Armies, Warbands, and Groups
The Weave is woven by the countess lives of the Mortal Realms. Armies march throughout the Realms, directed and lead by powerful warlords, while wardands and Bindings journey for honour, glor, and riches. These are the best of those armies and groups as they rise above the din of commonplace warfare and bend the Weave around them.
Below you’ll find a number of different groups. Path to Glory Hosts represent armies that are played through the Path to Glory system in Age of Sigmar. But you’ll also find Soulbound parties, Warcry Warbands, and other groups that don’t fit neatly into those on-the-table catagories.
Cult of the Thirteenth Toll
Human GHR worshipers
The Blackfyre fjord
The Eternal Killers
“The axe falls! The skull flies! THE BLOOD FLOWS!”
The Pioneers of the Storm
Originally formed by Jerin Glimmerbeard, the Pioneers of the Storm used to be a rogue skyfleet, preying on other skyfleets. After Jerin’s death, however, his son Hengtund Jerinsson has decided to go straight, seeking a safer way to make his fortune.
Thunderclad Retributor Host
Razortooth Hunters of Azyr
The Razortooth Hunters are a small warband hand selected by a Slaanian War Council of Azyr to hunt down agents of chaos that plague the Mortal Realms.
Karguk’s Fist
The Ycebrimir
Fanatical followers of a mysterious being known as Yce-Amma or Grandmother Of Ice, the Ycebrimir lodge is led by the zealous Vargana Ycedöttir. She leads the Lodge into battle, their icy beards and pale skin a stark contrast to their former Fyreslayer heritage.
The Cabal of the Scarlet Altar
The Scale Breakers
The Scale Breakers are a nomadic tribe of mercenary Ogors, primarily Maneaters, serving under the leadership of one Franz Dragonbreaker, a wandering Tyrant who ascended to head of the burgeoning warband after appearing from seemingly nowhere and wresting control from a previous chieftain while the tribe was on an expedition to the Gnarlwood.
Wiierd Boars
The Crimson Force
Blades Of Belthanos
Blades of Belthanos
The Yektiktlani Crusade
A tribal army from a far-off jungle land, whose sainted leader has rallied them to seek out the Slidecrown Isle, in an effort to safeguard what he believes to be one of Alarielle’s most sacred relics. The crusaders see themselves as would-be saviours.
Others may perceive them differently.
Floyde’s of Aqshy
Headquartered in the lofty peaks of Tempest’s Eye, Floyde’s of Aqshy is a realm-renowned firm of insurers, thief-takers, and security providers. The firm had its humble beginnings beneath the auspices of Floyde’s, a dockside tavern popular with captains and businessmen engaged in the skyship trade, where they sold anti-piracy charm plates. These were attached to ships to prevent them from falling prey to piracy and the founders of Floyde’s of Aqshy were so confident in their product that they offered to reimburse the loss of any ship that falls prey to piracy while under the protection of their charms. Floyde’s of Aqshy has since expanded into other businesses, including the provision of security and logistics services to Sigmarite Crusades.
The Thorn Crown Hunt
As news of a mystical Slidecrown isle spread, it reached the ears of Doranii, the Four-Armed Witch of Yuewall, and soon a hunt mustered within the city.
The Heresiarch’s Synod
A gaggle of squabbling cultists and aspirants seeking the favor of Lord Andal the Heresiarch, the Heresiarch’s Synod has been sent to plunder the riches of the Slidecrown Isles. Only by impressing the Goroan Myrmidon, Hashrakul the Interfector, can the aspirants of the Synod gain an audience with the Heresiarch.
Squallbringer’s Questors
A group of Questors from the Kraken Blades Stormhost trying to protect the island and its people.
The Feculent Alchemists Society
Nurgle warband devotion to science and researching the best way to spread his plagues and nurgles love to all of the relms
Annan Lyre’s Death-Quest
Annan Lyre, the last child of Meargh Wizard-Queen Mana Myr, is here to claim sufficient Aqua Ghyranis to satiate his transformed mother’s unending hunger.
Black Fang Swarm-Legion Vanguard
Vanguard swarm of the Craven Klaw and his Black Fang Swarm-Legion under the orders of the council of 13 of clan Iron Klaw. Vanguard leadership is under Clawlord Vreek Spitefur Treacherous Saboteur of the Bubonicus Mines.
13th Crownthief Regiment
The “13th Crownthief Regiment” are scouring the Slidecrown Isles for resources they can take back to their new capital of Dzarak.
Theddrisk’s Flesh-swarm
Theddrisk the Cruel master of the flesh burrows of Clan Iron Klaw
House of Keldenor
A long lost settlement of Sigmar abandoned and forgot since the age of chaos House of Keldenor has returned to exact vengeance for the betrayal and abandonment of sigmar and the living. Followers of the fallen god of Death Lauchon the Soulseeker. They look to gather his shattered fragments and remake him to help their cause against Sigmar and and release them from Nagash’s grip.
The Gaunt Horde
An abundance of life in realm of Ghyran left it’s denizens in an eternal state of turmoil against the restless dead…
Steamwrought Chuglords
Incarnations of the destructive force of industry, these ogors (and now others) burn and consume all in their way.
Clan Scruten
Once the leader of the Council of Thirteen, now former Seerlord Kritislik is trying to resurrect Clan Scruten to pursue his amibitious plan-machinations. If he will return to the high seat of power he once had, or suffer the rage of the Big Horned Rat– only time will tell.
The Honorbound
A nationstate of former refugees from the spirefall, who hunt corruption and injustice with a focus and brutal efficiency that disturbs their fellow lumineth.
The Exiled Blades of the Cinder Chain
The Exiled Blades are a group of wandering Aqshian warriors, bodyguards, and sellswords fighting under the command of the noble-born woman Kido Takara, heir to the deposed warlord Kido Takeo of the Dawnsgift Isles. They fight to restore their honor and reclaim their lost home island.
(Credit to Fiona Gardiner for the concept of the Dawnsgift Isles. She can be reached on Discord as “fibutt”.)
Gher’yehn’s Guards
Exasperated, irritated, and often annoyed to the point of anger, these are the Guardians of Gher’yehn, Emissary of Malerion.
The Dross Fray
The Dross-Fray were liberated during a raid by the Dross-forged into the bowels of Brak Zhagoul. They are guided by a daemon, a Poxbringer that answers to the name of Verrucatius, and they ultimately aim to return to Brak Zhagoul in order to fight into the centre of the city and place death’s heads into the cisterns and water supplies.
“Salt to purify, nullstone to ground. Faith to gird, brass to slay.”
– Eighth Lesson of Banishment.
“In other empires, power is apportioned based upon the blood of your sire. In the Dominion, power is apportioned based on the blood of those you kill – the truer form of power.”
– Meditations on Empire, allegedly authored by Desraki Khrodes
“They say those who live by the sword, die by the sword. In my experience, those who refuse to embrace such a life also die by the sword, but do so faster.”
– Brasslord Desraki Rickad
The Immortal Warmongers
Having spent several lives fighting for Sigmar in his Holy wars, this brave Stormhost have no memory of their previous lives, they only remember war. This has caused them to become strong warriors with unwavering faith in the fight of Good vs Evil.
Wrakrennch’s Tide
The Open Hand
Pay what you owe.
The Aurelian Stormlegion
A detachment of the Celestial Warbringers led by Knight-Vexillor Aurelius.
The Burning Brush Fire
Will work this out
The Liberated Troggherd
A warband of Troggoths that were enslaved by an Ironjawz Waaagh! Now freed from their masters and goaded to war once more by the glow of the Bad Moon!
Steel fang
The Beards of the Horizon
An entrepid crew of Endrinriggers starting their first independent venture.
Shepherds Of The Broken
When a stormcast is reforged too many times, their soul can fall apart and they become wandering spirits, Lightning Gheists. For many unfortunate souls, this is the end. For some, the only way to keep them under control, is to trap them in stone bodies. This is how the Broken came to be. Stormcast reforged so many times, who’d lost so much, there was almost nothing left. Shambling, incohorent ranks of stone statues with broken minds, with no purpose or ambitions. Discarded by their kin, a lone Lord Celestant saw them for what they really are: souls in need of help. Thoruhn became their guiding light and he leads them into battle against Chaos once more.
The Hallucinators
Lead by Polypitus the Clean, this group of Rotmire still seek to fulfill the visions they once saw in the Glimmerings found in their old home.
Scions of the Spurned
Cunning, cruel, and implacable, the warhost known as the Scions of the Spurned are a cacophonous band of killers, sorcerers, and daemon-mongers. Lead by the Chaos Lord Syndir, these Slaves to Darkness, bedecked in infernal armor and flayed flesh, march beneath the black sigil of Chaos Undivided.
The Bronze Sentinels
The Bronze Sentinels are a Stormcast Eternals Stormhost, who’s main occupation is locating, securing and safeguarding all kinds of arcane relics. This can go from simple enchanted items, to devices that can threaten the realms or eldritch knowledge no mortal should possess.
The Templars of Our Burning Saviour
The Templars of Our Burning Saviour are an Order of zealous Tzaangor Knights dedicated to Tzeentch, whom they worship as Our Burning Saviour. Founded at the very beginning of the Age of Chaos, the Order now rules over an Empire centered around the Capital city of Aith’erant, the City of Golden Flames. The Templars frequently undertake Holy Crusades all over the mortal realms in the name of their God, which are led by a High Templar, the second highest rank in their hierarchy. Often these crusades target Nurglite forces, even to the point of saving beleaguered order forces from Nurgle’s maggotkin, others are simply serving one of the unknowable plans of the Architect of Fate.
Venom of Morathi
The Red Snow Trail
Led by the Mighty Tyrant Theddran Rawtooth on a path of insatiable hunger the raiders leave a red trail of blood in the snow as they slaughter and eat their way across the frozen wastelands.
The House of Vermillio
The House of Vermillio operates as Khardihr ’s largest internal financier. Most, if not all, undertakings by the city government is in some way funded by the Vermillios.
The Council of Khardihr
The Council of Khardhir is the preeminent power of Khardihr. This council frequently changes members as those that rise and fall in influence gain access, while unseating those that fall behind. Like everything in Ghur, you are both predator and prey within the Council.
Da Choppas
Da Choppas revel in brutal acts of vandalism. Whooping and howling at the tops of their voices, vast mobs of Ardboys charge forwards in a rowdy scrum, worked into a frenzy by the warclan’s many Warchanters.
The Voice of Khaine
This is Morathi’s nascent diplomatic service. She understands that diplomacy is simply war carried out by alternative means, but figures there’s no reason to use alternatives.
Drothgar’s airbourne force
Barlimn and his top fighters boarded their paymaster’s skyships in the Hugering Steppes and headed to Barak Drak to honor what looks like a very promissing contract in the Badlands of Lahar while his firstbourne handles things back in the Wurmcaller Beacon.
The Legion of the Swampbarrow King
1000 point PtG list, Soulblight Gravelords.
WarTide of King Mat’hain
The Hungering Warherd
Cursed by the legions of death cult worshippers, their lands became overwhelmed with a drought that brought famine and despair. Driven from their lands, they sought out food and sustenance but found that they only hungered for the flesh of men, elves, and dwarves. Now hungering for blood, they find themselves at the realm of Drakengard.
The Necrosiarchs of the Silver Key
a quest for redemption.
Barak-Gol Expeditionary Force
The Ressurected
The Copse of Silence
Once upon a distant time during the Age of Myth, an underworld in the realm of Shyish was one of the few to be more on the lively side. Here in the afterlife of song, was the underworld known as Cadenza.
Da Realmhuntaz (PTG)
Da Realmhuntaz are a nomadic warclan of Kruleboyz, led by Razgor Beastbreaka. These Kruleboyz originally hailed from the deserts of Ghur, having adapted to life in the desert and dealing with beasts that roamed them. They even build their society around hunting, with hunting trophies being the proof of your skill as a hunter. These days, they wander the realms, looking for beasts to slay and towns to pillage. Yet, they still prefer the scorching suns of the desert and the easy targets that Ghur brings.
Waaagh! Stovepipe!
An up and coming Waaagh! led by a brash MegaBoss known only as Stovepipe. It is rumoured that they were constructed by the Metal Realm’s magic and is used as a puppet for another, but any who say this to his face are swiftly dealt with. They use the might of enslaved Troggoths to be the brutish meatshields of their forces, while charging in the rest of the army afterwards. While they begin building up the forces for their own conquests, it isn’t uncommon for them to sell off the more rowdy Troggoths to various clients, using spare metal and sparky bits to make restraining collars for them to have better control on them.
Barak-Izrildrakkaz led by Beldric Forgehand
My skyport consists of explorers and relic hunters. They travel the realms searching for artifacts and mapping the lands.
Horgathans Herd
Horgathan is not simply the Great. He is the Greatest or he will be soon.
All shall bow before his horned majesty, all shall tremble before his mighty hoofbeat, all shall cower before his glorious goatie!
The Black Heart
Lady Anastasia de’Vries finds herself in a fine predicament. The Crimson Keep left her and her retinue of Blood Knights behind in The Hungering Steppes. Now she not only has to survive the Ghurish wildlife and the many factions waging war all around, but she has to find a way to return to the Crimson Keep. Or maybe…what If there was another way?
The Host of the Transcendant Self
The Host of the Transcendant Self encompasses the varied and eclectic mix of individuals following the teachings of Chaos Warlord Carnegros, a figure lauded by his following as somewhere between a guru and a sage.
The Hidden Reserve
In Khazalid: Thindrongol – The Hidden Reserve, a Kharadron frigate with the Sons of Bugman AEC, veered off the sky-whale migration it was hunting to answer a Kharadron distress beacon in the high airs above the Hungering Steppe.
Norscellan Reavers
Reaver-Queen Vorghya leads the unified tribes of Norscellan, Kurgali and Tung in raids across the coasts of Ghur. Recently, she has taken a sizable force and headed towards the Hungering Steppe.
The Cystborn Ravagers
“The Glottkin. The Brothers Glott. Just look at them. Magnificent. Three brothers, joined together into the greatest of Grandfather Nurgle’s champions. So beloved. So toxic. All we aspire to be.” – Mortox Bilewood –
The Bilewood brothers have only known Nurgle’s touch for a short time. Only a few years. They used to worship the Everqueen, but she was insufficient to the task of guarding their farm. She couldn’t keep it from being turned into a Filth Pit. She couldn’t keep a Gnarlmaw from taking root. And she couldn’t keep the six Bilewood brothers from being fed to it. In its gut, five of the six brothers saw the light (we don’t talk about Kenzi anymore) – or maybe not the ‘light’, maybe the slime? – either way…five of the six brothers crawled out of the Filth Pit better and stronger once they accepted the Grandfather as the true Lord of Life. –
Two of the brothers lasted less than a year, struck down by those terrible Hallowed Knights that, for some reason, keep trying to prevent the Grandfather from finding and marrying the Everqueen. Ridiculous really. Why would they want to keep them apart? Can’t they see how great they would be together? I know, they would be amazing. Seriously, the Hallowed Knights have a lot to answer for. Oh, and they killed Agar and Karnak. We mentioned that already, didn’t we? Either way, those Hallowed Knights are a scourge and not the good kind. –
Anyways…The Bilewood Brothers (the three that are left) have a plan. They will spread the word of the Grandfather and draw his attention and then they will get to ascend to the greatness of the Glottkin. They will be so great that everyone else will be like “Glottkin? Who’s that? We only know The Bilewood Brothers”.
Drothgar Lodge
As news of a contract for an incursion into the plains of the Hungering Steppe, issued by a local tribe’s chieftain, reached Lofnir, Barlimn Ironhewer undertook the rite to take the Grimnirr name and start his own lodge. So starts the folly of the Drothgar Lodge. Taking this opportunity to settle in Ghur looking for Magmadroths’eggs is an idea with a few supporters. That Ghur would be a good realm to search for monster eggs and recover Grimnirr’s essense isn’t a crazy notion, but everything else is. Who better to tame the Steppe than the stout local breed of Fyreslayers? There surely is a reason for the absence of any proiminent lodges in that region. Where there is a risk, there is opportunity.
The Brinewood Coven
A ship mistress of Varkos Varactyr’s Wraith fleet, Bellatash, arrived in Ghur through a realm gate she inadvertently sailed into in Aqshy. Now known as the “Maelstrom Rift”, this realm gate swirls around the oceans of both realms, moving from place to place as an everlasting storm.
Bellatash found a fishing village in decline upon exiting the Maelstrom Rift and soon bled her way through the village, sating her hunger. On the cliffs above the the village sat an ancient stone lighthouse. Bellatash claimed the lighthouse keeper as her thrall, giving him the gift of half life and the necrotic arts.
Bellatash has since made the lighthouse her base of power, dubbing it the Crimson Spire and constructing a chair of driftwood and bone in it’s main hall. Bellatash preys upon the nearby shipping lanes, using the lighthouse beacon as a lure, growing her raised legions and looking for suitable candidates to expand her court.
Rulerz of da Waste
The Rulerz of da Waste are a mixed band of orruks and grots, who banded together under the leadership of “da wize’ Togtol”, heir to the mysterious Bakatai, emperor of the Sky Wolves in Hysh.
Wolves of Sigmar
The Wolves of Sigmar headed to the Hungering Steppe from the Realm of Chamon, are led by Lord-Celestant Rassus Ravenmane. They a vanguard-warrior chamber on a quest to help Rassus’s sister.
The Coven of Mightfulness
An offshoot of the Cult of the Transient Form, these Kairic Acolytes have collectively decided that they prefer the perfection of their magically-enhanced human physiques to the twisted, avian forms of Tzaangors. They have now set up their operations in Ghur’s Hungering Steppe, seeking to demonstrate their strength against the many mighty monsters (and armies) that the Realm of Beasts has to offer.
The Phantom Pit
The Phantom Pit is an espionage division of the forces lead by Morathi Khaine. Their leader is Kaonestri Bloodbane, Ironscale of The Phantom Pit.
Primal Sons Brotherhood
The Astral Templars Brotherhood consists of Stormcasts from the Primal Sons Vanguard-Auxiliary Chamber and Venerable Venerators Warrior Chamber. Based in the tundra continent of the Jhokulands in Ghur, the Astral Templars have been tasked with taming the Godbeast continent for the mortal denizens. Much of the land has changed, but the Primal Sons’ mission remains. The Astral Templars have taken down beasts and foes alike, and love to boast of their great deeds with trophies, mead, and tales at the Drakken Lodge Stormkeep in the city of Thunder Mesa.
The Children of The End Times
The Children of The End Times are a Vanguard-Auxiliary Chamber of The Blades of Light Stormhost. Originally stationed in Shyish, the Chamber is known not only for its prowess in outmaneuvering and destroying the Realm’s many restless dead, but also for its detailed genealogical records of both its members and the citizens they protect. According to its members, each warrior is the child of a long-dead mortal hero and seeks to uphold their parents’ legacy.
Legion of the First Prince
Blue crow
The blue crow originates in the craw mountain in realm of ghur they are tzeentch marked chaos tribe that worship him as the Raven king. It has been always ruled by two rulers one leading the troops they other is charge of the faith and omens it’s currently leaders are pair of twins knows as Morgiran Silvercraft and Hana Night wing.
Dornayar Exiles
Exiled after a civil war in the Prime Dominion, Telidan’s warriors wander through the realms in search of powerful artefacts that could help them overthrow Dariel the Tyrant (and replace him). When they learned about Fortress Librarium they decided to travel to the Hungering Steppes. Arcineth’s art of gheistweaving gave them hope for a chance of summoning back their former satrap, Elusedrod the Deathly.
The Pride
The Falore Clan
Clan Refrakd
Skaven renegades who seek to ‘un-Chaos’ their species by experimenting with various forms of Realmstone. Hire themselves as mercenaries to make ends meet, but occasionally act on their own initiative if needed.
Stormscale Covenant
A stormhost chosen by Dracothion, these mortal cultists were reforged into draconic warriors of the god beast.
Keepers of the Redwood Grove
The Mournful Choir
Natives of Shyish, the Mournful Choir is a warband of mortal Rotbringers of Nurgle who have embraced him as the rightful god of death and ruler of the Amethyst Realm. Their worship of Nurgle in the aspect of death is based on the need for firstly an ending of the mortal coil, in order to allow the cycle of life to continue unending. They display a very morose character in common with most inhabitants of Shyish and in direct contrast to the typical view of Nurglites as jovial and happy – often appearing emaciated, haggard and skeletal. They eschew the more usual greens and other colours of rot, usually painting their armour in whites and blacks with images of death, skulls and the like on their banners.
The coat of arms of the Order of the Tolling Bells: Argent with a bell Sable
(variations of this have been seen, though these may be different “choirs” within the overall order.)
The Order’s holdfast is known as Weeping Tor, a keep surrounded by the Griefmere, a deep and mostly impenetrable marsh.
The Skittering Horde
Grey Seer Veskit Foulfang, maniacal genius of the Skittering Horde is scheming to expand his domain and bring forth a true terror to the Interstice Pocket Realm.
Arcane Knights
Ventus in Silvam
Ventus in Silvam, led by Lumidalis Brightweaver, has been forged in the deep jungles of Hysh. With their knowledge and respect for the flow of life throughout the forests, paired with their adherence to the Hurakan temple, Ventus in Silvam moves through the jungles with agility rarely seen even by Aelves.
Legion of Dust
Khatharti the Ancient comes from a land unknown, from a time before the End Times. When he rode the endless deserts of the world that once was. His soul somehow survived and sealed away in the sands of Shyish. Luck or fate had it that his soul was friend sometime after the Necroquake. It was there his south was Found by Arkhan and forged back into it’s former greatness.
It was Arkhan then that exalted him to the status of Leige of his own Legion. The Legion of Dust, some say where ever they ride the ground turns to sand, the life sucked right out of the earth below his feet.
The Legion of Dust, is currently Campaigning in the Realm of Ghur.
Hounds of the Umberspire Inquisition
Stalking the leylines in search of captives and arcane secrets, these hunters travel from Realm to Realm leaving little evidence of their passage… More will be revealed in time.
The Green Order
The Green Order, led by the amazing Glydia Maggotreek loves nothing more than spreading Papa’s love, no matter where they go. Based primarily in Ghyran, they seem to be at an impasse with some local Flesh Eater’s who are also spreading their own vile religion throughout the local lands…