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The Full Weave

Below you find the entire story of the Weave in one giant stream. It’s a crazy, interwoven, mad looking story, but that’s exactly what The Weave is. If you’d like to view each story by itself, we recommending going back to the overview page. 

Khvath Slaveborn

 A slave for the first 17 years of his life, this crafty serpent-man found favor and fortune as a courier and information broker in Carngrad. After successfully emancipating the city’s slaves (in favor of an exploitative profit system), he was chosen to lead the armies of Carngrad in the Prime Dominion War. Now he is a war hero and inter-realm crime lord on the Path to Glory.

Alternate route

War queen Boudica rallied her tribe and prepared to assault the spire from a different direction after the meteor storm blocks their way forward to the spire. The Ordofigaidd vanguard is forced into a skirmish with a lumineth realm lords' scouting party to stop the...

Assault on the Slekit spire

War queen Boudica assembled her tribe at the base of the base of the unmade Slekit spire, ready to assault it. The god speakers set to work raining arcane fire down on the Pestilins defenders to cover the charge of the darkoath fellriders, but before they can start, a...


Upon a vast formation of metallic rocks overlooking the landscape below, Templar Champions Xshaeta the Observant and Isthubar the Steadfast stood next to the Fyreslayer Gelvan Brazenmantle, their attention mostly directed at the Spire of Vexshik. The eldritch wonders...


Their sharp, clawed golden gauntlet dragged the ruined remnants of a Blissbarb archer along, dropping it before her onto the cavern’s uneven ground.“I’d suggest we skip this dreadfully boorish diversion.” The Tzaangor crusader spoke. “Your minions have pestered His...

Rittichik Thing-Fixer

One of the subcommanders working out of Vexchik Spire, Rittichik Thing-Fixer is one of the Warlock Engineers in charge of training new Clan Skryre Acolytes. It was deemed that Vulkaris would be a good place for such a training ground, and so he was dispatched with a fresh group of aspiring Acolyes.

Spreading Words of Fire

With some effort, Xshaeta wedged their battleaxe free from the skull of the Saurus warrior lying at the two-headed Tzaangor's feet.It has been days of the Seraphon harassing them, attacking from different directions, tying the Templars down in melee, preventing them...

Rise of the Queen

In the dark corners of the Impossible Fortress, forgotten by all save perhaps the Grand Conspirator, reside the memories of abandoned futures, the fragments of pasts unmade, and all the hopes and dreams and ambitions that lay between. They have nothing but hunger, not...

Battle Report V: Terror Amongst The Branches

As the Wardens of Burden ferried their precious and dangerous cargo, the Arboreal Wellspring, back to the Stormvault, they encountered Wildercorps on their journey. The mortal soldiers explained that they were searching the forest for missing citizens from Hammer's...

Battle Report I: The Battle For Hammer’s End

The Wardens of Burden have been charged with the defence of Hammer's End, and not a moment too soon. Word has reached Azyr that the colony is under attack from Kruleboys; the original Stormcast garrison has been entirely wiped out protecting the mortals, and now only...

The Godskull Mausoleum

For the Desraki, triumphing over their enemies in battle isn't enough. They are no mere raiders and marauders; they are Khorne's most devoted warriors. It falls to them to ensure that His will is imposed upon the Red-Earth Lands they control, and no rivals must stand...


Natasha gasped awake in the middle of the room, standing in the middle of the light. Confusion came to her mind as she looked at the formless surronding. Where was she? How did she get here?Looking around yielded no answers. She figure dout she was still in her heavy...

Mistress of Pain

Aengellania sat in her study, the first time in quite a while since she's been absent from Alethra's warm coils. But her lover had recently just gotten married, and Aengellania knew better than to intrude on the honeymoon. She and Alethra would have plenty of time to...

First Step On The Path To Glory

Lord-Celestant Tcimmera Skybrow knelt before the God-King Sigmar, head bowed as she awaited her orders. Even with her eyes fixed squarely upon the marble tile floor, she could feel her liege's radiance wash over her, like the crashing of solar waves upon the firmament...


Halarus wasn’t a warrior.He wasn’t even a true wizard. The man was a quivering reservoir of public decrees and order. A man of law and pageantry. He learned to read from his father, a scholar, and was urged by his mother for greater things through true understanding...

The blood wolves temple

After pushing back the Scorntide and DesrakiDeeper into hiding the blood wolves raiders set up a shrine in inside of a former Scorntide hq that they are using as a forward operating base plans to explore and hunt any survivors left as look to expand their own...

Desraki Omens: Destruction

"Captain! We found a survivor."  The leader of the Desraki war party looked up from the maps in his tent. At the entrance stood one of his sergeants, backlir by the setting sun. Beside him was a young soldier, armor pitted and scratched, whose body was thin with...

Despair, shattered

From his hidden position, Templar Champion Escarosht the Ardent observed as the ravenous ghouls charged wave after wave against the Nurglites' crude, but effective fortifications.They were excellent shock troops, the Aviarch noted. Unrelenting and vicious. They served...

Virulent Despair #1

The Slidecrown SunderingSeize the CrownVirulent Despair(Part 1 | Part 2)The men and women of the huntbands surged over the ruins, toppled columns and crumbled walls proving no impediment to the nimble hunter-warriors. With an almost aelven grace, they raced for the...

Ambush near Fuegorn Drift

The Deepkin noble was searching the ruins along with his retinue of eel riding guards, with a shark floating over head keeping look out. They had no idea they were being watched. "This is almost to easy." whispered Kwark to second"Ya boss man, I'm surprised they took...

Family Reunion

The Slidecrown SunderingSeize the CrownFamily ReunionMatlalhuitl, the Saint of Yektiktlan, sat upon his Charming Throne — a construct of palest birchwood boards, intertwined with slender, flowering vines; an elegant tribute to the Everqueen’s grace — and regarded his...

siege at Zraco part one

I March out with four of my packs And left the rest to search out Desraki loyalists and destroy them. That doesn't matter. Now we have a job to do days of endless hunting out the sorcerer's rats and obiltate them. We arrived at their stronghold called Zraco. We tried...

Prelude to Alliance #3

The Slidecrown SunderingCross the WaterPrelude to Alliance(Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)The leader was far more robustly built than its kin, both taller and brawnier, though not so much as the airborne variety. And yet… there was something wrong with it, she could sense....

Prelude to Alliance #2

The Slidecrown SunderingCross the WaterPrelude to Alliance(Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)The handful of tzaangors — a mix of enlightened & skyfires — upon their magnificent, floating discs, followed the bat-winged horror as it lurched through the skies with a speed...

Prelude to Alliance #1

The Slidecrown SunderingCross the WaterPrelude to Alliance(Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3)Eloxochitl stood by the lakeside, with her subordinate huntmaster and two huntbands arrayed at her back, in as close to formation as the tribal troops ever got. Together, they stared...

surrender or die

On the way to lay siege to New Edessa the horned scythe was discovered a rogue beastmen Brayherd camped in the way of the March so Qushroc The Plaguebreath sent a envoy to persuade the beastmen to move out of the way or die but the envoy was slaughter and had his head...


DreamsDominar Khask was not known for being sentimental but couldn’t help but feel some pride as he watched a bustling camp spring into being. It had been a hard march through dangerous territory to get to the shore opposite the Slidecrown Isle, and a difficult if...

Perfect time to strike

The Desraki are weak. Now is our time to strike fast and hard. Then we will win this war against the raven gods' forces before we can march towards the city of Excelsis and then to the gates of holy azyr where the false god lives with his army of lightning jotun, but...

Slaughter in the swamp

After 3 days of force marching the claw hoard had finally arrived at The Drench. Clawlord Bonepest had made his way to this new theater of war at the command of Ratsputin who pulled some strings back at the capitol. This new force was made up mostly of clanrat slaves...

Who Ambushes the Ambushers?

Not being familiar with Ghyran, Argannon had decided to make a slow approach of the Slidecrown Isle. He did not yet know what had drawn them here but many, varied forces were approaching the island. So instead of leading the Fangs of the Deep straight into an unknown...

Bonding the pack

Kaletch Houndstooth and his pack mates stumble on a raven-god warband assembled to attack the blood Wolves' den. The Blood Wolves gather together, ready to ambush The Shifting Fateweavers. In one quick strike, the first pack sat waiting for a perfect opportunity to...

Planting new roots

After Several small skirmish with the tzeentch army the horned scythe advanced deeper into enemy territory march towards New Edessa to lay siege and conquer it for great gardener days before the they scheduled to arrive at the New Edessa the where attacked by a...


Under deep red sails, and banners bearing the Golden Burning Wings of Our Saviour, the Templar warship "Promised Conflagration" approached the coast of the Isle of Slidecrown. She was escorted by six heavily armoured Enlightened on Discs in formation.Templar Champion...

Triple Entente

The hulk creaked as it lurched towards its destination on the horizon: Slidecrown Isle, a speck of land, black on the dark Sea of Elemental Truths, barely visible as dawn crawled closer. The Pale Horse may have been a fine vessel in its day, but in the service of the...

To Reap a Titan

The trees of the Slidecrown Isle stood tall in the forest, larger than many mountains. Each tree had supped from the magical waters of Ghyran since the Age of Myth. Their roots ran deep and thick through the earth. To behold even one tree was to see the majesty of the...

Calling the Synod to Order

(The Heresiarch's Synod and Hashrakul the Interfector land on the Slidecrown Isles)Perhaps he should not have called Lord Andal "the Prevaricator" to his face, Hashrakul mused. The Goroan leaned over the railing of the landing ship, assessing the thin strip of beach...

The Falsehood of Stories

[A story of Annan Lyre and his Death-Quest, for the Slidecrown Sundering quest, Traverse the Forest.]In respect for the champion who had saved their home, the Viridian King's crown was left untouched. Lingering energies from the powerful incantation imbued it with...

Sowing the first harvest

The horned scythe arrived on the edge of the tzeentch territory ready to push out the false god out, bring about a beautiful garden in the name of the great gardener and for the glory of destroying the tzeentch territory, first they, need to clear the earth of the...

Sea of Elemental Truths

The Sea of Elemental Truths, a vast expanse found to the north of the Jade Kingdoms of Verdia and Thyria in the Realm of Ghyran, holds a deep history steeped in bloody conflict. In the annals of history, the Age of Chaos brought with it the ominous presence of Nurgle,...


Dust rained down from the arched halls of the Temple.Even over the ardent chanting of those gathered, the booming noise of cannons easily reached them here. The Acolytes of the Academy of the Arcane Arts of Aith'erant, Humans and Aelves in dark red robes, their faces...

Sack of Valmore

Notes From: Slaughterpriest Scarvael BloodriverLieutenant Bloodsprouter of the Grand Ghyranic OrderWe were still getting reports from the Battle at Aridia Valley. The decimation. On an usual day we would've praised Khorne. Called it a Righteous Shedding of Blood and...

The Battle of The Dark Gods Laughter

There are only a few times in the history of the Realms that the Armies of Khorne and the Armies of Tzeentch were both so massive and evenly matched. The dried eternal blood of the Gorequake still stained Ghur with a horrific crimson sheen. The oncoming Tzeentch host...


Ruling from the reclaimed Magmahold Karaz Gronaz, Vos-Grimnir leads his Lodge with honor and conviction. Hailing from the lands of Hysh, the recent established Runefather has begun to make a name for himself and his kinbands in the mortal realms. They have triumphed over orruks, the undead, the filthy skaven, and even the Shadow Legions of the First Prince time and time again, forging his Lodge into battle harden veterans that would rival even the great Vostarg themselves.

Waging war from atop his ancient magmadroth , Cinderheart, Vos-Grimnir is a force few can stand against. Young for a Runefather and powerful of frame and mind, the duardin champion will continue to lead his Fyrd to glory. For Blood and Gold. For Grimnir!

defending what is ours

They have come sigmar lighting jotunn and his corrupted servants are to claim my skull come then I will gladly send you back to your realm broken and beaten,"to arms my pups to time to show them what I will happened to their false god".Cannons and artillery, roaring...

Summon forth the unholy

The Blood Wolves set up a ritual, set on the border between the Desraki and Valithek Scorntalon territory to summon forth their demonic  allies  to help them defeat the Raven God, forces in one swift blow against the capital city of scorn’s  heart, ending this war...

Blood wolves on the hunt

A scouting party of The Blood Wolves discover a large number of the Raven God forces preparing for war near the fort, clawpoint, so they decide to raid their supplies and destroy their equipment. Guarding their supplies was a warband called The Prismatic Deceivers who...

Blood wolves on the hunt

A scouting party of The Blood Wolves discover a large number of the Raven God forces preparing for war near the fort, clawpoint, so they decide to raid their supplies and destroy their equipment. Guarding their supplies was a warband called The Prismatic Deceivers who...

Krondspine Ghosts

Krondspine Range is full of ghosts tainted by demonic energy. Some have been able to shake off the taint of Chaos and want revenge against the forces of ruin. Armies opposed to Chaos can contact these Ghosts for aid Vengeance Against The MageThese group of Ghosts want...

Krondspine Ghosts

Krondspine Range is full of ghosts tainted by demonic energy. Some have been able to shake off the taint of Chaos and want revenge against the forces of ruin. Armies opposed to Chaos can contact these Ghosts for aid Vengeance Against The MageThese group of Ghosts want...

Fate, Sealed

Whilst the sky over Rondhol burned in the apokalyptic battle between the Fae’s hordes of thralls with the monstrous Voidfang and the Procession of Blood and their Orruk and other, even more unlikely allies, Templar Oron had found himself with the duty of commanding...

The Glorious Defense of Scarra

Scarra, the largest tithe city which fed the Khornate Lord Aichmos' domain within The Interstice, was under siege.The Stormcast General Kade Stormfury had gathered a grand host of diverse allies, gargants and even Khornate Heretics amongst them, to curb the Khornate...

Missing In Action

“Death, they said, is no barrier to the Stormcast Eternals, merely an inconvenience. The histories of the Mortal Realms since the Gates of Azyr were flung open and Sigmar’s armies marched forth to challenge the Ruinous Powers are littered with the tales of stormhosts...

assault on voidfang

Asarathu and his of allies of convenience have a war council to plan on how they would deal with assaulting the void fang Da Realmhuntaz would support the other troops with their trained boltboyz and beast-skewer killbows and Urgoth Skullsmasha Orruks as the main...

At Crusade’s End

She had heard the clatter of the dagger on the shrine's polished floor. She knew exactly where it lay. Ever since Khaelora Dreadgaze had been blinded, her other senses had grown even sharper. The chains that held the Aelf at the wall were not long enough to truly...

A Plan Well Made

This is it. The past few weeks, this has been everything Razgor had been working towards. The enormous beast known as Voidfang had been awakened by the horrible Fae and Razgor had become obsessed with it. He'd abandoned his position at the Gaping Maw portal and took...

Ride of Da Maw-Krusha

Ride of Da Maw-KrushaAtop the battlements of the Fortress of the Chalice an orruk in a colorful tabard paused in the middle of his patrol route. He squinted into the distance, trying to figure out what was distracting him. Something was…different. It was a bright day...

A Speshul Mishun

Durbok glared at the back of Dethmuttera’s head as they stood silently among a thick copse in the depths of the Furyoth Dell. He’d been sleeping well and dreaming of krumping when a whack in the head from the shaman’s staff had woken him. “Boss’s orders”, the lanky...

Clacker Smacker

Just a skeleton who fell in love with his mortal enemy, the dreaded warhammer.    The spark of forbidden love allowed Clacker to break away from his egoless life as he gained sentience. Now there is nothing he enjoys more than spending time with his beloved...

The quick and the buried

Grikk Mookshield had seen many things in his long 5 years of life, but he didn’t think he’d ever understand the other races’ obsession with gold. It was a perfectly fine material, don’t get him wrong; it was rust-proof, easy to work with, conducted realmstone energy...

The Voidfang Rises

T̴̯̘̬͚̂̏͌̀͒̆ḩ̷̖̺̣͓̤̀̚ͅe̷̥̭̓̅̏͑ ̵̙̋ͅV̸̛̞̄͌̎̿̕ố̶̢̗̲̭̩̭͍ỉ̴͍̉̂́͋d̶̡͙̮̳̝̥͇̋̑f̶͕͉̻̥̜̲̀̍͌å̴̤̳ņ̸̗̺̑̚͠ĝ̴̡̦̩̺̹̩̈́̈́̚̚͝ ̴͖̥̖̎̿̓͂̿̇w̴̫̪̭̯͎͚̓͛̃̚i̶̲̟̹̞̩̳͎͝l̴̜̻͒̿̍͐l̷̘̹̣̈́̍̍̊̋̉ ̶̢̧̪̯̯͗͗͊͜r̶̜̦̭̭͗̈́ḯ̷̹̦̼̘̺̦̰̈̒̄̓s̵̱̝̄͑̀̚ę̸̧̱̪̅.̵̫̥͉̥͍͓̙̓̄̄̈́̀ ̷̡̛̞̎̾̑̀̃A̸̧̛̻͕̭͒̓̓̃̚̕n̶͎̔͛̕d̸̨̧͍͔̃...

Scouting Duty

Slowly, and silently, the Tzaangors crept through the jungle. They had spent enough time in the Dell to become acquainted, almost familiar with their surroundings, the nature of the jungle. Specifically, they had learned much in their skirmishes against the Seraphon....


Durbok grunted as he ascended the hill to check on the warband’s shaman. The ‘ardboy boss wouldn’t admit it to any other Orruk, but a humie got him good in the knee during their last fight against Fae forces and each step of the ascent hurt. Zoggin’ wierdboy, he...

The Burning Crusade

In the jungles near Old Brass, the fighting was dying down. The last few remaining Saurus and Skinks, lying disabled on the muddy floor, met their end at the merciless blades of Sytarith's followers.Cries of triumph rang through the trees, the mercenaries' lines...

Thoruhn The Shepherd

Before Thoruhn was known by the title of The Shepherd, he went by Thoruhn Twicedead. He had only died twice, one death in his mortal life, defending his village against the horrors of Tzeentch, the second death as a stormcast, whilst liberating the same village, where...

Breaking Point

Near overgrown ruins, surrounded by corpses of aelven warriors and orruks, two figures argued loudly..."You're the most incompetent commander I've ever served under!" shouted Virielle Stormwind, absolutely furious. "When we found those amber spears I thought our bad...

In need of reinforcement

Marshal Asarathu general Agronā sent me with orders that you are to return to base Civilia ruin, and then we are going to push out Seraphon and  Sorrah Nikos forces and claim the amber blood for self to use in fight against the enemy sorcerer who will use it for foul...

Predator vs prey

Steel fang and their daemon allies continues chasing the orruks through dell and the towards south in the direction of Lendu, slaying any bands they can find in their way to reach their leader of Da Choppas they encouraged all of various apex predators driven into a...

An Alliance broken

So this was what remained of much of the Chaos Reavers' fleet, Areshtur thought. He had already heard many had escaped deeper into the biting sea, but still, this had been a devastating blow. The followers of the True Gods, their unity brutally shattered by an...

Monolithic Desire

"Fate has brought us here. It is the Will of Our Savior." Templar Oron insisted.Damnation. The Archprophetess couldn't help but grind her beak. It was impressive, the Shifting Monolith, how it floated above them, in its Holy Magnificence.She folded her arms behind her...

Briars in the Chasm

The Revenge of RondholThe Black Pits Briars in the ChasmThe ground shudders violently underfoot, and several sisters topple, whilst others stumble and flail, but manage to remain upright. Only the branchwych is at ease, her willowy form swaying like a reed in the...

Durbok’s Trial

Durbok eyed the winged beast warily. It had been both easy and hard to track after the battle. Easy, for he trail of dead shiny knight boyz it left in its wake, and the destroyed foliage it left after exiting the crevasse. Hard, because in its pain it traveled fast...

Falling to Madness

Day: UnknownTime: Likely past noon based on Hysh’s position Location: The Drowned City of DrownStatus: Disgusted, ashamed, oddly satisfied with my terrible deed.The Iron Bloods have thus far survived the savages of Ghur, though not without loss and exhaustion. Nearly...

Blood Ritual

Sytarith stood in a sea of blood. The vision had been quite right, she mused. She wanted it gone. The thing behind her skull, that ate away at her mind. She desperately wanted it gone. The strands of fate had guided her well.They needed more blood."More sacrificial...

Briars in Darkness

The Revenge of RondholThe Black Pits Briars in DarknessPart 1, The FigureThe rainfall has lessened substantially, to the point that it is now merely a light shower, meaning the figure can clearly make out the jungle it is approaching. It hasn’t far to go now, though...

Lure of the Depths

Inside an old clocktower, the Tzaangor had made camp.Morale was flailing, she could feel it, as she walked through their ranks, even if they pretended to treat the Archprophetess with as much deference as usual. It had been disastrous to withhold their victory over...

Beneath the bog

The Templars slowly marched through the bogwater.The others were alert, weapons drawn, always surveying their surroundings looking for looming dangers. Their scouts had told of Kruleboyz sightings in the area, and then…Templar Oron the Steadfast impaled a small...


As was expected, they had not been the first expedition to get this far into the Dell.Even now, the Archprophetess could sense the metallic smell of Khorne in the air around them, even in the centre of their makeshift camp, her fellow Tzaangor surrounding her.In front...

The Stormtouched

The village was in flames, but most of the fires were already dimming. The smoke drifted upward from across the flat plain, a mountain of twisting blackness shifting and coaling into the sky. There were no more screams, and an eerie silence wisped through the villages...

Bound Within Blood

“My, my, this seems a bit overmuch,” said Maemori, shaking her head.The tower of wrought brass and iron rose above her, slicing through the wild growth of the Dell like a twisted blade. There seemed to be no door or other means of ingress to its interior, and its...

Trees of Ghur

Gerwig Litcher stumbles his way toward the riverbank. He falls to knees and begins to hastily cup water from the River into his hands. He drinks, no regard for the old Trade Pioneer guidelines for purifying water. Plagues be damned I’d die from thirst firstHe then...

Writing Through Webs

Hitting the senses like the faint smell of almonds emanating from the drab clothing of the lurking privateers marching in formation through the newly clear cobbed catacombs of the Castle of Silk, with two carts with dark exteriors with purple walls adorned in spikes...

Legends of the Scarlands

Many legends have sprung up out of the wreckage of the Bleeding Wilds. People there are afraid, and need stories to explain how their world has been so completely overturned, and comfort them that they are not without protection.One of the latter of these stories is...

Briars & Their Betters

The Revenge of RondholThe Crann Bethadh Briars & Their BettersShe lopes through the idling mob of sisters, over to the odd rock they have come upon. A dryad is sat on her haunches beside it, looking from the stone to the approaching branchwych and back. This one...

Sparks of the Redwind Riots, Feralfang

  Scarlet emergency lights flooded the flicker-lit halls of the smoke filled sub-basement forge-halls as scratchy metallic screeching temporarily drowned the whir of pistons and gears. The 518th Union Security Detail began to slide down ladders, mustering the crowds...

The Jungle’s Welcome

Lady Maemori did not like the jungle. She could taste the humidity in the air, a cloying thickness that seeped into her lungs and clung to her pale skin. As if buoyed by the thick air, the grotesque bugs that swarmed about the air and crawled along the ground were far...

Briars Sally Forth

The Revenge of RondholInto the Dell Briars Sally ForthThe seraphon have attacked Ghur itself, and everything has changed. This was not merely the usual deforestation and land clearing of order, nor the senseless burning and razing of chaos. This was something far more...

Findin’ Da Way

Several days travel north of the Gaping Portal.Durbok stared at the Ironjawz Shaman as the Orruk repeatedly poked a small stone gate with his staff. Every few minutes he would walk around to a different part of the gate and repeat his prodding, all the while staying...

Holding The Gates Of Grung Esik

The forces of Da Maw Dat Walkz batter at the gates of Grung Esik, all the while attempting to escalade the walls. Orruks roar, Ogors bellow and Grots shriek, while their undead allies either fight on in silence or wail and cackle. Monstrous weapons hack into Amasya's...

Taking the Fight to Gorkoyuk

Lord-Aquilor Karjeon watches the orruks navigating the mud, blissfully unaware of the Stormcast just a few dozen metres away from them, watching from what little cover the bogs offer. Or perhaps not blissfully, he wonders; he knows that orruks love nothing more than a...

Big ‘Un hunts

Big 'un can feel the cold rain running down her skin. The sensation contrasts starkly to the burning sensation of the seraphon spear lodged into her thigh. The troggoth pays it little mind though, she has a job. The seraphon of the Xarlanth have set up cannons, which...

Betrayal’s Aftermath

“Traitorous rat!”The inkwell smashed against the wall of the cabin as Elanor vented her rage upon the contents of her desk. Letting out a wordless cry of rage she slammed a fist onto the tabletop, the wood splintering slightly beneath the blow. Though her heart no...

Gatherin’ Da Troops

In a small clearing near the River Att, Urgoth sits staring at a small fire, occasionally poking it with what looks like a sharp piece of bone or horn. His armor has huge chunks torn off, bite marks showing at the edges. A large tooth is stuck in his shoulder, and...

Briars on the Banks

The Revenge of Rondhol Trouble on the Att Briars on the Banks The song swelled when the violence peaked, but no sooner was the battle won than the music moved on from the Gaping Portal, heading up the River Att. Desperate not to lose this force that filled their souls...

Scorched Thrones

Gondrysdassnir's scales flaked against the cold of the Mountains of Maraz, this place has been more than trouble than he would've guessed with roaming orruks, the weather beating down on his privateers, and most of all annoying to his senses as his fumes keep coming...

The Untamed

His minion man-things hunched low, almost as low as a Skaven could, clinging to the shadows of the machinery all about them. Makeshift pipes and sluices fought against floodwaters to maintain equilibrium; the pervasive sound of grinding cogs and gushing water had...

Bonds Broken and Built

“Lady Elanor told us to be subtle,” said Knight Lord Dariun disapprovingly.“We are, no one will know a thing,” Maemori said, smiling sweetly as she dropped the limp body of the dockhand to the floor.He landed with a thud on the dirt of the alley floor, his vacant eyes...

The Arid Lands Of Trirah

The Arid Lands Of Trirah is a vast sea of deserts, steppes and savanahs located in Aqshy. With very little vegetation and water, life is hard in the Lands. Large monsters roam the lands, often living underground to stay out of the everpresent sun. On the Lands, the...

The orruk and the duardin

I.The harsh desert winds blew around Razgor’s head. The orruk stood atop his Sludgeraker, Grotgobbla. Together with his warclan, they were positioned atop a dune. The boltboyz lined the ridges whilst the gutrippaz were standing at the foot of the dunes. About a...

Briars on Board

The Revenge of RondholA Call for Aid, or Ruin Briars on BoardThe lull in the song calmed their bitter hearts, its lessened tempo temporarily tempering their temperamental natures.She watches from on high as her sisters shuffle and crawl into the vessel's hold. Unlike...

A First Cut

Smoke billowed up into the sky to be lost in the black of night as the fire consumed the city of Wavemeat below. All along the shoreline huts, warehouses, and jetties burned, the flames reflected in the water that surrounded them. The crackling of burning wood was...

Briars in the Rapids

The Revenge of RondholTrouble on the Falls Briars in the RapidsThey all felt the music in their heartwood.Her form is hunched over, as she clambers forwards on all fours, talons and roots digging into the mud, desperately clinging on, fighting the torrents of water...

The White Void

The White Void. The burial ground of Gods. Where one still wanders the frozen wastes, seeking to reclaim the domain that was once their's. Before there was Nagash, there were many Gods of death. Some gatekeepers and shepherds, protecting their flock from the living....

In the Armoury

An RP scene between Thomas Bouric#3602 (Améline the Anvil and Daisy), Keza#2929 (Jean and Evangeline), Foreverodd#1174 (Boi, Dan and the Corsairs) and Red angel#6435 (Varanguard King Khokatch Blaze Heart), begun the 13th of July 2022 in Choggrish Market chat and In...

Again and Again, Into the Breach

Améline runs at the Fairwater cannon crew. Their attention is diverted away from her by Boomer's army, their ears deafened to her thudding boots by their own cannon. Although they haven't thought to fire at Boomer's warsuit yet, Améline has seen the potential future...

Wrestling With The Hand Of Fate

Améline hangs in the dark, alone save the for the ringing of hammers on an anvil, and pain. But these had been her constant companions. She could no more be frightened of them as she could be frightened of the ache of walking.She wonders if the Anvil of Apotheosis...

Thorn Among The Roses

“Aenge!”The voice, even if it was no more than a whisper, immediately woke Aengellania up. The Age of Chaos had taught her to be a light sleeper.An arm briefly passed over the bed searching for Améline, before Aengellania remembered that she was away from Barak-Drak....

A Pleasant Day in Lahar

It was a pleasant day in Lahar. Perhaps not perfect or beautiful, and there was still likely a battle in the days ahead. But the water in the river was clean, the wind was cool, and the forest around Améline was quiet as she knelt beside the running water.At least no...

Rejection of the Future

It's nighttime. Sentries are posted around Admiral Ahaz's grounded airships. Naturally, Améline is one of them.She stares out into the darkness, focusing her senses into the dark and away from the talk behind her. While trying to ignore the gossip behind her, she...

Glelch Flyborn

Mortal champion of Nurgle tasked with spreading the Emerald Blight, a disease that causes boils that explode into pools of vibrant green sludge. Septicux  the Alchemist, A Great Unclean One is the patron and plaguebrewer for Glelch's plaguehost

The Disappearance of Noxil Ravenfall

Noxil Ravenfall woke up in darkness. As a denizen of Ulgu, this was no surprise, and it did not worry her in the slightest. What did worry her, a little, was that she found herself within a space without walls. Or anything for that matter. Mist and physical shadow...

Hoo-Ha’s Fate

Hoo-Ha was big. He was getting bigger. It was a dream, he knew that. Orruks were smart enough to know when they were dreaming. And Hoo-ha was a smart orruk. And Blessed. He’d been blessed by Gork. Maybe Mork too.  The other boys had been unable to hurt the ghost...

Weeping Tor

Known as Weeping Tor, the Order of the Tolling Bell maintains a holdfast within the Banelands in the south of the Penultima underworld, Shyish. The Banelands have long been under the sway of Archaon, and it is to him, the Order ultimately owes its allegiance, having...

Finding the Light in Undeath

Aengellania awoke lying on a cold floor in darkness. Her head spins, trying to pin down exactly why she was here. Had Gwydain taken her on another night out…? She shakes her head as her heart turns to ice. No, that had… That had ended a while ago.Aengellania tries to...

Chest Hollowed Out by the Past

Aengellania found herself walking alongside the Wight, their pace bringing them side by side. The Wight had been reticent throughout the entire journey so far, only speaking rarely to give out warnings and advice in the heat of battle. She doesn’t even know his name....

Knights, Maidens and Fantasies

Aengellania tries to make Eresh comfortable, insofar as she thought an Ossiarch could feel comfort. Eresh’s soul had been knocked out of alignment with her body by the daemon’s magic, but Aengellania has confidence that the Soulmason regain consciousness within an...

Hand Held Out In Strange Kindness

The thrown axe spins past Aengellania’s head, bringing with it memories of bleeding in the snow with a long streak of pain in her back. She suppresses those thoughts of trauma and marshals her magic into a small bolt of arcane might. She fires it off at the Marauder...

The Tortured Soul of an Artist

Jessuirs of Supple Flesh takes a step back from his work to admire his depraved magnificence. He had excelled himself, but he always had since he had pledged his soul to his Dark Prince. To think that he had been content with aimless brushes, pallid paint and simple...

Heartmender, Tearworn and Titanflint-Upon-Ghur

Watch captain Grathend Tübleck surveys the oncoming dust plume inexorably growing larger across the horizon, dread sinking whatever good humour the unabated Chaos raiders hadn’t already beaten out of him. In that cloud he can see Ironjaw orruks mounted on gruntas, a...

The Call of the WAAAGH!!!

Aengellania shares a fire with Nuklib, the Weirdnob Shaman that had made sure the Ironjaws welcomed her into their tribe. She likes him, she had eventually decided. He was good company to be in, a far more engaging teacher of Waaagh! magic than any of her Zaitrec...

Dreams of Howling in the Woods

Améline stands in a wintry forest, armed and armoured as a knight of her people. A small part of her wonders why she has two hands, or why she feels a longing to return to... Someone important. The exact nature of that person slips away from her, but she misses...

Crossed Wires

Blodaen Snow-Woven’s Binding found itself in Ghyran as a collective for the first time, preparing for an imminent audience with the Everqueen herself, Alarielle. Blodaen himself had campaigned in Ghyran before, and Ylthe had been grown here, but the rest still look at...

Cleaning A Bloody Blade

Tyriana Bladeforged runs the cloth down the length of her blade. It’s caked with gore, the refuse of today’s battle against the Beastmen, and a sword master needs to keep her weapon clean. So clean she can see her face reflected in it.It had been a terrible battle. An...

Flower’s in Dusk’s Light

A huge bloated man stood over Cargan, armour barely containing his bulging bulk, rusty cleaver dripping with the hunter's lifeblood. Aengellania didn't know what to do. Couldn't know what to do. He turned towards her, gurgling to himself as he raised the cleaver...

Beginning of the Stars’ Descent

“You're going away, Tichi?” Aengellania Heartmender asks this of the skink, not bothering to hide her dismay. The others are silent, though Aengellania can feel their sorrow through the Soulfire they share. "Yes. To Ahramentia. The massstersss have decreed...

Dawn Among The Bones

“I'm telling you, the tracks lead here. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean I can't."“Perhaps we should have waited for Tichi. She's just as good of a scout as you are, Cargan.”Aengellania Heartmender lets Cargan and Myloc’s bickering wash over her, as she...

The Curse of Alagadda

***Content warning: gore*** It had followed them beyond death. Beyond the reforging of mind and body. Through the obliteration of all that once made them human, the curse of their homeland still lingered. The longing sickness, the dysphoract, the crimson blight, all...

Comm. Shmidlapp

Commodore Shmidlapp's career had always  been a minor one… that was - until he and his crew started to receive visions of vast treasure within the Furyoth dell.Deciding to take up the opportunity, he and his crew set off for Ghur. But just as they had reached the...

Skibnitz and the Squig…

Kitznik frowned as he crept out of the tunnel and into the harsh sunlight of the deserts of Ghur. Frowning, the low-ranked Clawlord reached up a clawed hand and lowered the visor of his helmet a little, using it to keep the sun out of his eyes. “Stupid-dumb sunlight,”...

Raknoks Rancarous Gitz

Raknoks Rancarous Gitz

KEY CHARACTERSRaknok Poisontoof - Leader, TolltakerDESCRIPTOR:Hobgrots, Mercenaries, Sellswords and Scum.The realms are full of those unworthy souls raised out of the filth by the hand of a god, those corrupt enough to accept power in return for the sale of their very...

Duardin, Vampires, Gods & Legends

Fog enveloped the shoreline, so thick that although he could hear the hissing of the waves through the pebbles of the beach he could not see much beyond that. The air was still, as though the natural world held it’s breath in fear or anticipation. He looked out,...

Améline the Anvil

Améline is a physically powerful Stormcast standing taller than Ogors, her might bolstered by centuries of experience fighting the worst enemies of Order and the divine storm barely contained in her body even at the best of times. Death holds no terror for her, and she is eternally willing to lay down her life for even the most meagre of causes, even after experiencing the consequences of Reforging first-hand. If she holds any dread of having her humanity stripped away from her, she has yet to show it to the world.

Yhtill in Communion: The Ascension of Cassilda

Ambition and Ascension Section I: The Founding Beautiful. ‘King’ Noatalba gazed out across the area before the Hyshian gate to Carcosa, where the brilliant, glimmering landscape stretched far and wide. Such a place was surely an abode of gods and wondrous men, where...

Carcosa Ascendant

Section I: Taberna InfernaIt’s too fucking hot. Aeson Tathalan bent forwards over the table, drink in hand. Typically, the Stonecrest Inn was a good shelter from the sweltering heat of Aqshy, but today its subtle magic could not keep up with the steaming fire-realm...

The Scourge of the Vitriol Sea

Disaster has come to the shores of Capilaria. Dawnbringer settlements and sea routes have collapsed due to the threat of the Charohydra, the legendary scourge of Aspiria.Escaped from its runemarked cage in the stormvault beneath Hammerhal Aqsha, the Cloister of Ashes,...

The Vampire and the Goat

Scowling at the sight of the undead all around, Pavel Ivansget, Captain of the 11th Rodrigan Handgunners, was under strict orders to be politic. Strangers in a strange Realm, the 11th were part of one of several expeditionary forces sent out from Rodrigos, the Spiral...

A Raft of Choices

A Raft of Choices  The sleek, sharp, dark grey-green craft glid half-menacing, half-playful through the interminable morass. The vessel seemed, in a place where to all appearances there was nowhere to go, nonetheless to know keenly where it was bound. From the...

Ventus in Silvam ascends to the Prime Dominion

Ventus in Silvam, led by Lumidalis Brightweaver, has been forged in the deep jungles of Hysh. With their knowledge and respect for the flow of life throughout the forests, paired with their adherence to the Hurakan temple, Ventus in Silvam moves through the jungles...

Dire Visions

Mara’s study was a mess. The Aelf’s desk was a jumbled heap of ancient scrolls and scurried calligraphy, maps and artifacts were strewn all over the place, each piled at comical angles. Candles dripped copious amounts of wax onto the floor as each was almost burnt to...

Tall Tales

Aden hated Taverns. The smell, the insufferable songs going on into the early hours, the constant drunkenness of its patrons. Ugh. Did these Aelves have no self-respect at all? Yet here he was, standing outside the dimly lit structure of a place he so despised. A...

Hope in the Darkest Places

“Move! Move! Quickly, to the inner walls!” Astra yelled through ash choked lungs as fire and death surrounded the Aelves fleeing forms. Smoke and brimstone filled her nostrils in a soporific musk, she gagged in horror, fear-stricken eyes laying upon the carnage before...

Avelorn at War

The Ghouls poured forwards in a seething tide, great clumps of discolored and misshapen flesh hissing, clawing, and biting towards the steadfast line of Wood Aelves. Feinour whirled about, raising his ancient spear aloft as he roared, “hold firm!...

Bark and Bow

“I don’t trust them.” The Watch Captain crossed her arms, youthful features narrowing in suspicion as she glared at the lithe figures in front of them. Tash glanced sidelong at her companion; eyebrow raised and a small smile on...

Navarra’s Song

In beloved Carcosa where the soul-song dies, Where preoccupied tongues cannot speak lies,Accompanied by tortured, delighted cries,The ritual begins ‘neath  aberrant skies.Flesh-drums pound and searing sparks soar.Every mouth screams a rapturous roar.In a ring of fire...

The Plagues of Efengie

Swiftly, the season in Efengie turned from Winter to The Reaping, and Nurgle’s plagues took hold on the land.  First, the kings of Efengie ordered their troops to return, but as the weeks wore on supplies grew thin.  Now, they are at a crossroads.  How should they proceed in this more dangerous world?

A Dance of Dreams

“Come on let’s dance!” Her friend’s overly enthusiastic statement causing Aleya to groan in irritation. Yet the Aelf opposite ignored her dour mood, or just didn’t seem to notice as she plowed on, “it’s Eventide, you have to dance!” She seemed to be skipping to her...

The Empowering of Muhrd Greenhold

Muhrd Greedhold, the ghostly knight of shrouds and general at the Caverns of Fulminax had been getting reports that a disgusting army has been skittering around nearby. "Skaven! It must be." He told his second in charge, Droll Brightbane, their Guardian of Souls....

A Fight for Blood

Mannfred Von Carstein saw the Legions of Chaos coming into the land he was claiming. He was there to ensure that his influence is highest among the Mortarchs. It was also his good fortune that he summoned the cursed Prince Vhordrai away from the Crimson Keep when he...

The Calm Before the Storm

“How many?” Feinour kept his posture low as he spoke, hidden as he was in the thick foliage of the forest, it was still important to be cautious. “I count sixty, about twenty mounted, as well as some monstrous beast at the forefront, most likely the leader.” Aleya...

A Leaf of Sorrow and Strife

Feinour approached gingerly, feet treading lightly over the soft ground, as always with his time spent here, the Kurnothi was as welcoming as ever. The towering Sylvaneth warrior giving him a warm smile as he moved towards the middle of the forest clearing. Yet...

The Meeting for the North

Tl'uk stood, arrayed around the meeting structure in the High Temple of Chotec. His army had made camp outside the city and intended to stay a day or two before marching back to Xlakana and his home. “Tl'uk,” Itzli-Citlalli implored him from across the room, “you must...

Germs of Perfection

"Hello! Problem. Problem. Hello. Problem. Problemproblem! Problem." Ortus was accustomed to mountain spirits in Ymetrica. They tended to think in geologic time, and he appreciated their measured, thorough responses in conversation. River spirits like this one tried...

Da Grot an da Aelf

A frown graced the normally neutral face of Lar'yan the Scrivener as he stalked up the hill towards a clearing in the forest to the Southeast of Tlacopan. Storyteller, scribe, writer, historian, all of these words served to describe Lar'yan. He was something of an...

News of Tlacopan! #2

News from Tlacopan! #2 A saddened look came upon the Star Seers face for a moment as Jyrruds words made their way through the air, “Indeed” he quietly said before slowly walking towards away briefly before turning around and motioning for a skink that was standing...

A Scout in the Woods

The air was humid and heavy as it entered through Meveha’s nostrils and into her lungs, the air here was different. This wasn’t her first time into the valley, in fact she made regular patrols in the southern plains and eastern region of hills, highlands and...

Plans, Rivers, and Rats

“You still haven’t told me where we’re going.” Claney Beamard, Unwavering Guardian of the Forge Eternal and first Knight-Defensor of Sigmar, turned his face from the clear sky and looked down at his companion.  The Skink Starpriest’s eyes were closed, his slim,...

The Grot and the Starseer

Even with his ability to call on the great green hand of Gork to speed things up, it took Jyrrud the better part of two hours to reach the nearest Seraphon settlement in the valley. That turned out to be the great walled city of Tlacopan. Someone approaching the city...

News out of Tlacopan! #1

*News from Tlacopan! Highlights all the major happenings in Tlacopan, specifically in regards to Itzli-Citlalli and Tak’to. As the leaders of the strongest power in the valley their decrees and actions can affect all in the valley, from a single Grot to a whole...

The River Watcher

It was a good day for fishing, all things considered. Sure, another report came out today to be watching for weird creatures round the banks, but today was an "off" day for Hedrig. He sat on his canoe in the middle of the river as his fishing line rested against the...

Enter da Wizzgit

Lazy and languid, the waters of the Lustrare river slipped through the forest, leaving their mark on the entire valley in some way. Beneath the trees, for example, the waters and the humid, yet cooler air that hovered over the river's surface allowed for the growth of...

The Rise of Lazarra

Since the Necroquake, or what the Kharadron call the Garaktormun (the Great Gale of Death), rumours of ancient storm vaults being found has sent adventurers, or whole armies, in search of them. Now, one of these has been found in the lands of Argetoria. The invading...

Hanging Cupcakes

Vladan Lehr was not someone to be trifled with. The team had found themselves before the Mikronox, and knew in their bones that this was a quest that could not be unanswered, even if it was... peculiar. And so the team had traveled the Realms again, with the help of...

Argetoria Burns Again

Argetoria, yet again, burned under the flames of war. The armies that tread upon her dusty deserts, her spiralled mountain tops, and her glittering forests marched into battle to slay each other. Whether for noble goals or not, they slaughtered each other out there on...

To Cross the Realms

Borgut, Zotikos, Errrrr, and Banoffee were exhausted. They had spent weeks and weeks at Lake Bykaal serving under The Expedition, and just as they thought that they may well have a little down-time, another summons had appeared.And so the team had set off, first to...

Engines, Magma, and Blood

"It''s time to take out that wretched Aelf" Kharadron Admiral Ordo Bjornssen stood glaring at the four party members, his eyes aflame with revenge and hate. "She needs to die for this... this... crime! We all know not to trust Aelves, but this, this is worse than we...

Into Bellecks Trench

"Thank you for joining us. We have had great success with the Soulbound in this war,  we hope that you too can help us."Anruil Brighteyes himself stood before the Binding. They had made their way to the Expedition's camp, and had made themselves available to the...

Borgut Entry #2: Tinkle Toes

Ahhh. The sounds of killin. Borgut love Shyish, Borgut love Lak Bykill. Never Borgut seen so much krumpin. Borgut da best krumpa in da hole war. Dis what make Brighteyes such a smart human. He understands Borgut da best of da best der is. He send Borgut and soulbound...

Da Big Bash at Poznyy

Below is excerpts from the Turn 3 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. Perhaps the most titanic of the clashes yet in the war would come to be known among the Soulmuncherz as “Da Big Bash”. Word of a good scrap gets around fast, and...

Near Butcher’s Bay

Below is excerpts from the Turn 3 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. Dyrnawen Silverfish regarded the dead Dracoth with disgust, his burned palm trembling where he’d made the mistake of touching its mangled corpse. How many years had he...

The Thawing

Below is excerpts from the Turn 3 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. The search for the missing Lord-Celestant Han Shinzong was confusing at its best, and narrowly avoided catastrophe at its worst. Fearsome squalls racked the Thawing...

Through the Ghyrplunge

"Welcome to Lake Bykaal Soulbound! We're honoured to have such heroic individuals aiding our cause, thank you, from the depths of our hearts, we couldn't do this next mission without you brave souls!" The Dreamseed was in a tent with a number of other leaders of The...

Changing with a Storm

They had decided to start the day with a little light shopping, but Team Sparkles soon found it more... advantageous to visit their old friend Proudshard at his house. Proudshard, now back to his usual mage-y self after the ordeal with the Tzeentch spellcasters, was...

South of Old Dyunsk

Below is an excerpt from the Turn 0 Unfolding Narrative of Animosity II included here with permission. Anruil Brighteyes rubbed his temples between his thumb and index fingers. This war had hardly begun and already it felt like everything was spinning out of his...

To Save a Life

As in all things in Cerlana’s life things never go quite as planned. All she wanted to do was save a life, but today the unthinkable happened... Got light armor for Striker today! She has been so vulnerable in battle lately and I've been worried for her safety. She...

Borgut Entry #1: Sushi anyone?

Dis kina weird. Dat bloody aelf Cerlana is makin it real hard to hate her. She been teachin me ta read and write. I was finkin to write about all the great fings Borgut does, and some fings my new git friends do too. But Borgut is always da best, so I tell it...

A Friend

Borgut’s ship, the Dakkajet, rose up through the clouds, and into Da Big Blue. It was time to get his friend back. He had his fancy hat, …

Dem Foul Rats!

Dem Foul Rats!

‘Master-master, this… awkward-awkward… please don’t kill Snekch-snekch, just messenger see… but uh… we found-found more greenies…’

Into Madness

Into Madness

Borgut took in the battle around him as he parried the thousandth ethereal thrust, and banished the damned back to where it belong. Wherever

The City of Joy

The City of Joy

Vladan’s forces had been climbing for close to a week, making their way further and further into the Yhorn mountain range, higher and higher