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A Weave of Stories

The Great Weave is a shared, living world, within the Age of Sigmar universe. There are two primary ways in which we create and build apon this world. One is by creating the world itself, developing the World of the Weave, one creation at a time. The other primary way is through storytelling. Storytelling lies at the heart of The Great Weave, in fact it’s these stories that are the things being “woven” in the title! 

Latest from The Great Weave

Rise of the Queen

In the dark corners of the Impossible Fortress, forgotten by all save perhaps the Grand Conspirator, reside the memories of abandoned futures, the fragments of pasts unmade, and all the hopes and dreams and ambitions that lay between. They have nothing but hunger, not...

Battle Report V: Terror Amongst The Branches

As the Wardens of Burden ferried their precious and dangerous cargo, the Arboreal Wellspring, back to the Stormvault, they encountered Wildercorps on their journey. The mortal soldiers explained that they were searching the forest for missing citizens from Hammer's...

Woven Stories

Revenge of Rondhol

Fate, Sealed

Whilst the sky over Rondhol burned in the apokalyptic battle between the Fae’s hordes of thralls with the monstrous Voidfang and the Procession of Blood and their Orruk and other, even more unlikely allies, Templar Oron had found himself with the duty of commanding...

Shattered Earth

Rondhol drowns in battle. Civilia’s Ruin has sunken below the waves of the Bitingsea, while Khardihr, an already fallen city, is destroyed – their leaders first picked off by agents of Chaos, and then the entirety of the populace is displaced as the now sedentary city is overrun by the denizens of the forest. Meanwhile the Bitingsea is awash with blood, the likes of Targug, Khrovar, and Carminnio have been plundering and killing the refugees that attempt to escape the chaos via the ocean. But the true battle for the land has certainly been the attack on the Fae’s monstrous Voidfang – an unlikely host indeed taking on the megafauna while attempting to thwart the Fae’s plans within the land.

Da Voidfang Skrap

Da Voidfang Skrap Urgoth laughed as Bonecracka chomped down on one of the knight’s steeds. Chunks of the warboss’s armor had fallen off. He was covered in scrapes and cuts and had at least one humie blade sticking out of him. Bonecracka also had a few spears stuck in...

Fate, undeterred

A glorious Battle raged in the Furyoth Dell. A battle of a size and ferocity not seen here since the Age of Chaos. Dozens of trumpets, war horns and drums sounded over the battlefield in a cacophonous hymn praising the Dark Gods. The forces of the Procession moved to...

Breaking of the fang

The steel fang pursued the orruks waagh south, but they lost the trail of the main horde,  but they heard of a group of orruks gathering for an assault against the void fang.    The whole warband changed the direction of their chase towards the voidfang days of...

Briars Breach a Broken Bastion

The Revenge of Rondhol Fortifying Positions   Briars Breach a Broken Bastion 1st Step: The Approach She races forwards, as much time spent bounding on all fours as running bipedal, just one sister in the massed pack of feral forest folk. Her is focus is wholly on the...

assault on voidfang

Asarathu and his of allies of convenience have a war council to plan on how they would deal with assaulting the void fang Da Realmhuntaz would support the other troops with their trained boltboyz and beast-skewer killbows and Urgoth Skullsmasha Orruks as the main...

At Crusade’s End

She had heard the clatter of the dagger on the shrine's polished floor. She knew exactly where it lay. Ever since Khaelora Dreadgaze had been blinded, her other senses had grown even sharper. The chains that held the Aelf at the wall were not long enough to truly...

A Plan Well Made

This is it. The past few weeks, this has been everything Razgor had been working towards. The enormous beast known as Voidfang had been awakened by the horrible Fae and Razgor had become obsessed with it. He'd abandoned his position at the Gaping Maw portal and took...

Ride of Da Maw-Krusha

Ride of Da Maw-KrushaAtop the battlements of the Fortress of the Chalice an orruk in a colorful tabard paused in the middle of his patrol route. He squinted into the distance, trying to figure out what was distracting him. Something was…different. It was a bright day...


Dark Side of the Realm

Gashnag and Rakkgad were bored. Guarding the realmgate was boring and the view of Ghur rarely changed. Occasionally animals would walk past the gate, but they caught the smell of the Orruk camp and quickly moved away. They were part of an Orruk warband heading into...

The Meeting of Minds

In the centre of the bridge stood a small shrine, clearly neglected for years. No remnant of offerings remained on the rough slab, no bigger than a paving stone, that served as its altar. Only the faintest traces of wax from votive cand long extinguished, marked its...

Quetzonocotl and Seraphorc

Quetzonocotl surveyed the miserable domain of the Brimstein Heartlands with disdain. The petty squabbles of the warm-blooded inhabitants interested him not. The more they killed each other the better their cold ones would find carrion to feast on. The plan required...

Xandazra Slashpiercer

Xandazra Slashpiercer, stepped out of the Pentarage Rift, feeling the deep humiliation and wounded pride, how dare Slaanesh force her into the mortal realms under the watchful gaze of Fort Ignis and its Khornate followers. Slaanesh was clearly not impressed but...

What the Kraken Eater drinks

‘By the mark, seven!’‘By the deep, six!’Munnus Tonelero, captain of Sigmar’s Belly, eased her wheel gently to larboard, only half listening to the cries of the leadsmen in the bows. He had guided vessels through the treacherous shoals of the Orweed Delta since he was...

Of Narrow Alleyways and Old Rings

The silence was almost perfect, as a lone, slender shape turned yet another corner of the winding street, carving its way through the innards of Scharnhoost not without some hesitation. Aside from the timid moonlight that was desperately trying to dodge the heavy...

Can It Be Disarmed?

The multi-coloured liquid bubbled in the pot, the bubbles burst at the surface adding to the general fug in the room. Soul cages hung around the room, some were empty, drained of the captured souls in the early experiments to clone the Secret of Dinorwig. The souls in...

The Story So Far

Dracothfoote and his Liberators have triumphed. The Secret of Dinorwig was revealed. A key that can change the destination of Realmgates even past Azyr’s defences. But Olrog continues to cause destruction in the Brimstein Heartlands. The fighting to be the first to...


Drawing A Splinter

My plan to rejoin Alfonso and aid him in his assault on the dark magic at the centre of Concendia lay in ashes. Thwarted by uncooperative geography, delayed by arboreal flora and fauna (no doubt at the behest of the Sylvaneth) I paused in a break in the trees, halting...

Balanced on the Point of a Pin

I stood musing over the corpse-riddled battlefield, the scene of my victory and final vengeance over the vampire lord, Comte Vyspasian de Ryeat. I had been … misled into attacking him. Deceived in the furtherance of schemes of the Weaver of Destinies, the vile god...

A moment of peace

Zinzolin’s nose twitched as a tendril of smoke wafted into his face. The expedition’s camp was bustling with soldiers and retainers in the warm summer evening, and yet he hadn’t been able to fully shake the eerie chill he’d felt since the raid on Apuovia. Since he’d...

Delusions of Illusions or Vice Versa

Our quarry had fled inland towards the mysterious shroud that still covered the heart of the Concendia. It seemed to me that it was receding at a faster and faster pace, perhaps just my overactive imagination triggered by a sense of impending doom. But events on...

More propaganda for Cesar Delarosa

As the last hours of battle approach, Cesar's propagandists become less subtle.

Writings of Deacon Jeremius: Part #3

The remaining pages are each covered in annotated paintings:Above - The Scattered Flocks, often seen in visions regarding the Church as a whole.Above - The Plague of Beasts; the Original Vision that led me to Concendia and the Excremental HerdAbove - The...

Fallen Rocks and Twisted Vines

The Cygor continued forward, following the path of blood laid out before it. A single, large eye took up most of its bestial face, staring blankly ahead along its route. The fur, skin, and a majority of the flesh had begun to slough off, dropping to the floor as it...

The Inquisition fends off a raid from Festerhorn’s goons

As the Inquisition's forces mobilize across the island to steal information and relics from the hands of the other explorer armies, a sudden raid catches their spectral forces by surprise. One of the followers of Grolghur Festerhorn's Excremental Herd led his warband...

The Inquisition’s Men in Black spring their trap

After several weeks of spying, information gathering, and studying the strength of the forces of the Bloodied Court, the Inquisition of Umberspire finally gives the order to mobilize their Hounds and the Men in Black. Lawgiver Amondenora of Umberspire has ordered her...

Cheez Hunks

Hanging Cupcakes

Vladan Lehr was not someone to be trifled with. The team had found themselves before the Mikronox, and knew in their bones that this was a quest that could not be unanswered, even if it was... peculiar. And so the team had traveled the Realms again, with the help of...

The Heroes Fight, Again.

The great battles of Lake Bykaal were coming to a head, and The Expedition was attempting to solidify their influence over the area. But a summons from Hammerhal was recently made to two of the bindings currently embroiled in the fighting. And so, with enemies...

Engines, Magma, and Blood

"It''s time to take out that wretched Aelf" Kharadron Admiral Ordo Bjornssen stood glaring at the four party members, his eyes aflame with revenge and hate. "She needs to die for this... this... crime! We all know not to trust Aelves, but this, this is worse than we...

Into Bellecks Trench

"Thank you for joining us. We have had great success with the Soulbound in this war,  we hope that you too can help us."Anruil Brighteyes himself stood before the Binding. They had made their way to the Expedition's camp, and had made themselves available to the...

Tsatraya and Nyuranka

It hadn’t been Anruil Brighteyes’ best day, but he was satisfied all the same. How could he not be? The Expedition had succeeded on every front. Tsatraya was secure from the living and the dead, a new base of operations for the war on Bykaal. Han Shizhong had been...

Assault on Tsatraya

Below is excerpts from the Turn 3 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. Breaking camp, the Expedition’s armada made all speed for Tsatraya, anchoring in the shadow of Uyar Point and reconnecting with the western end of Sobolev’s Road where...

Da Big Blue

A Friend

Borgut’s ship, the Dakkajet, rose up through the clouds, and into Da Big Blue. It was time to get his friend back. He had his fancy hat, …

Only One Thing Missing

‘Ah…’ Borgut sighed, ‘This is the life ain’t it boyz??’ All six of the orruks lay about the floor, bloodied, panting, and sweaty.

Suitable Headgear

They met the first group of refugees a day out of the city. Boy, what they said was awesome!

Mork Would be Proud

Borgut practically giggled to himself. Mork would be proud.

Dem Foul Rats!

‘Master-master, this… awkward-awkward… please don’t kill Snekch-snekch, just messenger see… but uh… we found-found more greenies…’

Salt and Destiny

Borgut gasped, his eyes flying open as his fingers were suddenly overwhelmed by a cold that entered his very bones.

Into Madness

Borgut took in the battle around him as he parried the thousandth ethereal thrust, and banished the damned back to where it belong. Wherever

Defend the Gates!

They had their hull, but that was all. And the needed more power.

The Markets

The Crab-claw Market sprawled as far as the eye could see, and everywhere that Borgut looked, he saw chaos.

To Arms! And Tiny Little Knives!

Gorgut is on the move. He has a plan, he knows exactly what to do next.

Team Sparkles

To Cross the Realms

Borgut, Zotikos, Errrrr, and Banoffee were exhausted. They had spent weeks and weeks at Lake Bykaal serving under The Expedition, and just as they thought that they may well have a little down-time, another summons had appeared.And so the team had set off, first to...

The Heroes Fight, Again.

The great battles of Lake Bykaal were coming to a head, and The Expedition was attempting to solidify their influence over the area. But a summons from Hammerhal was recently made to two of the bindings currently embroiled in the fighting. And so, with enemies...

Revenge is Best Served in Multitude

Kharadron Admiral Ordo Bjornssen stood before Team Sparkles, an overwhelmed leader in the midst of panic and chaos. Around him the many voices of the leader of The Expedition called for a multitude of responses to the various tragedies that had befallen the coalition....

Borgut Entry #2: Tinkle Toes

Ahhh. The sounds of killin. Borgut love Shyish, Borgut love Lak Bykill. Never Borgut seen so much krumpin. Borgut da best krumpa in da hole war. Dis what make Brighteyes such a smart human. He understands Borgut da best of da best der is. He send Borgut and soulbound...

Tsatraya and Nyuranka

It hadn’t been Anruil Brighteyes’ best day, but he was satisfied all the same. How could he not be? The Expedition had succeeded on every front. Tsatraya was secure from the living and the dead, a new base of operations for the war on Bykaal. Han Shizhong had been...

Assault on Tsatraya

Below is excerpts from the Turn 3 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. Breaking camp, the Expedition’s armada made all speed for Tsatraya, anchoring in the shadow of Uyar Point and reconnecting with the western end of Sobolev’s Road where...

The Thawing

Below is excerpts from the Turn 3 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. The search for the missing Lord-Celestant Han Shinzong was confusing at its best, and narrowly avoided catastrophe at its worst. Fearsome squalls racked the Thawing...

Out of the Storm and onto the Rock

Borgut regretted his decision. It had been made in a moment of weakness, but it could be made right. Zotikos, Errrrr, and Banoffee had joined him at the markets, and together they now led the laden mule through the streets of Brightspear, towards the portal that had...

The Battles of The Ghyrplunge Realmgate and Old Dyunsk

Below is excerpts from the Turn 2 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. Ghyrplunge Realmgate General Gustav Johan Schmidt cursed as they made good their retreat. It had been a valiant effort- they’d given as good as they’d gotten, in his...

Changing with a Storm

They had decided to start the day with a little light shopping, but Team Sparkles soon found it more... advantageous to visit their old friend Proudshard at his house. Proudshard, now back to his usual mage-y self after the ordeal with the Tzeentch spellcasters, was...

The Hungering Steppe

Gifts from da Sewaz

Construction of the forward-base in Ghur has been a very steady ride. With the extra labour force of Hobgrots acquired in the initial invasion, the building of the crude castle has been fairly quiet. Gregek has indeed been a valuable asset to acquire, his skills with...

Shifting Sensibilities

The stench of death laying over The Swallowing Bogs of The Hungering Steppe were familiar to Lord-Aquilor Lucina Chromsdottir. The stench of a Sludgeraker Beast compounding that, however, was not. Bor Goadfist, Boss Prime of the Bogswallow Marauders, seemed to delight...

Stunty’s in da Swamp

A small settlement of Hobgrots is the setting of today's tale. They are bickering with each other, bartering for goods, and generally doing what greenskins of the swamps do. The noise of the settlement were quickly deafened by a loud roar of another, almost echoing...

Da Age of Flesh is Oova

Da Molten Factory was bellowing out an obnoxious amount of smog and fire, clearly working overtime to get production going. The various enslaved Troggoths handling the dangerous machinery, producing more crude armour and weapons for the forces of the Waaagh! Up on the...

Savage Gains

At the edge of the Bogswallow where the swampy forest clashed with the Hungering Plains, the rickety caravan of the Hobgrots spilled out into the clearing. Four wagons long, each was pulled by a mirebeast of burden. The pig-like creatures were the size of a boar,...

The Coven of Mightfulness: Quest 3

QUEST 3RESPONSIBILITIESIn which a journey is embarked upon and an ambush laid…When Khallen Alterskein, Magister of the Coven of Mightfulness, had heard that forces from the Swallowing Bogs were making incursions into the plains, he was overcome by a sudden sense of...

The Coven of Mightfulness: Quest 2

QUEST 2DECISIONSIn which a pledge is made, a ritual undertaken, and a gift granted to a reluctant recipient…In the aftermath of the great hunt upon which they’d been invited by the Denkeepers ghurneth clan, Magister Khallen Alterskein and the majority of his surviving...

War all over again

Who could’ve seen this coming. Razgor had pledged himself to the Ghurneth and not 5 moons later, they’re already knocking at their door, begging for help. Apparently they are at war with a group of hobgrot traders, looking to take over the steppe for their personal...

Razgor’s pledge

It had been a hot minute since Big ‘un had led the warclan to this place. Per usual, her nose had led them to prime hunting grounds, although the so-called Hungering Steppes were busier than their usual locale. It reminded Razgor of the time he had spent in the Prime...

Just Business

A story of the Sons of Bugman AEC, the third tale of the Path to Glory host of the Hidden Reserve. Normally, Okbryn would never do this. After all, he still considered himself a duardin of scruples despite his blackened reputation, marred by grudge and half-true...


Vurm-tai: Finale

“Only the Faithful!”  Those were the final words that rang through the skull of the Bonereaper that crawled through the small rift, back to Shyish. Where, or rather to whom, the being went was anyone’s guess right now, and Lord Kuru felt no inclination to follow...

Act Three: Woven Fates

  The Sons of Bugman AEC had been busy. They would be paid (and paid well) for their work, but they were still stretched thin, like coalesced aether-gold being spread thin over armour plating. But they had done their job; a small fleet of metaliths was now...

The Savage Knights of Ghur

Long exposed to the primal nature of Ghur, these Blood Knights gave in to their base instincts and became savage hunters. Upon massive enthralled beasts they ride at the fore of the hunt, running down any and all prey.In the Vurm-Tai campaign they have been tasked...

Haldeburh Coldpath and the Dragon Drythgren

The renowned Dragon Lady of the Roaming, Haldeburh Coldpath is one of the most storied of the Nomad Princes in the Roaming. This is in part due to her martial ability, which is certainly the equal of any warrior amidst Ghuryan, but it is due perhaps rather more to her...

Act Two: The Great Leap

The news of the approaching worm has set the Argharock Dominion aflame with war, intrigue, and above all else, movement. As the denizens of Nassolotyl turned their collective head towards a new opportunity, so too did those that had been forced into the wilds, the...

Hobby Report: The Dawnbringer Crusade of Nassollotyl

A large carnivore, the Amargadon is a rare sight upon the battlefield. Though able to walk as a limited bipedal, the Amargadon is primarily a quadruped that uses it’s long tail and crushing maw to take down foes and prey alike. Large Kitbash for my Seraphon, used as a...

Beast Hunter Chariot of Ghuryan

Beast Hunter Chariot of Ghuryan

Old Viggo and his Stomp

In Ghur, it is said, everything is trying to eat everything else. Even the land itself. Great gorges open up to swallow forests and rivers. Deserts suck the vitality out of fertile lands. Continents devour each other. And even the seas endlessly gnaw away at this...

Lord Kuru and the Order of the Sacred Blot

The feculent lord of plagues stood upon the calcified dias, and looked out to his followers, over two dozen strong blightkings. All blessed with rotted purpose, each a proven champion to the Lord of All Things.  The Droning Quartet hovered not far from their...

Act One: Path of the Great Worm

The great worm that now makes its way towards the two god-beasts, Nasson and Neolotl, began its life on the Amber Steppes. These rolling grass strewn hills and expanses of battered stone are where many of the Great Worms of Ghur make criss-cross on migrational paths...

Plans of a River Rat

The Meeting for the North

Tl'uk stood, arrayed around the meeting structure in the High Temple of Chotec. His army had made camp outside the city and intended to stay a day or two before marching back to Xlakana and his home. “Tl'uk,” Itzli-Citlalli implored him from across the room, “you must...

Germs of Perfection

"Hello! Problem. Problem. Hello. Problem. Problemproblem! Problem." Ortus was accustomed to mountain spirits in Ymetrica. They tended to think in geologic time, and he appreciated their measured, thorough responses in conversation. River spirits like this one tried...

Da Grot an da Aelf

A frown graced the normally neutral face of Lar'yan the Scrivener as he stalked up the hill towards a clearing in the forest to the Southeast of Tlacopan. Storyteller, scribe, writer, historian, all of these words served to describe Lar'yan. He was something of an...

The River Runs Foul

Tl’uk, Old-blood and leader of the army of Xlakana, had led the combined forces of the Xlakana and Chotec down the Blade Tooth Mountains. The army moved swiftly, but he knew that they were not fast enough.

News of Tlacopan! #2

News from Tlacopan! #2 A saddened look came upon the Star Seers face for a moment as Jyrruds words made their way through the air, “Indeed” he quietly said before slowly walking towards away briefly before turning around and motioning for a skink that was standing...

A Scout in the Woods

The air was humid and heavy as it entered through Meveha’s nostrils and into her lungs, the air here was different. This wasn’t her first time into the valley, in fact she made regular patrols in the southern plains and eastern region of hills, highlands and...

Plans, Rivers, and Rats

“You still haven’t told me where we’re going.” Claney Beamard, Unwavering Guardian of the Forge Eternal and first Knight-Defensor of Sigmar, turned his face from the clear sky and looked down at his companion.  The Skink Starpriest’s eyes were closed, his slim,...

The Grot and the Starseer

Even with his ability to call on the great green hand of Gork to speed things up, it took Jyrrud the better part of two hours to reach the nearest Seraphon settlement in the valley. That turned out to be the great walled city of Tlacopan. Someone approaching the city...

News out of Tlacopan! #1

*News from Tlacopan! Highlights all the major happenings in Tlacopan, specifically in regards to Itzli-Citlalli and Tak’to. As the leaders of the strongest power in the valley their decrees and actions can affect all in the valley, from a single Grot to a whole...

The River Watcher

It was a good day for fishing, all things considered. Sure, another report came out today to be watching for weird creatures round the banks, but today was an "off" day for Hedrig. He sat on his canoe in the middle of the river as his fishing line rested against the...


Broken Realms – Efengie

A smell of spring wafted through the air obscuring the reek of fly vomit and decomposing battlefield charnel. The season changed from The Reaping to The Burgeoning. Within hours, life returned to Efengie. Plants burst forth, trees grew in the blink of an eye, vines...

History of Efengie pt 1: The Gates of Eucebium

The Vale of Efengie knew relative peace at the beginning of the Age of Sigmar.  The many small kingdoms in the Vale included all manner of Orruks, Ogors, Chaos worshippers, and even the undead, but despite their fundamental differences, they maintained open...

The Plagues of Efengie

Swiftly, the season in Efengie turned from Winter to The Reaping, and Nurgle’s plagues took hold on the land.  First, the kings of Efengie ordered their troops to return, but as the weeks wore on supplies grew thin.  Now, they are at a crossroads.  How should they proceed in this more dangerous world?

Curse of the Fell Dragon

Titanneedle’s Last Song

Titanneedle stood in rooted amongst the rotted bodies on the wasteland of a battlefield. The emergence of the Shadow Dragon had stunned the wargrove. Few things brought dread to those without the Spirit-Song, but this incarnation seemed to cast out waves across all of...

After Battle Chat

The battle had ebbed and flowed mostly according to Mat’hain’s plan. The rumors proved to be true as a unit of Stormcast moved in towards his people, but they had made them pay. The battle was nearly over, yet he suddenly found himself surrounded by Stormcast on all...

The Precipice of Apocalypse

Sing with me a song of silence and bloodThe rain falls but can’t wash away the mudAgain within Drakengrad, an ominous song rang out as The Cult of The Fell Dragon surged throughout the land. As instructed by their Propheter, the cultists danced and sang, conjuring...

Loose Thread

Within my ancient heart dwells,madness and prideThe words of the dragon god’s song left Ashur’s lips in their ancient tongue as she danced across the stage. Her movements were natural and fluid, like the ocean tides just beyond the city walls, so deeply a part of her...

Eye of the Storm

Following the Battle of Drakheim, Drakengrad appeared to enter a period of relative calm as each force sought to recover from the devastating battles.The Hungering Warherd ambled aimlessly amongst the region, shepherded by members of The Cult of The Fell Dragon as...

To learn from One’s Mistakes

     The ancient looked out over the broken battlefield. The metal beasts of man lay strewn about in heaps, piles of beastmen surrounding them like barricades of tainted flesh. Scorch marks that stank of fulminated earth, and myriad beasts of the distant stars rot in...

The Battle of Drakheim

At last, the tempest broke upon Drakheim, as The Cult of The Fell Dragon amassed its armies to assault the city directly, seeking retribution for the disruption of their nefarious plans for the stolen amberstone. Beleaguered by the chases in prior conflicts, the...

Visions of the Dark

Lucina’s dream stretched out before her. Though Stormcast for centuries now, the Lord-Aquilor hadn’t been Reforged enough times to lose her need to sleep and to dream. While most of her other human needs had left her, the need for rest persisted. Perhaps, that was by...

The Haunting

As the sun set on the graveyard King Mat’hain looked around.  He could barely make out the Namirti on the far side and the rough shape of the allopex they were escorting as they patrolled the far edges of the area.  “Hrmph, scared tales for children,” one of his...

Struggle For The Amberstone

The thundering charge of swift-footed gryph-charges signaled the start of a number of deadly skirmishes throughout Drakengrad, as members of The Cult of The Fell Dragon hurriedly attempted to cross the region to reach their hallowed Mausoleum of the Gods. Set upon by...

The Whisper Engine

Bark and Salt, Fire and Ice, and a Silvery Reveal

Scylassa Brinebane and those that followed her were in trouble. They had entered the Argetoria Valley for the same reason most Deepkin found themselves on-land, namely, in search of souls. Unfortunately, their force had been met with failure after failure, as they had met only Deamons on this sea-forsaken land.

The Rise of Lazarra

Since the Necroquake, or what the Kharadron call the Garaktormun (the Great Gale of Death), rumours of ancient storm vaults being found has sent adventurers, or whole armies, in search of them. Now, one of these has been found in the lands of Argetoria. The invading...

Snow, Aetherpowder Blast, and Blood

The sound of aetherblast sounded over the Argetorian landscape as the Free* Company of Barak-Nar sought to stake out their claim. Led by Admiral Aethermusk the Free Company approached what appeared to be the ruins of a former settlement. On the horizon was a Beastclaw...

Argetoria Burns Again

Argetoria, yet again, burned under the flames of war. The armies that tread upon her dusty deserts, her spiralled mountain tops, and her glittering forests marched into battle to slay each other. Whether for noble goals or not, they slaughtered each other out there on...

Black Onyx

Rise of Mikronox, Prince of the Ever-shadow

The air rumbled. Vladan could hear the crash of snow from the world outside, an avalanche in the distance. The floor shifted.

Dreadhall Awaits

Death hung in the air, and the only life Vladan could see was the carrion birds that swung about the huge corpse.

The Key of the Sacrosanct

Mannfred limped slowly, and then walked, towards Vladan, death in his eyes.

A Glimmer in Sand and Sky

Bright lights swam in Vladan’s vision. They filled his field of view, shifting, swirling, moving around his mind, they pulled at his memory

A White Death

Vladan could not believe what he was seeing. It had seemed like such a sure thing. Those damned blue orruks had looked so goofy!

The City of Joy

Vladan’s forces had been climbing for close to a week, making their way further and further into the Yhorn mountain range, higher and higher

An Honourable Goal

With the Key of Night in hand and the Desert Lords mustered around him, Vladan lead his new forces north. They were on their way to the Y…

The Key of Night

He had it. His forces had been weak, and he had stared death in the face. But he had it. The Key of Night.

Grimnir’s Head

Into Grimnir’s Head, Vladan goes searching

From Golden Domes

Following his ordeal with the blue magister Vladan finds himself in Galhalla, city of the Golden Domes.

Stories of The Interstice

The Glorious Defense of Scarra

Scarra, the largest tithe city which fed the Khornate Lord Aichmos' domain within The Interstice, was under siege.The Stormcast General Kade Stormfury had gathered a grand host of diverse allies, gargants and even Khornate Heretics amongst them, to curb the Khornate...

Duardin, Vampires, Gods & Legends

Fog enveloped the shoreline, so thick that although he could hear the hissing of the waves through the pebbles of the beach he could not see much beyond that. The air was still, as though the natural world held it’s breath in fear or anticipation. He looked out,...

The Vampire and the Goat

Scowling at the sight of the undead all around, Pavel Ivansget, Captain of the 11th Rodrigan Handgunners, was under strict orders to be politic. Strangers in a strange Realm, the 11th were part of one of several expeditionary forces sent out from Rodrigos, the Spiral...

Avelorn at War

The Ghouls poured forwards in a seething tide, great clumps of discolored and misshapen flesh hissing, clawing, and biting towards the steadfast line of Wood Aelves. Feinour whirled about, raising his ancient spear aloft as he roared, “hold firm!...

Bark and Bow

“I don’t trust them.” The Watch Captain crossed her arms, youthful features narrowing in suspicion as she glared at the lithe figures in front of them. Tash glanced sidelong at her companion; eyebrow raised and a small smile on...

Carcosan Gateway

The Carcosan Gateway is a Realmgate that connects the Realm of Chaos and the Interstice. The question remains, who knows of it though?

The Full Weave

Below you find the entire story of the Weave in one giant stream. It’s a crazy, interwoven, mad looking story, but that’s exactly what The Weave is. If you’d like to view each story by itself, we recommend reading the stories in context within their Woven Stories above.

There is zero expectation that anyone would be able to keep up with this!

Raknoks Rancarous Gitz

Raknoks Rancarous Gitz

KEY CHARACTERSRaknok Poisontoof - Leader, TolltakerDESCRIPTOR:Hobgrots, Mercenaries, Sellswords and Scum.The realms are full of those unworthy souls raised out of the filth by the hand of a god, those corrupt enough to accept power in return for the sale of their very...

Améline the Anvil

Améline is a physically powerful Stormcast standing taller than Ogors, her might bolstered by centuries of experience fighting the worst enemies of Order and the divine storm barely contained in her body even at the best of times. Death holds no terror for her, and she is eternally willing to lay down her life for even the most meagre of causes, even after experiencing the consequences of Reforging first-hand. If she holds any dread of having her humanity stripped away from her, she has yet to show it to the world.

Carcosa Ascendant

Section I: Taberna InfernaIt’s too fucking hot. Aeson Tathalan bent forwards over the table, drink in hand. Typically, the Stonecrest Inn was a good shelter from the sweltering heat of Aqshy, but today its subtle magic could not keep up with the steaming fire-realm...

The Scourge of the Vitriol Sea

Disaster has come to the shores of Capilaria. Dawnbringer settlements and sea routes have collapsed due to the threat of the Charohydra, the legendary scourge of Aspiria.Escaped from its runemarked cage in the stormvault beneath Hammerhal Aqsha, the Cloister of Ashes,...

The Vampire and the Goat

Scowling at the sight of the undead all around, Pavel Ivansget, Captain of the 11th Rodrigan Handgunners, was under strict orders to be politic. Strangers in a strange Realm, the 11th were part of one of several expeditionary forces sent out from Rodrigos, the Spiral...

A Raft of Choices

A Raft of Choices  The sleek, sharp, dark grey-green craft glid half-menacing, half-playful through the interminable morass. The vessel seemed, in a place where to all appearances there was nowhere to go, nonetheless to know keenly where it was bound. From the...

Dire Visions

Mara’s study was a mess. The Aelf’s desk was a jumbled heap of ancient scrolls and scurried calligraphy, maps and artifacts were strewn all over the place, each piled at comical angles. Candles dripped copious amounts of wax onto the floor as each was almost burnt to...

Tall Tales

Aden hated Taverns. The smell, the insufferable songs going on into the early hours, the constant drunkenness of its patrons. Ugh. Did these Aelves have no self-respect at all? Yet here he was, standing outside the dimly lit structure of a place he so despised. A...

Hope in the Darkest Places

“Move! Move! Quickly, to the inner walls!” Astra yelled through ash choked lungs as fire and death surrounded the Aelves fleeing forms. Smoke and brimstone filled her nostrils in a soporific musk, she gagged in horror, fear-stricken eyes laying upon the carnage before...

Avelorn at War

The Ghouls poured forwards in a seething tide, great clumps of discolored and misshapen flesh hissing, clawing, and biting towards the steadfast line of Wood Aelves. Feinour whirled about, raising his ancient spear aloft as he roared, “hold firm!...

Bark and Bow

“I don’t trust them.” The Watch Captain crossed her arms, youthful features narrowing in suspicion as she glared at the lithe figures in front of them. Tash glanced sidelong at her companion; eyebrow raised and a small smile on...

Navarra’s Song

In beloved Carcosa where the soul-song dies, Where preoccupied tongues cannot speak lies,Accompanied by tortured, delighted cries,The ritual begins ‘neath  aberrant skies.Flesh-drums pound and searing sparks soar.Every mouth screams a rapturous roar.In a ring of fire...

The Plagues of Efengie

Swiftly, the season in Efengie turned from Winter to The Reaping, and Nurgle’s plagues took hold on the land.  First, the kings of Efengie ordered their troops to return, but as the weeks wore on supplies grew thin.  Now, they are at a crossroads.  How should they proceed in this more dangerous world?

A Dance of Dreams

“Come on let’s dance!” Her friend’s overly enthusiastic statement causing Aleya to groan in irritation. Yet the Aelf opposite ignored her dour mood, or just didn’t seem to notice as she plowed on, “it’s Eventide, you have to dance!” She seemed to be skipping to her...