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Quests and Rumours

The Weave weaves where the Weave will. Sometimes those who travel across it are taken up by it, moved in a direction they did not know they would move in, even against their wishes. And sometimes, those who travel across it possess such strong fates that they dance on the Weave, and it swirls and stretches around them, pulling adventure around them, and bending fate to their wills.

Quests are adventures that you, usually through a Hero, can undertake. Most people will play through these within a Soulbound Adventure, a Path to Glory campaign, or a Warcry game, but there isn’t anything stopping you from using them to create singular, one-off games as well within whatever system you’d like.

Remember, everything in the Weave “actually happens” so most of the time Quests are one-offs. For example; if a monster is terrorising a city, and you decide to play through the Quest, you will be “resolving” that Quest. When you’ve completed the Quest, be sure to comment on the page about what happened! Some resolutions will naturally close the quest (the monster is slain), while others will keep it open (the army/binding was destroyed/beaten, and the monster is still out there).

Often, our events and campaigns use Quests as their main mechanic. Sometimes when this happens it is much more likely that the Quest evolve over time, as players interact with it, than they are to resolve and be closed entirely, though every event is a little different in how they implement Quests.

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Newest Additions:

Path of the Warlord

No matter the might of the enemy, a warrior that walks the path of the warlord must bring death and ruination against their enemies.

Path of the Scholar

A power once thought lost forever must be recovered.

Path of the Adventurer

Adventurers take jobs no one else can do. Or want.

Path of the Bandit

People need to do what the have to in order to get by.

Where to Hero?

Quests are always set somewhere. They exist within a larger narrative, the best of them will even affect people, locations, or possibly other Heroes. So, where would you like to find your next Quest? Our Realm pages have the information you’re looking for, they have sections for their Quests specifically, possible adversaries, locations to fight over, and other awesome information and stories. Get stuck in!

Current Quests:

Traverse the Forests

Commenting on this Quest at this time will affect the Forests, but will not affect the Withervane of the current campaign.

Across the flame-parched plains of Aqshy and the light-bleached deserts of Hysh, a wild story gripped the denizens of the realms. A site of ancient legend in Ghyran, the Realm of Life, held entire reservoirs of Aqua Ghyranis – enough to want for nothing ever again, to expand a mortal lifespan by centuries or to conduct powerful arcane rituals.

Krondspine Ghosts

Krondspine Range is full of ghosts tainted by demonic energy. Some have been able to shake off the taint of Chaos and want revenge against the forces of ruin. Armies opposed to Chaos can contact these Ghosts for aid Vengeance Against The MageThese group of Ghosts want...


Even among the starving lands of the Ghur's predator-continents, the Ravenids are known for their hunger. Hunger for blood, hunger for bodies, hunger for treasure. Even now, their hills are resplendent with legendary artefacts, awaiting those strong enough to take them

Infiltrate the The Thousand-Mind Symposium

Sitting in Fort Clawpoint, Valithek Scorntalon has called upon a meeting of Tzeentch Mages from all over the Realms. To discuss matters both esoteric and military. The Binding must infiltrate this Ceremony and navigate the ever shifting politics of Tzeentch worshippers. One must know the players of this game before striking

The Final Battle

The Cult of The Fell Dragon’s ritual has been completed, but at disastrous cost. The ritual was corrupted by the interloper, summoning instead a draconic entity composed of the shadowy energies of The Underside itself. Regardless of prior allegiances, you’ve chosen to fight this monster, for your own sake and that of all Drakengrad.

Bolster Your Own Territory

The Great Awakening approaches. Disruptions in the Hungering Steppe cause tensions to flare up between the warlords. They begin to make their moves, seizing strategic resources in a bid to cement their positions of power. The warlords call upon those who have pledged loyalty to them. Blood and battle has come to the Steppe. Only the strong can survive.

Cyclestone Empowerment

“What do you mean it looks the same? Less of your cheek, and go stick something with it – you’ll soon change your tune.”

Deep in Shyish, within the Cursed City of Ulfenkarn, adventurers can find what’s been called “Cyclestone Alloy”. If one could get their hands on this alloy, then their weapons would be all the more powerful!

Ceraphate without a Ceraph

Ever since the vampire Eresiel was overthrown, the Prime Dominion has been a Ceraphate without a Ceraph – a kingdom without a king. The six remaining satraps, rulers of the provinces known as satrapies, have governed by way of uneasy council. Old grudges and ancient pride sit like embers beneath a paper throne, awaiting only a breath of air to burst aflame once more.

Trade on the Green Ridge Pass

Within Northern Lustrare, it is Rumored that Clans Pestilence and Moulder work together on some plot to weaken trade along Green Ridge Pass to draw out the garrison of Taki’to. The Star Priest Xo’talac may be willing to hire mercenaries to scout the pass and bring back valuable information.

Little Helpers

It is said that in Hallowheart people have been using little creatures to do their bidding. Some say that the creatures are tiny humans, others say strange birds with human arms, others claim it’s actually inanimate objects come to life.

The Northern Desraki Theatre

With the Desraki’s hold on the Thondian Lands slipping new powers are arising to take hold. As the major Northern Tusk Chieftains are overthrown, smaller Tusk Warlords take their place ready to establish themselves or swear fealty to outsiders. The last vestiges of Desraki Power left are in the Cities. Though no City is immune to a Siege (Can’t be done if doing the Indigo Theatre) 

Krondspine Ghosts

Krondspine Range is full of ghosts tainted by demonic energy. Some have been able to shake off the taint of Chaos and want revenge against the forces of ruin. Armies opposed to Chaos can contact these Ghosts for aid Vengeance Against The MageThese group of Ghosts want...

Black Star Arena: Gladiators Wanted!

By order of Her Most Blessed Yellow Majesty, Queen Cassilda of Carcosa, Daemon Princess of Ambition Ascendant, the Black City has begun construction of a series of arenas, for the entertainment of all and to aid in production of foodstuffs and ritual items.

Therefore, She Who Wears The Mantle offers payment to those who would fight for honour, popularity, and glory in this burgeoning series of Carcosan arenas; may the Twin Suns bear witness to their victories.

Victors will be rewarded handsomely with the finest Carcosa has to offer, while those who are unfortunately not victorious will find fulfillment in the service of our demoniac masters. Apply at the Kelathran Spire.

Eternis Gate Orrery

Recently, Azyrite scholars have unearthed the lost, and thought destroyed, Eternis Gate Orrery — the projection orrery that mapped the whole of the Amethyst Princedoms vast realmgate network. Many of the realmgates may have been lost or, worse, corrupted, but the value of the rest is priceless. Some brave souls must start investigating the realmgates within the extended network to discover which still function and what is now on their other side, which are broken, and which must be reclaimed to ensure the safety of the rest.

Tutanum Dissapearences

Rumours abound in the nearby free city of Tutanum, in the Blood-wood Swamps, that there seems to be a new natural formation has mysteriously formed nearby. Where there was once a desolate desert, now rivers, jungles, and swamps have formed.

The Gargantuan Charonhydra

The Gargantuan Charonhydra was released from the alleged Stormvault beneath Hammerhal, and in its rise devastated half of the Lavafall district before being driven out to the Crescent Sea.

It still swims out there, threatening settlements all the way from the coast off Hammerhal, to Fort Denst, the Cape of Spines and all across the Vitriol Sea.

The Sign of a Crow

Within Northern Lustrare, it has been reported by both the humans of Oscoda on the Huron Creek, skinks of Xlakana and the Slyvaneth of Arbor Vale that those who have gone out to collect berries and other food along Huron Creek and The Great Green Swamp sometimes do not come back. Wild animals were to blame at first, but no bodies have been found, only drag marks. Skaven are thought to be the cause after further investigation, but Skaven have never been known to make it this far into the valley. The Sign of a Crow has been found at least one site of a possible struggle, though strange claw marks have also been found.

Meglofin Feast

A huge Meglofin has crashed into Brightspear recently and has been providing enough food to feed huge sections of Brightspear’s New City. It seems as if as more and more is carried off, more fights are breaking out over the best parts of the catch

Seize the Crown

The clouds that drew over the Slidecrown Isle were heavy with Ghyran’s grief. They shed crystal rain in great sheets over the lakes. The war for the isle had heralded nonstop combat for weeks. Bodies were slumped in the shallows, often cut down from behind even as they tried to heal their injuries with life-giving Aqua Ghyranis.

Cross the Water

The fires of war rage unendingly across the Slidecrown Isle. Those bent on scouring it clean topple ancient jadebarks and put resistance forces to the slaughter. Island denizens string up the bodies of their foes to feed the life-giving copses. Under cover of furious fighting, mercenaries dig through earth sodden with Aqua Ghyranis to find treasures of a civilisation long lost to time…

The Lost Avengorii Princess

Rumours of an Avengorii princess that’s been entombed on the island has reached the warlords and adventurers fighting around the Drench. Now, warbands descend on the islands in search of this trapped lady of death – in order to release her onto the field of battle, or to kill her for good, only time will tell.

Race to the Vault

Tzeentchian sorcerers have turned their attention to the Doomstretch, with dire consequences for the aelves of the region and the realm as a whole…

A blot on eastern Ymetrica, the Doomstretch is avoided by sane souls. The sky churns with aftershocks from intense magical combat, and the land is split by constant tectonic agony. Beneath the Doomstretch was buried a loathsome relic, named in crystal tablets as Yngr’yme or the ‘Shackler of Peaks’. While records of the artefact’s precise nature were lost, legend spoke of its ability to enslave the minds of the mountains – a sin beyond measure in Ymetrica.

If Tzeentch’s forces were to claim such a relic, they could inflict wounds upon Ymetrica that might undo the work of the Reinvention. Whatever Lumineth forces could be mustered were drawn together, even if it occasionally required Sigmarite allies to be abandoned mid-campaign. To the aelves, it was a grievous but necessary sacrifice. They could only hope to reach the Doomstretch vault before all was lost.

The Lavafall Restricted Area

The Lavafall District in Hammerhal Aqsha had been thoroughly devastated, after the gargantuan Charonhydra escaped the alleged Grand Stormvault beneath the city. Wild spells and ancient monsters, trapped since the Age of Myth, were released into the city, and the Council of Hammerhal sealed off the district, leading to riots inside for months.

The threat within and below grew so big that the Hammers of Sigmar themselves descended on the vault at last, and seemingly neutralized most of the threat… or did they?

Things have calmed down since, but large parts of the district are still quarantined, to prevent entry to the bowels of the vault and for fear of Chaos corruption… and rightly so.

Ceremony of Blood

The Mandestri, a brand-new blood cauldron connected to the great Mother Cauldron and font Morathi’s power – has been terribly damaged. Its cursed iron surface has splintered and must be repaired through rite and sacrifice. Morathi-Khaine herself leads a great ritual intended to heal the Mandestri’s wounds, channelling a vast quantity of potent gore through a sacred sacrificial shrine magically linked to the Mother Cauldron. But enemies seek to impede her plans; they must be driven back – or fed to the Mandestri themselves.

The Thirsty Pilgrim

The dour traditionalists of the sky-port of Barak- Thryng are slow to ask for assistance, which is why their plea for aid is so unusual. The Kharadron frigate, The Thirsty Pilgrim, crashed in the Yhorn Mountains, near the Spiral Crux, on the way to Barak-Urbaz. The fallen crew managed to send out a distress signal before they were cut off.

The Lost Chambers of the Sun

Within Northern Lustrare, there is a legend of there being lost chambers under the lone obelisk in the northern part of the Desert of the Sun. It is said these chambers hold immense wealth, lost scrolls from the age of myth, lost plaques from a time before time, one legend even says there is a powerful weapon of old gods locked away…. legends are mostly made up, right?

Resolved Quests:

The Siege of the Voidfang

The only hope of stopping the Fae’s reign of terror in Rondhol lies in the defeat of their monstrous creation, the Voidfang. It’s time to gather a powerful force and embark on a dangerous journey into the heart of enemy territory, facing countless obstacles and dangers along the way.

The Rising Flood

Civilia’s Ruin has begun to degrade further; the waters of the Bitingsea flooding the city to greater measures due to the Svlind moving towards the southern shores. Those within the city can no longer ignore this threat.

An Engine is Needed

While the city of Khardhir may be grounded, with Seraphon allies at their side they’re looking to reassert themselves on the now roused continent. Can they successfully lift the city again, or will they perish in the mud like so many other crusades?

Spoils and Plunder

The cessation of Rondhol’s slumber has brought terror to the denizens of the continent. Towns all along the Svlind have been destroyed, and those that call the other side of the Bitingsea home look to the northern horizon – and flee. This is the Mortal Realms though, and as such, there are plenty that are willing to use this terror to their advantage…

A Fortress of Deceit

Civilia’s Ruin is now in the hands of Sorrah and her allies. Those that sought to defend the city have either been killed by those they thought to be friends, or are missing. To make matters more complicated, the Seraphon from the Xarlanth approach with their broken ship clearly in mind.

Halt the Resurrection

With the Free City reconstituted as best as Drakengrad’s brief calm would allow, its defenders stand ready to oppose The Cult of The Fell Dragon’s attempts to resurrect their dead god. You’ve chosen to head up one of these forces, marching out to one of the Sentinel Bones to disrupt the ritual.

Rebuild the City

Following the Battle of Drakheim, the west district lies in ruins, with the citizens in distress and spirits of the city restless. You’ve chosen to aid the city in rebuilding, quelling disturbances, and rooting out any remnants of The Cult of The Fell Dragon remaining in the city.

Defend The City

With The Cult of The Fell Dragon mobilizing to attack Drakheim en force, the multifarious defenders of Drakheim gathered to man the walls against the oncoming assault. You’ve chosen to be apart of the repelling force, aiding the Free City in any way your army can.

Pledge to the Warlord of the Plains – Menthizar Kraeth or Huntmaster Sylai

The ground trembles and groans beneath you as you finish building your settlement. The beasts of the Steppe scatter as Ghur itself growls in hunger. The locals refer to this as the ‘Great Awakening.’ What beast is so great that it’s awakening could disrupt the entire Steppe? Even the local warlords fear this looming threat and begin to make their moves to consolidate power.

You receive an invitation into the courts of the warlords. Each one promises great power for pledges of loyalty. Will you band together or forge your own path?

Settle in the Fangwood

Your travels complete, you see the Steppe laid out before you. Across the horizon, you see other warlords begin to build their strongholds. Some have come in search of the Amber Stampede, others have come by the invitation of local warlords, and some just see the land as a font of opportunity.

But this story is yours to tell. Why have you come? Where have you settled? Who are those that fight alongside you? What is the Stronghold you will build? These are the questions the Steppe demands of you. These are the tools you will use to carve your legends into the lands of Ghur.

The Dawnbringer Crusade of Nassollotyl

A great worm is gaining on the Nassollotyl. The scholars, seers, and navigators of the city have all determined that the creature will pass right between Nasson and Neolotl. As such the leaders of the city have declared that a Dawnbringer Crusade should be formed, mounting the beast, and taking advantage of the beast’s now-roving Geomantic Nexus. Much is needed to accomplish this for the beast will move quickly through the area, and the window for action will be short indeed.

Fortifying Positions

The denizens of Rondhol must prepare themselves for any number of the various onslaughts that are incoming. Those that are currently within Furyoth Dell and the Mountains of Maraz know that the likelihood of the Voidfang reaching them is high, cities along the coast of the Bitingsea such as Civilia’s Ruin need to prepare for the Svlind to finally reach them, and others throughout the region – including Khardhir – are under an ever-growing number of threats.

Beastial Pride

The Fae are using the amber blood, pulled from the depths of Rondhol, to control all manner of large beasts. This theft of the blood of the land, along with the use of it in controlling the wild creatures of the continent, has not gone unnoticed.

A Destination to Reach

Khardihr is no longer safe. From the inside families and communities eye each other suspiciously while the House of Vermillio and the rest of the Council go at each other within the Council. Not to mention a significant amount of very angry orruks now eye the city with great desire.Although the Council has forced the city to move towards Furyoth Dell, it is moving slowly and is certainly open to attack.

Headz and Tailz

A kruelboyz scout has spotted the crash site of a portion of the Xalranth. Most notably, it seems the seraphon here have survived, and are pulling together sections of the ship to create a temple-raft fortress on the back of a gargantuan gharial – a crocodilian megafauna half a mile long. 

Protect Yourself

After the chaos of the struggle for the amberstone, The Cult seems dissatisfied with their share and is making to attack the Free City of Drakheim. You’ve chosen not to directly involve yourself, and weather the oncoming battle in whatever way you can.

Explore Drakengrad

While the conflict between the Free City of Drakheim and The Cult of The Fell Dragon mounts, the wonders of Drakengrad prove far more enticing. You’ve chosen to wander this forgotten underworld, to uncover its secrets, or perhaps, some of its people. 

Pledge to No Warlord

The ground trembles and groans beneath you as you finish building your settlement. The beasts of the Steppe scatter as Ghur itself growls in hunger. The locals refer to this as the ‘Great Awakening.’ What beast is so great that it’s awakening could disrupt the entire Steppe? Even the local warlords fear this looming threat and begin to make their moves to consolidate power.

You receive an invitation into the courts of the warlords. Each one promises great power for pledges of loyalty. Will you band together or forge your own path?

Pledge to the Warlord of the Fangwood – Arch-Hekatos Kalazar or King Elrog

The ground trembles and groans beneath you as you finish building your settlement. The beasts of the Steppe scatter as Ghur itself growls in hunger. The locals refer to this as the ‘Great Awakening.’ What beast is so great that it’s awakening could disrupt the entire Steppe? Even the local warlords fear this looming threat and begin to make their moves to consolidate power.

You receive an invitation into the courts of the warlords. Each one promises great power for pledges of loyalty. Will you band together or forge your own path?

Settle in the Swallowing Bogs

Your travels complete, you see the Steppe laid out before you. Across the horizon, you see other warlords begin to build their strongholds. Some have come in search of the Amber Stampede, others have come by the invitation of local warlords, and some just see the land as a font of opportunity.

But this story is yours to tell. Why have you come? Where have you settled? Who are those that fight alongside you? What is the Stronghold you will build? These are the questions the Steppe demands of you. These are the tools you will use to carve your legends into the lands of Ghur.

Plunder the Bitingsea

Amidst the chaos and destruction of Rondhol, some are choosing to take advantage of the situation and raid the abandoned towns and attack the refugees fleeing the destruction. Those led by Targug the Cleaver and Khrovar Blackmaw are all still in the Bitingsea, making the most of the situation.

The Procession of Blood

The Burning Templars have created a procession of sorts that now moves through the Furyoth Dell – in the direction of where most believe the Fae to be coming from. This massive group of followers have begun to pull even more to their cause, but someone has arrived that brings of news of a new plan…

The Drowned Citadel

Civilia’s Ruin is now solidly in the hands of Sorrah and her allies. Those that sought to defend the city have either been killed by those they thought to be friends, are missing, or have turned to the Dell in search of a new way forward. To make matters more complicated, the Seraphon from the Xarlanth continue their incursions with their broken ship clearly in mind.

A Portal’s Pull

Warbands that found themselves battling high on the River Att have been decimated. Those that survived need to re-group, fighting off the jungles that lay beside the river. Some will make their way upstream towards the Furyoth Dell, while others, hearing that the Gaping Portal is soon to be attacked, decide to defend what’s already theirs.

Into The Dell

Not only has the Furyoth Dell been exposed after centuries of being hidden away, it’s also where known parts of the Xarlanth fell – possibly even the primary site. If the Dell was a curiosity to adventurers before, it is now irresistible to treasure seekers, explorers, and merchants throughout Rondhol. Additionally, it is clear to everyone that many of the Seraphon that survived the crash are now converging on the area in the hopes of finding parts of their lost ship.

Investigate New Means of Resurrection

Despite victories in the Battle of Drakheim, an enterprising interloper has stolen The Cult of The Fell Dragon’s stores of amberstone, ruining their initial plan for summoning an avatar of their patron. You’ve chosen to assist The Cult in researching new means of resurrecting the dragon god using the Sentinel Bones around Drakengrad or in seeking out the mysterious interloper.

Assault the City

After the forces of Drakheim denied The Cult of The Fell Dragon the amberstone with which to resurrect their ruinous patron, the warleaders of The Cult have ordered a full assault upon the Free City. You’ve chosen to join The Cult in their attack, aiding their efforts however you and your warband can.

Earn The Cult of The Fell Dragon’s Favor

While you may have chosen to cast your lot in with The Cult of The Fell Dragon, its warleaders are not one’s to be satisfied with mere pledges of loyalty. You have been tasked with demonstrating your power and loyalty to their cause of ruin by making an attack upon any of their foes, be it roving undead or Chaos worshippers, scouts from Drakheim, or other tribes of Drakengard’s Hidden People who dare to reject the will of The Fell Dragon.

Pledge to the Warlord of the Swallowing Bogs – Bor Goadfist or Veinir

The ground trembles and groans beneath you as you finish building your settlement. The beasts of the Steppe scatter as Ghur itself growls in hunger. The locals refer to this as the ‘Great Awakening.’ What beast is so great that it’s awakening could disrupt the entire Steppe? Even the local warlords fear this looming threat and begin to make their moves to consolidate power.

You receive an invitation into the courts of the warlords. Each one promises great power for pledges of loyalty. Will you band together or forge your own path?

Settle in the Plains of the Hungering Steppe

Your travels complete, you see the Steppe laid out before you. Across the horizon, you see other warlords begin to build their strongholds. Some have come in search of the Amber Stampede, others have come by the invitation of local warlords, and some just see the land as a font of opportunity.

But this story is yours to tell. Why have you come? Where have you settled? Who are those that fight alongside you? What is the Stronghold you will build? These are the questions the Steppe demands of you. These are the tools you will use to carve your legends into the lands of Ghur.

Want to tell your own story? Then get involved!

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