Kastelai House located in the...
Horgathans Herd
Horgathan is not simply the Great. He is the Greatest or he will be soon.
All shall bow before his horned majesty, all shall tremble before his mighty hoofbeat, all shall cower before his glorious goatie!
Wurmcaller Beacon
Spotted from afar is a great symmetrical basalt mountain in the middle of a vast clear field that ensures it’s solitude. Visible at daytime, and unmistakably prominent at night, is a bright red glow splitting the monolith vertically in twain. Taking a closer look...
No Safe Harbour
A story of the Sons of Bugman AEC, the first tale of the Path to Glory host of the Hidden Reserve.“You seen the inside of those things? Think that’s valuable?” Voices of breathless awe. The crew had gotten into speculating, never a good sign. Speculating was, in fact,...
The Host of the Transcendant Self
The Host of the Transcendant Self encompasses the varied and eclectic mix of individuals following the teachings of Chaos Warlord Carnegros, a figure lauded by his following as somewhere between a guru and a sage.
Norscellan Reavers
The Three Tribes In the beginning, there was but one tribe, and one land. Then the great Godbeast, Luscaa, shattered both the Island and the people. When the dust had settled, the continent was now a series of Islands, and the people had become three tribes - the...
Rulerz of da Waste
The Rulerz of da Waste are a mixed band of orruks and grots, who banded together under the leadership of "da wize' Togtol", heir to the mysterious Bakatoi, emperor of the Sky Wolves in Hysh.The grots of the Sky Wolves ruled over an area in Hysh, where they lived in a...
Purple serpent
The Purple serpent are a nomadic tribe that worship slannesh and who roam across the dagger tooth coast in realm of Ghur They know slannesh as Loesh the Serpent It is their belief that pretending one can survive the wrath of the Serpent by donning armour or building...
Barlimn Grimnirr
Son of Groimn, fifth head of the Ironhewer family. Brought honor and renown to the family name in Lofnir by acquiring, hatching and raising 4 magmadroths under his guidance and bringging in a good, although less impressive, amount of ur-gold. He rides Slarrack into...
The Sons of Bugman Alechaeology Expedition Company
The Sons of Bugman Alechaeology Expedition Company is a Kharadron Overlord duardin guild-company which scours the Mortal Realms for lost brews and recipes from the Age of Myth. Headquartered in Barak-Hirn, the Sons of Bugman AEC is led by the Bugmansbur twins, Saga...
Captain Okbryn Whisperport
Captain of the frigate Thindrongol (The Hidden Reserve), Head of Acquisitions for the Sons of Bugman AEC guild-company.
The Coven of Mightfulness
An offshoot of the Cult of the Transient Form, these Kairic Acolytes have collectively decided that they prefer the perfection of their magically-enhanced human physiques to the twisted, avian forms of Tzaangors. They have now set up their operations in Ghur’s Hungering Steppe, seeking to demonstrate their strength against the many mighty monsters (and armies) that the Realm of Beasts has to offer.
Lord-Imperatant Garbaldis, the Blade of Balitello
Noble of heart, inspiring to a fault, dynamic on and off the battlefield, and a masterful tactician, the Hungering Steppes will challenge Lord-Imperitant Garbaldis. While the Blade of Balitello seeks to quell the taint of Chaos from the region, Garbaldis is also pressed to maintain the morality of his fellow Templars. Many are either new Stormcasts searching for their first trophies to adorn the Drakken Lodge, or Thunderstrike brethren struggling to contain the bestial rage within. It will fall to Garbaldis to maintain the mind and soul of his warriors, lest they be consumed by the monsters they stalk, the land they prowl, or the beast within themselves.
The Phantom Pit
The Phantom Pit is an espionage division of the forces lead by Morathi Khaine. Their leader is Kaonestri Bloodbane, Ironscale of The Phantom Pit.
Lord-Aquilor Lucina Chromsdottir
Lord-Aquilor of The Children of The End Times Vanguard-Auxiliary Chamber of The Blades of Light Stormhost. A grim woman determined to see her task of felling a draconic godbeast done. While her memory often fragments into haunting visions of what was and might yet come, her recollection of her heritage as the daughter of a fearless warrior king is clear, and she would be damned if she were to sully her father’s legacy.
Khokatch Blazeheart
Khokatch Blazeheart was born in the island kingdom of Aoga in realm of Chamon to King Drazoand VII and Queen Bodinca their first child of nine was born 8th day of The festival of eight paths twenty five years ago. At the age of five he was sent to his uncle Bakan the...
The Pride
Bloodroot Legion
When the forests of the Fangwood ate their way to the surface of the realm, the forces of the Ossiarch Bonereapers saw an opportunity. The ossified sylvaneth of the wood were separated from the realm roots of Alarielle and were willing to join the Legion to prevent...
The city of Mou’Terib sits inside of the Mountain Terrible, a massive peak that splits the Hungering Steppe into its three areas. Run by criminal gangs, Mo’Terib controls the major trade routes that cut over or through the mountains.The large caverns inside are...
Obsidiax Scintilade
The City of the Obsidiax Scintilade is an oasis of tranquility in the otherwise violent grounds of the Steppe. Here, mortal artisans create lavish art while undead servants work to fulfill their every needs.Passion and skill curry more favor in the Scintilade than...
The Towering Court
The Towering Court is a kingdom near-corrupted by the curse of the flesh-eaters. However, unlike most other mordants, they are aware of their feral hunger. They just see no issue with consuming their foes. For what is nobler than to be the master predators of the...
Bogswallow Marauders
The hobgrots of the Swallowing Bogs are a conniving group accustomed to surviving in the muck. Through their trade with nefarious duardin inventors, they’ve established technologies to survive along the surface of the bogs.With motorized boats, janky wingsuits, and...
Cult of the Unseen
In the Age of Chaos, the tribes of the Steppe were visited by terrifying nightmares of a predator that hides beyond the sight of mortals. Many feared this phantasmal beast, but others began to worship it. For the unnoticed hunter is the one that catches its prey.The...
The Vine Gate
The Vine Gate is a realm gate on the Isle of Concendia. Where it went before the Isle of Concendia was lost none save the Treelord Ancient Anrodas Maplebloom can say. It matters little, as since the island has reappeared, the gate was corrupted by the magic of...
Cracklebone Palace
Cracklebone Palace is the new seat of Power on Concendia, home of King Alfonso and his noble Flesh-Eater Court, the rulers of the Isle of Concendia, after they seized control of the Discordance that Splinters and ancient spell containing the destructive song created...
The Lost Isle of Concendia
Thought lost for hundreds of years, the Lost Isle of Concendia reappeared during the early decades of the Era of Beasts. A mist-like shroud off the Coast of Cantike started to recede and, as it did so, the edges of the lost Island began to appear, revealing a land...
Lord Xavier Valencourt – The Demounted
Lord Xavier Valencourt – The Demounted. A Blood Knight who is surrounded by death magic joins Lady Katrina in the interstice. What could she possibly need so much death magic for… only time will tell.
Lady Persephone Valencourt
Lady Persephone Valencourt – arguably one of the most Beautiful of the Kastelai Vampires who shares a striking resemblance to an ancient vampire of old, answers the call from Lady Katrina to join her in the interstice.
Lady Emmanuelle Valencourt
Lady Emmanuelle Valencourt – The narcissistic Vampire on her coven throne has been summoned to the interstice in aid of Lady Katrina Valencourt in the name of the Kastelai bloodline.
Arch-Hekatos Kalazar – Master of the Roots
Kalazar was sent into Ghur to die, or so they thought. Without the support of the Ossiarch supply lines, they saw no way to maintain their forces. Upon arriving at the Fangwood, they realized that they could create a fortress from which the Bonereapers could ride out...
Bor Goadfist – Boss Prime O’ Da Minions
Unlike other hobgrots, Bor is a formidable opponent on the battlefield. While the Bogswallow Marauders prefer to use hit-and-run tactics, there are occasions where the hobgrots must engage their enemies in true combat. Bor relished the opportunity to sow fear into his...
Menthizar Kraeth – The Many Voiced Body
The leader of the Cult is the one who is possessed by the Voice. It would come and go, bouncing between hosts. The Cult believes the Voice as the guide given to them by their god. Now, the Voice is coming from Menthizar Kraeth, an assassin famed for his ability to...
Huntmaster Sylai – Leader of the Council
Sylai does is not the official leader of the Ghurneth, but as the Huntmaster of the Denkeepers, he serves as the public face of the council.After a battle with an Amber Beast, Sylai found himself permanently stuck with bestial aspects. Being trapped in this...
Veinir – The Drowned Emperor
It was Veinir that first heard the call of the Akhmoran. The young prince seized his father’s court at the head of a horde of undead aelves.As the new emperor, Veinir leads the cult of Akhmoran and directs the aelves in their raids against the surface. By empowering...
Ghurneth of Packhome
The Ghurneth aelves of the Hungering Steppe have forged a connection with the primal energy of the Realm. Each clan associates itself with a beast of the Steppe and is granted telepathic and shapeshifting powers based on their totemic clan.The proliferation of the...
Fortress Librarium
The Arcineth aelves of the Fortress Librarium protect a small realmgate that leads to Shyish. Those who descend through this gate find themselves amongst endless rows of arcane tomes.This sub-realm of Shyish is one dedicated to mages and their hoards of knowledge....
Deep beneath the false floor of the Swallowing Bogs, the forces of the Pearlgrave wait. For centuries, few, if any, Akhelians or Isharann were born. Those that were anguished with guilt as the namarti withered away in front of them.Despite the numerous raids on the...
King Elrog of the Towering Court
The Court of the Fangwood was ruled by a noble King suffering through the curse of the Flesh Eaters. As a roving Mega-Gargant threatened his people, the King rode out to vanquish the foe. He was eaten immediately.Now, King Elrog the God Titan sees himself as the King...
Kemja the Blind
A blinded Guardian of Souls, adept at scrying, accompanying Delarosas host in Concendia.